Training (‌Setup)

Training (‌Setup)


Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Training Types

How to setup Training Types?

Training Types

This refers to the different categories or classifications of training programs available to employees provided by either internal or external training agencies. Here are some common types of training:

  1. On-the-Job Training (OJT): This type of training occurs while an employee is performing their regular job tasks. It's often informal and involves learning by doing.

  2. Orientation Training: Provided to new employees to familiarize them with the organization, its culture, policies, and procedures.

  3. Technical Training: Focuses on developing specific technical skills or expertise related to a particular job or industry. For example, software training for IT professionals.

  4. Safety Training: Aims to educate employees on workplace safety practices, including emergency procedures, hazard recognition, and accident prevention.

  5. Leadership and Management Training: Designed to enhance the leadership and management skills of individuals in supervisory or managerial roles.

  6. Soft Skills Training: Focuses on developing interpersonal skills like communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.

    Training Type Code: Enter a 5 digit acronym for the training description.

    Training Type Description: Enter the training type name/description.

    Click on the diskette to save the record and repeat tot enter additional records.

    Step 1: Enter a New Training Type

    Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Training Courses

    How to set up Training Courses?

    Training Courses

    A training course is a structured educational program or curriculum designed to teach specific skills, knowledge, or competencies to individuals or groups of learners. These courses can vary widely in terms of content, format, duration, and delivery methods. Some key characteristics of a training course include structured content, learning objectives, instructors or facilitators, materials and resources, assessment and evaluation, duration, certification, and delivery methods.

    Examples of training courses include:

    • Project Management Training Course: Teaches project management methodologies, tools, and techniques.

    • Language Learning Course: Helps learners acquire proficiency in a foreign language.

    • Sales and Marketing Training Course: Equips sales and marketing professionals with strategies and skills to improve sales performance.

    • First Aid Certification Course: Provides individuals with essential life-saving skills and knowledge.

      How does it work?

      The courses here represent a repository of the courses offered by your organization. They are created here and are then linked to a course type or category as part of the setup.

      If the course is an external one, the course name and details can be sourced from the agency providing the course as this may be available on a flyer or other promotional material about the course. If the training course is being done internally, then the name and details of the training manager or facilitator must be provided by your organization.

    • IT Certification Course: Prepares individuals for IT certifications like CompTIA A+ or Cisco CCNA.

Step 1: Enter a New Training Course

Course Code: Enter an acronym for the course description.

Course Name: Enter the name of the course.

Course Benefits: Enter the benefits to be gained from taking the course.

Course Content: Enter a brief description of what the course is about.

Who Should Attend: Enter the name of a department or a group/team of employees who may be recommended to take the course.

Click on the diskette to save the record and repeat to add more courses.

Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Delivery Methods

How to set up Delivery Methods?

Delivery Methods

Training delivery methods refer to the various ways in which training content is presented to participants or learners. The choice of delivery method depends on factors such as the nature of the training, the target audience, available resources, and the learning objectives. Here are some common training delivery methods:

  1. In-Person Training: This traditional method involves face-to-face interactions between instructors and learners in a physical classroom or training venue. It allows for immediate feedback and hands-on experiences. Examples include workshops, seminars, and lectures.

  2. Online Training: Online training, often referred to as e-Learning, is conducted over the internet. Participants can access course materials, videos, quizzes, and assignments through a Learning Management System (LMS) or a website. Online training offers flexibility and accessibility, making it suitable for remote or geographically dispersed learners.

  3. Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT): VILT combines the benefits of in-person training with the convenience of online delivery. Participants attend live training sessions conducted by an instructor via video conferencing tools. It allows for real-time interaction, discussions, and Q&A sessions.

  4. Self-Paced Learning: In self-paced learning, participants work through training materials independently at their own pace. This method is common in online courses and can include videos, text- based content, quizzes, and assignments. Learners have the flexibility to complete modules when it suits them.

  5. Blended Learning: Blended learning combines multiple delivery methods, such as a mix of in-person sessions and online modules. It allows for a more customized and flexible approach to training. For example, learners might attend in-person workshops and then access supplementary materials online.

  6. On-the-Job Training (OJT): OJT involves learning by doing. Learners acquire skills and knowledge while performing their regular job tasks, often with the guidance of a mentor or supervisor. It's a hands-on and practical approach.

7. Video Conferencing: This method uses video conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to conduct live training sessions remotely. It's a cost-effective way to deliver training to geographically dispersed teams or remote learners.

The choice of training delivery method should align with the learning objectives, the preferences and needs of the participants, and the available resources. Many organizations use a combination of these methods to create a well-rounded training program that maximizes learning outcomes.

Step 1: Enter a New Delivery Method

Delivery Code: Enter a code as an acronym for the the Delivery Method.

Delivery Method: Enter the name of the method by which the training is being delivered.

Save the record and repeat to enter additional Delivery Methods.

Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Rating Codes

How to set up Rating Codes?

Rating Standards

Training rating standards and points are used to assess and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of training programs. These standards are typically established by organizations, training providers, or educational institutions to ensure consistency in evaluating training outcomes. Rating points or scales are assigned to specific criteria to quantify the quality of the training. Here's an example of training rating standards and points:

Training Effectiveness Rating Standards:

Overall Effectiveness (Rating Scale: 1-5)

  • 5: Highly Effective - Training exceeded expectations and significantly improved skills or knowledge.

