Training (Managing Training Agencies and Courses)

Training (Managing Training Agencies and Courses)

Managing Training Agencies and Courses

Talent Management>>Training>>Courses>>Training Agencies

How to Set Up Training Agencies

Training Agencies

In HRplus, training agencies, or providers, are entered to manage courses and enroll employees. External agencies, like the University of the West Indies (UWI) or Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business can be added for enrolling staff in specialized workshops or certifications. If training is offered internally, you can set up an internal agency, like “HRplus Training Academy,” to manage employee development. For example, the Training Manager in your HR department can create and manage internal courses, enroll staff, and track their progress directly within the system.

Enter the Training Agency Details

Agency Code: Enter an acronym for the Agency name

Agency Name: Enter the name of the Training Agency

Address Line 1, 2, 3| State| Zip: Enter the address details here. Country: Select the country in which the Training Agency is located. Email address: Enter the email address of the Training Agency Website: Enter the website address here.

Telephone | Fax: Enter the Agency phone number.

Contact: Enter the name of the main contact at the training Agency and their Job Title.

Company using Agency: If in a multi-company setup, select the companies that utilize the services of this training Agency.

Rating: Select the Rating of the Training Agency

Save the record.

The next step is to How to Link an Agency to a Course.

Talent Management>>Training>>Courses>>Training Agencies>>[Select

Agency]>>[+]>>Agency Courses

Warning: If the course dates are not current or have already passed, the course will not appear as available for employee enrollment. Make sure to verify and update course dates to avoid this issue

during the enrollment process.

How does it work?

Once the course is created as part of the setup, it must then be linked here to the relevant training agency. Companies which offer courses or training internally must ascribe a name for their internal training body and define that here e.g. HRplus Campus.

  1. Step 1: Select the Training Agency and Enter Agency Courses.

  2. Step 2: Enter Course Details.

  3. Step 3: Enter Course Costs.

Link an Agency to a Course

In HRplus, an Agency Course can refer to any training program linked to external or internal entities, such as educational institutions, training providers, or private organizations. When linked within HRplus, the Agency Course option allows you to integrate training programs from these external providers directly into the employee's training and development plan, ensuring that courses from various organizations can be tracked and managed alongside internal training programs. This provides flexibility for companies to manage a broader scope of employee development.

When setting up an Agency Course in HRplus, gather necessary details from external providers and the internal training schedule, including course logistics and associated costs. This ensures a smooth setup in the system and helps track course participation and expenses effectively. All relevant fields such as course type, certification, and costs will be populated based on the information provided by the external training agencies.

Course or Program – You can choose if it is a course or program

Certificate Course – you can flag if you would be receiving a certificate from this course or program

Course Code & Course Name – Use the drop box to select your code and the Name will automatically populate below. These Cost Codes were entered in the SETUP Folder under TRAINING COURSES (If you are not seeing a course you can go back to Navigation: Talent Management >> Training >> Setup >> Training Courses How to set up Training Courses and enter a new course.)

NOTE: Also you will notice once the Cost Code is selected the Course Benefits, Course Content and who should attend fields will automatically populate based on what was entered in Training Courses in the SETUP

Step 1: Select the Training Agency and Enter Agency Courses

Training Types - Use the drop box to select your Training type. These training types were entered in the SETUP Folder under TRAINING TYPES (If you are not seeing a training type you can go back to Navigation: Talent Management >> Training >> Setup >> Training Types How to Set up the Training Types and enter a new training type.)

Contact Hours – Here you can enter the amount of hours for the listed course Then you SAVE

Agency Course Name: Enter the course name.

Step 2: Enter Course Details

Once the New Agency Course is Saved, Double click the record to re open the tab. Once the Tab is re opened you would be able to enter the course details and the Course Cost.

Delivery Method: Select the mode of delivery for the course.

Lecturer: Enter the primary lecturer's name, or if the training is conducted by a group, input the name of the main individual.

Registration Closing Date: Enter the date on which the registration period will expire.

Date From/To: Enter the training period.

Start/End Time: Enter the start and end time for the training sessions.

Course Duration: Specify the duration of the training period.

Duration Type: Select the duration type hours, days, weeks or months.

Minimum/Maximum Class Size: Enter the minimum and maximum number of participants for the training session.

In order for a course to be available for request, the course dates must be in the future and the

Registration Closing Date must not yet have passed.

Step 3: Enter Course Costs

Similarly, click on the Courses Costs link and fill out the information as prompted in the pop-up box when you click on New Record. You can enter as many costs as they pertain to the particular courses.

For example, an overseas course may be subject to travel, accommodation, meals and per diem costs. The Cost Centre # can also be inputted here to track the cost of sending employees on training.

Talent Management>>Training>>Courses>>Training Agencies>>[+]>>Certificates

Step 4: Enter Certificates

Talent Management>>Training>>Courses>>Training Agencies>>Plus Sign>>Competencies to

be Gained

Step 5: Enter Competencies To Be Gained

Talent Management>>Training>>Agency Courses>>Search By Courses

How to Search for a Training Course by Course Name

Search by Courses

There are different ways that the Training Staff (Manager) can search for a Training Course. To search for a course based on the Name of the Course follow the steps below.

Step 1: Search for a Course

Step 2: View the Agencies Offering the Selected Course

Step 3: View Course Details - Training Dates and Class Size

Step 4: View Competencies, Certificates and Qualifications

Talent Management>>Training>>Agency Courses>>Search By Competencies

How to Search by Competencies

Search by Competencies

There are different ways that the Training Staff (Manager) can search for a Training Course. To search for a course based on the Competencies to be Gained, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Search for a Competency

Step 2: View the Agencies Offering the Selected Competency

Step 3: View Certificates and Qualifications

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