Timekeeper Self-Service (Setup - Shift Scheduling for Groups by Rotating Shift Patterns)

Timekeeper Self-Service (Setup - Shift Scheduling for Groups by Rotating Shift Patterns)

Setup - Shift Scheduling for Groups by Rotating Shift Patterns

What are the steps to setup the Schedule Groups by Pattern/ Rotating Shifts?

Before proceeding with the steps below to setup and use the Shift Patterns Feature, please ensure that:

  1. Schedules have been created.

  2. Shifts have been linked to the Schedules.

  3. Employees have been added to Schedules.

  4. Ensure that the schedule groups and shift patterns have been discussed and documented in detail on the templates with HRplus Implementation Specialists before this is setup on HRplus.





Create Schedule Groups

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Schedule Group


Link Employees to Schedule Groups

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Pla Employees in Schedule Group


Create Shift Patterns

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shi Patterns>>Shift Patterns


Create a Shift Pattern Rotation (Code)

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shi Patterns>>Shift Pattern Rotation Codes


Link the Shift Pattern to the Shift Pattern Rotation

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shi Patterns>>Shift Pattern Rotations


Schedule Employees

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shi




by Pattern

Patterns>>Schedule by Pattern

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Schedule


Step 1: How to Create Schedule Groups?

Schedule Group

A Schedule Group ( this may be referred to as a Team or section within an organisation) is created to group those employees who have the same shift and off day pattern for their work rotation. This is a one- time setup when persons are added to the relevant Schedule Group.

How it works is that persons are first added to their Schedule and next the Schedule Group, which is usually based on groupings of persons belonging to that particular schedule. As a result, the group names should reflect the schedule to which the group belong.

E.g. If the Schedule Name is Warehouse, then the Schedule Groups can be named:

  1. Warehouse Group A

  2. Warehouse Group B

Company: Select the company to which the Schedule Group Belongs

Schedule Group Code: Enter the schedule group code, an acronym of the description.

Schedule Group Description: Enter the description or name of the schedule group.

Save the record and repeat to enter additional Schedule Groups.

Create a New Schedule Group

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Place

Employees in Schedule Groups

Employees in Schedule Group

If Schedule Groups are being used, then employees must be linked to their respective group prior to being scheduled on their shift patterns.

From the drop down lists. select the Company, Schedule and the Schedule Group that employees are

to be placed in.

Step 1. Enter Schedule Group Details

Employees Not in Group: This list on the left shows the names of all the employees who have been added to the selected schedule. To add employees to the selected Schedule Group, click on their names and using the forward (>>) , they can be transferred to the box on the right named Employees in Group, where they are automatically saved to the Schedule Group.

To remove employees to the Schedule Group, click on their names in the Employees in Group list on the right and using the backward double arrows (<<), move them back to the Employees Not in

Group listing on the left.

Repeat this step for as many Schedule Groups there are within the Schedule.

Step 2. Place Employees in Schedule Group

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shift Patterns

>>Shift Patterns

Step 3: How to Create Shift Patterns?

Shift Patterns

Shift Patterns comprise a specific combination of shifts and off days which make up an employee's schedule for the work week ( Monday to Sunday). For example, there may be four weekly patterns that the employee works on which follow a sequence and these combine to form ONE rotation, where the employee starts over with the first pattern when the last of the four(4) week pattern is completed.

Various patterns combine to ensure that there are enough employees working at any given time.

Prior to setting up Shift Patterns, please ensure that with the assistance of an Implementation Specialist:

  1. A mapping of the Schedules, Schedule Groups and Shift Pattern Rotations needs to be completed on a template.

  2. On another template, the Shift Patterns must be defined for each team. Note that this is the general pattern on which they work and NOT how they are supposed to work for a specific date. This may be a one, two or four week pattern upon which the employee rotates.

N.B. These shift patterns are normally setup as a one-time task as part of the configuration of the Time and Attendance module. However, should there be a change to the rotation, then this is where the pattern can be changed and saved.

Example of Schedule Group/Shift Pattern Rotation Mapping on a Template

Example of Shift Pattern Mapping on a Template

Company: Select the company for which you are setting up the shift.

Shift Pattern Code: Enter the shift pattern code which is a five(5) character acronym of the description.

Shift Pattern Description: Enter the name or description of the Shift Pattern. This is normally named after the Schedule Group or Team that works on that pattern.

Monday - Sunday: Select from the drop down list, the shift that applies to the day of the week. Shifts are visible here based on those linked to the company selected. If the employee is Off, then do not select any shift for that day and leave the field blank.

Save the record and repeat to setup additional patterns.