  • 4: Very Effective - Training was highly beneficial and had a substantial impact on skills or knowledge.

  • 3: Effective - Training met expectations and improved skills or knowledge as expected.

  • 2: Somewhat Effective - Training had some positive impact but fell short of expectations.

    How does it work?

    User defined rating standards and corresponding points must be set up here to allow the Course Provider or Course institutions to be rated. Ratings can be given by:

    1. The Training Manager who can rank the agency that is providing the course based on factors such as accreditation, quality on content in the courses delivered, course delivery, etc.

    2. The Employee/Trainee can provide an overall rating of the course.

  • 1: Ineffective - Training did not meet expectations and had little to no impact on skills or knowledge.

Step 1: Enter the Rating Standards and Points

Step 2: View the Rating Scale

Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Cost Types

How to set up Cost Types?

Cost Types

Training cost types are categories that classify the various types of expenses associated with planning, developing, and delivering training programs within an organization. Accurate cost tracking is essential for budgeting, resource allocation, and assessing the return on investment (ROI) of training initiatives. Here are some common training cost types:

  1. Direct Training Costs including instructor fees, participant materials, venue rental, travel, and accommodation.

  2. Indirect Training Costs including Administrative costs, marketing and promotion, software, and LMS.

  3. Participant Support Costs including mentoring and coaching, tuition reimbursements, certification and exam fees, etc.

  4. Miscellaneous Costs including refreshments and catering, printing, and supplies.

These are general categories of training costs, and specific organizations may have unique cost types based on their training programs, industry, and objectives. Accurate cost tracking and categorization help organizations make informed decisions about their training investments and optimize their training resources.

Cost Type Code: Enter an acronym for the Cost Type description.

Cost Type Description: Enter the description of the Cost Type. e.g. Per Diem, Meal Allowance, etc.

Default Cost: Enter the default cost if this is a fixed cost for every course. The Default Cost can also be set to zero(0) if this is a variable cost. This can then be entered for the specific instance of training.

Enter the new Cost Type

Save the record and repeat to enter additional cost types.

Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Reject Reasons

How does it work?

These are the user defined reasons for which you can reject a person from entering a course. Note that either the employee's manager or the person who manages the Training Module( referred to as the Training Staff during the setup) can only reject persons who enrolled for or requested a course

via the Self-Service module

How to set up Reject Reasons

Reject Reasons

Training reject reasons are explanations or justifications provided when a training request or application is denied or rejected by an organization or training provider. These reasons help clarify why a particular training request was not approved or why an individual was not allowed to participate in a training program. Common training reject reasons include:

  1. Lack of budget

  2. Low Enrollment

  3. Schedule Conflicts

  4. Training Program Cancellation

  5. Exceeding Capacity

  6. Resource Constraints

These reject reasons serve to ensure that training resources are allocated wisely and that training programs align with organizational goals and individual development needs. Effective communication of these reasons is crucial for transparency and understanding between the organization and the participants or requestors.

Reject Reason Code: Enter an acronym for the Reject Reason Description

Reject Reason Description: Enter the reason for the training request being rejected.

Save the record and repeat to enter additional records.

Enter the new Reject Reason

Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Cancel Reasons

How to set up Cancel Reasons?

Cancel Reasons

There are several reasons that training may be canceled either by the employee's manager or by the company's Training Manager. The employee may have been approved for the training and subsequently the training never happened for reasons which may be either within or outside of the control of the employee. Some examples of canceled reasons are:

  • Employee or facilitator fell sick

  • Training conflict arose

  • Low numbers

Enter New Cancel Reason

Cancel Code: Enter an acronym for the cancel description.

Cancel Description: Enter the reason for the training being canceled.

Save the record and repeat to enter additional reasons.

Talent Management>>Training>> Setup>>Training Staff

How to set up Training Staff?

Training Staff

Training staff refers to the individuals responsible for planning, designing, delivering, and managing training programs within an organization. These professionals play a crucial role in ensuring that employees or participants receive the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their jobs effectively. The composition of training staff may vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization, but here are some key roles and responsibilities associated with training staff:

  1. Training Manager or Director:

    • Oversees the entire training function within the organization.

    • Develops and implements the training strategy and policies.

    • Manages the training budget and resources.

    • Evaluates training program effectiveness.

  2. Training Coordinators or Administrators:

    • Assist in scheduling training sessions and managing logistics.

    • Handle participant registrations and communicate with attendees.

      How does it work?

      Once the request or approval for staff training comes in from the manager, the Training Staff receives a notification in their HRplus inbox.

      The Training Staff employee selected, can also be assigned to manage this module for one or multiple companies.

    • Manage training materials, equipment, and resources.

Step 1: Select New Training Staff

Step 2: Select the Employee Responsible and the Company for which they will be managing the Training Function

Company: Select the company to which the employee assigned as the Training Staff belongs.

Division| Department| Section: Select the division, department and section to which the training staff belongs ( Optional).

First Name| Last Name: Select the name of the employee assigned as the Training Staff.

Email Address: The email address is defaulted based on what is entered for the employee in the personnel module. If this has not been entered, then it must be completed via the personnel module for the assigned training staff to be able to get the requisite notifications.

  • Note: Employees without email addresses can be added as Training Staff.

Company Manage: Select the company for which the employee is managing the training function. Use CTRL + select to add multiple companies.

Note: Employees without email addresses can be added as Training Staff.

Save the record and repeat to add more Training Staff personnel.

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