Prior to scheduling an employee on a shift, the employee must first be:
There are several options available to schedule an employee on a shift as follows:
HRplus Time>>Scheduling>>Shift>>General Shifts Setup>>Schedule Selected Employees
Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>General Shifts Setup>>Schedule Selected Employees
Shift Scheduling - Schedule Selected Employee
Insert/edit/delete/view user-defined shifts. Shift times are based on the 24-hour clock. Shifts define the criteria for each working day of the week: the start and end time of each day in the work week.
This option of scheduling is primarily used for those employees who work in administrative jobs or where they work on the same shift for set days within the week, from one week to the next. Additionally, it is used for those employees who may be scheduled in one of the following ways:
Every Day in a selected time period.
Monday - Friday
Certain Days of the Week
A number of days on and a number of days off
The scheduling of employees on their shift is normally done by the Timekeeper who is responsible for the schedule that those persons work on.
Company: Select the company to which the employees belong who are being placed on their shift Schedule: The Timekeeper must select the schedule for which they are responsible from the drop down list. If they are responsible for multiple schedules, then only ONE can be selected at this time.
Shift Code: Select the shift that the employees are being scheduled on for the selected time period. (Note that this is optional and is normally not selected when scheduling employees.)
Schedule Date: Select the date from which the employees were saved to the schedule, and for which they have not yet been scheduled on a shift.
Division| Department| Section: Filter the names of employees shown for schedule by selecting the relevant division,department or section. (Optional and not normally used.)
Filter Employee: This list of filtered employees based on the Company and Schedule Date selected (and division/department/section if used) is visible here for the employees to be added to their shift. Double click on the names of those persons who are to be placed on the selected shift to move them to the list on the right.
Employee in Shift: This list shows all the employees who were moved from the list on the left and who will be placed on the selected shift for the time period. If a name was mistakenly added to the list and is to be removed and returned to the filtered list on the left, then double click to revert.
To add more names, double click the relevant name(s) on the left to add them to this list.
From Date: Select the date from which the employee in the "Employees in Shift"list will be scheduled on the selected shift.
To Date: Select the date to which all the employees in the "Employees in Shift"list will be scheduled on the selected shift.
N.B. Note that when using this scheduling option, persons can be scheduled for the entire year if required as their shift and days of work are consistent and rarely changes. If there is an exception and their shift has to be changed on a particular day for any reason, this can be easily changed using the Schedule Individual Employee option.
Type of Scheduling: Choose the type of scheduling based on one of the options below.
Every Day in a selected time period: Select this option if the selected employees work every day of the week on the selected shift i.e. Monday - Sunday. N.B. This will be their pattern of work for the entire period for which they are being scheduled.
Monday - Friday: Select this option if the selected employees work Monday to Friday, one ONE shift for the entire week. N.B. This will be their pattern of work for the entire period for which they are being scheduled.
Certain Days of the Week: Select this option if the selected employees work on certain days of the week, and then select the days that they do work. e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, etc. N.B. This will be their pattern of work for the entire period for which they are being scheduled.
A number of days on and a number of days off: Select this option if selected employees work a certain number of days on and a number of days off. Once selected, then pick the days of the week that you wish to schedule the employees for. If they are working on that week day, select YES and if they are NOT working on that day, select NO. N.B. This will be their pattern of work for the entire period for which they are being scheduled.
Float Employee: Select NO if the employees work on the shift to which they are assigned. (This is the option most frequently used.)
Only select YES if the shifts linked to the schedule have been setup as consecutive shifts and the employees' shift will be assigned based on their IN/OUT punch time, and not on what has been scheduled for them. As such they are considered to be "Floating Employees" as they float between shifts.
Omit Holidays: If the employees do not work on holidays, select YES. The days flagged as holidays on the calendar will be omitted when the shifts schedule is saved.
Otherwise, select NO if the employees DO work on holidays. If NO is selected, then employees will be assigned shifts on days flagged as holidays on the calendar.
Click the scroll bar in the employee listing on the right, to highlight all employees in BLUE to be scheduled. Only those records highlighted in Blue will be added to the shift.
Once all fields are selected, click Save Shift Schedule (on the bottom right of the screen) to save the record. At this point shifts will be assigned to the selected employees for the entire time period indicated.
This can be viewed in the Schedule individual Employee Screen for verification.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Shift>>General Shifts Setup>>Schedule
Individual Employee
Schedule Individual Employees
This option is used to assign individual employees to their Normal shifts. This shift scheduling method is recommended to be used for employees whose shifts are dynamic (change everyday/very often).
This screen provides a two(2) week view of the employee's shift schedule which starts on a Monday from the date selected.
There are two (2) primary uses for this screen:
To schedule employees on their shifts for a selected period.
To change the employee's shift.
In the Search Bar:
View by Schedule: Enter the Company, Schedule name and Week Start Date. Click search to see the shifts assigned for ALL employees who belong to that schedule.