Create Shift Patterns

User Self Service >> Timekeeper >> Scheduling >> Shift>> Schedule Group Shift Setup >>

Shift Patterns >> Shift Pattern Rotation Codes

Step 4: How to Create a Shift Pattern Rotation Code?

Shift Pattern Rotation Codes

The Shift Rotation comprises a set of shift patterns and as a result, when naming the Rotation Description, the same premise used for that of the shift pattern should be applied here. i.e. it should be named after the Schedule or Schedule Group or team of employees who will be working on that Rotation.

E.g. For the Schedule named Sales, the Rotation Description can be called "Sales Rotation".

Enter the Rotation Code and Description

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>Shift Patterns>> Shift Pattern Rotations

Shift Pattern Rotations

A Shift Pattern Rotation consists of the Rotation Description being linked to the Shift Patterns as these are the patterns which comprise the rotation.

How it works:

  1. A Shift Pattern is selected to be linked to the Rotation.

  2. A sequence number is assigned to the pattern. e.g. A Rotation may have 3 Shift Patterns linked to it, but the order of the patterns is important. The sequence number indicates which pattern the employee works on in the correct order. The first pattern in the sequence should be numbered one(1) and then the subsequent or second pattern that the employee will work should be numbered two (2), etc. The net effect is that the patterns are linked in a loop, creating a seamless rotation pattern on which the employees can now be scheduled.

  3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated until all the patterns are linked to create the rotation.

This linkage must be completed prior to employees being scheduled on the shift pattern.

Company: Select the Company.

Shift Pattern Rotation Code and Description: Select the Shift Pattern Rotation Code and Description.

Shift Pattern Code and Description: Select the Shift Pattern. When this is selected, the saved pattern is displayed in the week days shown below.

Shift Pattern Sequence: Enter a number to assign the sequence number to the pattern. e.g. 1, 2,3, etc.

Save the record and repeat to link additional shift patterns and rotations.

Example showing Three (3) Patterns Linked to a Rotation

User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>Schedule Group Shift Setup>>

Shift Patterns>>Schedule by Pattern

Step 6: How to Schedule by Pattern?

Schedule By Pattern

This final step is where employees can be scheduled by Shift Pattern. How it works is:

  1. The Company and Schedule Group is selected.

  2. The shift pattern rotation applicable to the Schedule Group is selected.

  3. The sequence number of the pattern that the employees start on for a specific date is selected. Note that this day MUST be a Monday.

  4. Since the patterns are mapped based on a 7 day work week, each pattern is applied for 7 days.

  5. The pattern can be applied until a date selected and this day MUST be a Sunday. This means that the pattern can be applied for the entire year. Any shift changes to individual days can be easily facilitated by using the Schedule Individual Employee option.

Step 1. Schedule Employees by Pattern

Step 2. Select the relevant options to schedule the employees by pattern

Schedule from Company: Select the Company that the Schedule Group belongs to.

Schedule Group: Select the Schedule Group to be placed on their shifts.

Using Shift Pattern Rotation: Select the Shift Pattern Rotation that employees in the Schedule Group are to be placed on.

Starting with Shift Pattern Sequence: For the Schedule Group selected, select the sequence number of the pattern that they are starting on, based on the date selected in the next field. This determines which shift pattern they are placed on for that week and ultimately for the rest of the rotation. E.g. Schedule Group A may start the rotation with sequence 1 on Monday 6th Feb. 2023 while Schedule Group B may start the same rotation with sequence 2 on the same date. This ensures there is coverage for all shifts on a given day.

On (Date) : For the Schedule Group selected, select the date from which the employees will start their shift pattern rotation.

N.B. This day MUST be a Monday as this is the day the pattern starts.

Applying each Pattern for        days: Enter the number 7 in this field as each pattern is mapped out based on a 7 day work week from Monday to Sunday.

Until (Date): For the Schedule Group selected, select the date until which the employees will end their shift pattern rotation. Any date int he future can be selected and it is recommended that the schedule be rolled out for a minimum of 6 months to one year, so this becomes an annual or bi- annual task.

N.B. This day MUST be a Sunday as this is the day the pattern ends.

Float Employee:

  • Select YES if employees are "floating" and are automatically given a shift based on the time they clock in for work.

  • Select NO if employees are not floating, and are assigned a specific shift for each work day.

    Omit Holidays:

  • If the employees in the schedule group are to be scheduled for work on holidays, then select NO.

  • If they are NOT to be scheduled for work on a holiday, then select YES.

Click on the Save Schedule by Pattern button.

NB. This step must be completed for each Schedule Group within the Rotation.

Step 3. View the Successfully Saved Shift Pattern

Step 4. View the Employees after being Scheduled Using Shift Patterns

Example of Employees who are not Scheduled on Shifts

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