The unprocessed punches exists as a facility to allow exception scenarios, where the timekeeper has the ability to schedule and clear the employee punches after the punches are received. Best Practice as shown to timekeepers during training is that employees should be scheduled on their shifts in advance of punching in for the day.
Note that dashboards are also available for Timekeepers to check DAILY, which will clearly show the
number of unprocessed punches linked to the employees for whom they are responsible for scheduling.
How it works?
If an employee has already been assigned to their schedule and shift before they punched in for the day, then the record of their punches will appear in Attendance Logs.
Step 1: Review the Unprocessed Punches
If an employee has punched in for the day but has NOT been mapped or assigned to a shift or schedule for that day, the record of their punches will appear in Unprocessed Punches.
Step 2: To ensure that all employees who have punched in for that day have their records pulled into the timesheet, it is important that all Unprocessed Punches for that day be cleared before the attendance logs are posted. The steps to clear the Unprocessed Punches are:
If an employee is ‘Not Mapped’ then map the employee to their Clock ID in Employee Mapping.
If an employee is `Not Assigned’ a schedule, then navigate to Scheduling and add the employee to a schedule.
Step 3: Select Fix Attendance Logs.
The Attendance Logs will now be updated with these unprocessed punches.
If the timekeeper sees a number other than zero (0) here, then they should check and clear the
Unprocessed Punches.
How to use the Unprocessed Punches Screen
Click on the drop down arrow titled "Schedule"in the search box to see if your schedule appears.
If your Schedule does NOT appear, this means that you do not have any unprocessed punches to clear.
N.B. The only exception to this is if there is a new employee assigned to you as their timekeeper. This new employee may not be setup in the Time and Attendance as yet. In this case, click on the drop down arrow titled Badge Number to see if there are any punches linked to your employee.
How it works?
When the timekeeper "clicks the button", the process to Fix Attendance Logs will use all devices linked to a timekeeper.
Each timekeeper will only “press the button” to clear unprocessed punches and the system will log that event in the processing schedule. If the timekeeper clicks more than once, the system will refuse the new click based on the old event not yet being completed. When the event is completed, an email will be sent to the user via their inbox and the unprocessed punches will be cleared. The employee's punches should now be in the Current Attendance Logs and the timekeeper should check and verify this.
The timekeeper must be aware that if other timekeepers do the same, these entries will also be in the queue. Therefore, timekeepers will have to wait until the system also processes for the other timekeepers. This is the reason why they should set or fix all their employee shifts and schedules for clearance PRIOR to “clicking on the button”.
N.B.Please pay special attention to the records that have been flagged in pink (if any) as the application is
signaling that those records require specific attention e.g. when an employee has switched his/
her shift and the change has not been reflected in the Schedule Individual Employees screen
Attendance Logs
If an employee has already been assigned to their schedule and shift before they punched in for the day, then the record of their punches will appear in Attendance Logs. Additionally, if the unprocessed punches have been "Fixed", then those punches will also now appear in the Attendance Logs.
The review of the Attendance Logs is the second step in the Daily Timekeeper process and is critical, as it allows the Timekeeper to spot any anomalies with the punches and associated times that have been assigned to the employee. At this stage the Timekeeper has the opportunity to edit attendance log attributes including which times are flagged as Punch Valid = Yes/ No/ Unknown, as only the ones flagged as "Yes"are the ones which are posted to the employee timesheet for payment and punctuality records.
How to Review the Attendance Logs?
In the Search Bar, select your Company, Schedule and date(s) of the attendance logs that are being reviewed. Ideally, this should be reviewed and filtered to show a single day's punches at a time, so that all employee records for that day can be viewed in sequence, by employee. If any employee worked on a shift that overlapped from one day to the next, then in that instance, those 2 days should be selected for review.
Click "Search".
Next, Click on the Header titled Attendance Time and then Badge Number ( in that order) to sort the data by employee and punch time.
Next, the Timekeeper should review the Attendance Logs as follows:
Check attendance logs and edit (i.e. Adjust ‘Punch Belong' , 'Punch Type’, ‘Punch Valid’ and 'Belong To') if necessary. i.e. if there are several “in” or “out” punches for a particular employee and the punch the system deemed as valid is not the one you wish to base the employee’s time on, simply select the punch which you acknowledge as valid or correct as “yes” under the Punch Valid field and the incorrect or invalid punch as “no”.
Similarly, the Punch Type field can be adjusted to reflect “in” or “out”. Please pay special attention to the records that have been flagged in pink (if any) as the application is signaling that those records require specific attention e.g. when an employee has switched his/her shift and the change
has not been reflected in the Schedule Individual Employees screen or if an employee works the overnight shift.
If you have made edits to the Attendance Log, click on the Submit button to save the records.
Once the records in the Attendance Logs have been posted to the Timesheets (which is the next step in the timekeeping process), then the records are no longer available in the Current view but in the Archived view.
Log ID: Each record in the attendance log screen generates a unique Log ID to identify the record.
Device Name: The name of the device that the employee punches are on is recorded here for reference.
Shift: The shift description/name that the employee was placed on and that the punch is linked to appears here as part of the attendance record.
Schedule: The name of the Schedule that the employee was assigned to for the day that they punched in, is recorded here for reference.
Clock ID: The Employee's unique Clock ID to which they are mapped appears here as part of the attendance record.
Badge Number: The Employee's badge number linked to their profile appears here as part of the attendance record.
First Name: The Employee's First Name appears here as part of the attendance record.
Last Name: The Employee's Last Name appears here as part of the attendance record.
Attendance Time: The actual date and time that the employee punched in is recorded here. This cannot be edited.