View by Individual Employee: Select the Company. Schedule name, Employee name and week
start date. Click search to see the schedule for the employee selected ONLY.
Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Normal Shifts
HRplus Time>>Schedules >>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Normal Shifts
Normal Shifts
This view allows the Timekeeper to be able to see all the details of the shifts that an employee may be assigned to for their first shift or normal shift for the respective days.
If an employee is to be scheduled on a second or split shift, they must first be placed on a normal shift for that day. Additionally, the shift times of the normal and second/split shift must not overlap.
Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Split/Second Shifts
HRplus Time>>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Split/Second Shifts
Split/Second Shifts
An employee may work on a second or split shift which divides their work day into two parts. Normally lunch breaks do not apply to these split shifts and they are separated by breaks of two or more hours.
Prior to an employee being placed on a second shift, they must be placed on their first or normal shift for that day. Additionally, the times of the second or split shift must not overlap the first/normal shift as the application does not permit this type of scheduling.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Normal Shifts (or
Split Shifts)
Employees MUST be removed from their Shift BEFORE they are removed from their schedule
This option is to be used if you need to remove an employee from a shift (whether Normal or Split) for a specific period or permanently.
Search for the employee to be removed by selecting his/her Last Name and Schedule Dates fields. Click on the Search button.
If all records within the time period selected are to be deleted, simply click on the check box at the top right (next to Badge Number). This will check off all records.
Next, click on the Delete button.
Alternatively, you can delete each record one by one.
HRplus Time/ Timekeeper >> Schedules >> Scheduling >> Employee Shift Views >> Employee
Employee Hours
View employee shift schedules in a two week view which for the month for both their normal/first shift and the second/split shift.
Total Payment of hours is also visible on this screen if the user has permission to the relevant Pay Groups. View Employee Schedule in Hours
If employee scheduling is based on a number of hours which must be met for the week, the shifts can be changed when using another view of this screen.
View the employee Total Hours scheduled for the week and for every two weeks. This can be
viewed for both the Normal Shift Type (N) and Second Shift (S).
HRplus Time >> Schedules >> Shifts>> General Shift Setup >> Schedule by Hours
• To change the shift, select the drop down arrow and choose one from the options available.
The employee hours for the week will be updated accordingly when the record is saved.
Save the record.
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Employee Shift Views>>Shifts Per Month
Shifts Per Month
View employee shift schedules for the month for both their normal/first shift and the second/split shift. The shift can also be changed from this view.
• To change the shift, select the drop down arrow and choose one from the options available.
Save the record.
HRplus Time>>Scheduling>>Schedules>>Employee Transfer
Timekeeper>>Scheduling>>Employee Transfer
To be able to use this feature, the Core user or Timekeeper who uses this Employee Transfer option must have permission or access to the relevant Schedule(s) that the employee is being transferred from/to.
If the user does not have permission, then this must be granted by either the system administrator or Core Time and Attendance user. Alternatively, the Core T&A User who may have permission to all the schedules, can have the responsibility of performing any employee transfers.
Employee Transfer
The Employee Transfer option is used for the following:
To transfer an employee from one shift and schedule to another, whether for an extended or specific period. This is especially used for department transfers when using the Schedule Selected Employees or Schedule Individual Employees options are not feasible as they only allow a shift change and not the combination of both a shift and schedule change.
An alternative to place an employee on a Second Shift.
To schedule temporary employees for a specific time period.
Second Shift: If the employee is being placed on a second shift, then select YES. Otherwise if this screen is being used for a shift transfer for the employee's normal shift, then select NO.
Schedule: Select the Schedule that the employee is being transferred to. If only a split/second shift is being added and a schedule change is not required, then select the normal schedule that the employee currently belongs to.
Shift: Select the shift that the employee is being transferred to for the time period selected.
Date From and Date To: Select the dates for which the schedule and/or shift change will apply.
Float Employee: If the employee is floating select YES, otherwise select NO if the employee is being assigned a specific shift.
Omit Holidays: Select YES if the employee is being schedule to work this shift on holidays. Otherwise select NO if the employee does not work on holidays.
Type of Scheduling: Select one of the available options as listed below:
Every Day in the Time Period.
Mon- Fri only
Certain Days of the Week
A certain number of days off and days on.
Costing: If the cost center to which the employee belongs changes based on where they work, then select/change the relevant Division/Department/Section/Location/Project/Phase/Job that the costing is to be applied, for work on the days selected for the transfer. Note that this change will be reflected in the General Ledger (GL), if the employee timesheets are being paid from the Time and Attendance module.
If the cost center is not being used or does not change, then do not change the default options based on the entities of the employee's substantive position.
Click Submit to save the record.
The changes made to to the employee's schedule can be viewed in the Normal Shift View or Second/
Split Shift View accordingly.