Punch Belong: The date to which the punch belongs is recorded here. In most instances, this date is the same as that shown in the Attendance Time, but there are scenarios where the Punch Belong date may be different. E.g. If an employee is assigned on an overnight shift, they may punch out at 2:00 am on the 3rd March, 2023 but their punch actually belongs to the 2nd March, 2023 as that is day on which the shift started.
Note that this field may be edited to change the date, in the event that there is an error.
Punch Time: This is actual attendance time captured on the device for that specific punch recorded for the employee. This cannot be edited.
Punch Type: Punches can be assigned as one of four(4) options on HRplus. The four punch types are:
In From Lunch
Out To Lunch
The Punch Type that is assigned to the punch automatically by HRplus, is based on several factors considered together. This includes:
If it was the employee's first or last punch for the day.
If the shift was setup for the employee's to punch for lunch, then punches will be assigned in the sequence expected i.e. IN, Out to Lunch, In From Lunch, OUT.
If the app. was expecting 4 punches based on the shift setup, but the employee did not punch the number of expected times.
If the employee punched in multiple times within the time limit as setup in the Punch Parameters, then only one of those punches can be deemed as the valid punch.
N.B. The Punch Type can be edited by the timekeeper, in the event that the app. has assigned the incorrect Punch Type.
Punch Valid: The Punch Validity is closely linked to the Punch Type. Punches can be assigned one of three(3) validity statuses on HRplus. The three valid statuses are:
The Punch Valid status which is assigned to the punch automatically by HRplus, is based on several factors considered together. This includes:
If the punch is assigned as an IN Punch Type and it was the employee's first punch for the day, then the validity will be assigned as YES.
If there were multiple punches for any one Punch Type whether it is IN/Out to Lunch/In From Lunch/OUT, within the time limit as setup in the Punch Parameters, and this was the app. can only assign one as Valid = Yes. The others will either be Valid = No or Unknown.
N.B. Only the Punches flagged as "Valid = Yes" are posted to the timesheets.
Belong To: Employee Punches can link to either a Normal shift in which case the "Belong To" status will be flagged as "N" OR the punch can be linked to a Second/Split shift, in which case the "Belong To"status will be flagged as "S".
Check attendance logs and edit (i.e. Adjust ‘Punch Type’ and ‘Punch Valid’) if necessary. i.e. if there are several “in” or “out” punches for a particular employee and the punch the system deemed as valid is not the one you wish to base the employee’s time on, simply select the punch which you acknowledge as valid
or correct as “yes” under the Punch Valid field and the incorrect or invalid punch as “no”. Similarly, the
Punch Type field can be adjusted to reflect “in” or “out”. Please pay special attention to the records that
have been flagged in pink (if any) as the application is signaling that those records require specific
attention e.g. when an employee has switched his/her shift and the change has not been reflected in the
Schedule Individual Employees screen or if an employee works the overnight shift.
If you have made edits to the Attendance Log, click on the Submit button to save the records.
Post To Timesheets
Once the timekeeper has verified that the employees 'attendance logs are accurate, then these records must be posted to the timesheets. The rules of the shift are applied at this stage to the punch records to attain the timesheet records. When timesheets have been posted, a message will appear to indicate that this process has been completed.
N.B. Once the records are posted for any respective day, then it cannot be posted again for the same day using this screen. If there are omitted attendance records which need to be posted for days which were previously posted, this this must be done using the Post Omitted Attendance Logs screen.
Company: Select the company.
Schedule: Select the Schedule to be posted to the timesheets.
Period From: When the Schedule is selected (and assuming that the posting to timesheets was previously done), the date will automatically be shown here as the next subsequent day after the last day that timesheets were posted until. HRplus does not allows days to be skipped when posting timesheets. This is because it assumes that it is possible for employees to work on any day of the week, therefore the employee is given all opportunity to be paid for the days worked. If the employee works on a weekend for example, the timekeeper can approve their punches and it will be included in the posted timesheets generated.
If the attendance logs have never been posted to the timesheets, then the date field here will be blank. In that case, select the date from which the attendance records are to be posted.
This is because today has not yet finished and if the attendance logs are allowed to be posted, then this means that some employee records may be missing for that day as they have not yet been recorded.
If Best Practice is being followed and the timekeeping is being done on a daily basis, the date selected here should be the next subsequent day after the date shown in "Period From". E.g. If the timekeeper is logged in today, then the "period to" should be yesterday's date.
Otherwise, if the timekeeping was not done on a daily basis but over a period of time e.g. one(1) week or perhaps a longer period, then the date selected here should be the day that all the attendance logs were verified until.
Select the Post button to post the attendance logs to the Timesheets.
Post Omitted Attendance Logs To Timesheets
This is an exception tool to enable the Timekeeper to resolve employee punch records which were missed or omitted from the initial posting of attendance records to timesheets for a certain day.
If there are still unprocessed punches for a certain date after the attendance logs have been posted to timesheets, these need to be processed. Once the unprocessed punches has been cleared, select Post Omitted Attendance Logs to Timesheets. When timesheets have been posted, a message will appear to indicate that this process has been completed.
These timesheets can now be found in the Unapproved After Post tab.
Company: Select the company.
Schedule: Select the Schedule to be posted to the timesheets.
Period From: This field is blank to allow you to select and include all the dates from which the omitted records existed in the unprocessed punches, which must be posted to the timesheets.
Period To: The date that automatically appears in this field, is the last date that the attendance logs were posted until using the "Post to Timesheets"screen. This restricts the user from posting records to the timesheets which were not omitted, but have not yet been posted using the normal method in Post to Timesheets. The date can be changed to any which is before the automatic date, and should ideally reflect the last day for which unprocessed punch records exist.
Select the Post button to post the attendance logs to the Timesheets.