Succession (‌Filling Successor Positions)

Succession (‌Filling Successor Positions)

Filling Successor Positions

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events

Managing the Readiness Assessment Event

Managing the Readiness Assessment Event

The Readiness Assessment Event is a critical step in evaluating candidates for succession. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, the following readiness setup components must be fully configured before initiating the event:

  1. Assessor Type Setup: Define the roles involved in the assessment process and their responsibilities.

  2. Job Assessor Mapping: Assign specific assessors to each job and map them to predefined assessor types.

  3. Readiness Indicators: Establish the criteria for evaluating readiness, tailored to each job or staff type.

  4. Readiness Form: Create a structured form with all relevant indicators for evaluators to complete.

  5. Readiness Overall Rating: Configure the system to calculate and display the final readiness score based on aggregated inputs.

Steps to Initiate and Manage the Readiness Assessment Event

Once the readiness setup is complete, HR can initiate the assessment event with the following steps:

  1. Initiate the Readiness Assessment Event

    HR initiates the readiness assessment event for a specific job being evaluated for succession. This step ensures that all required data, configurations, and criteria are properly linked to the event. For each identified potential candidate for the role, a readiness assessment form is automatically generated, enabling a structured and consistent evaluation process tailored to the job’s requirements.

  2. Review Records for Accuracy

    The assessment records are automatically created in the "For Review" screen. HR reviews these records to confirm that the details are accurate and align with the predefined setup.

  3. Distribute the Readiness Form to Evaluators

    HR sends the readiness form and it is sent to each of the designated evaluators. Each evaluator completes their portion of the form at their convenience. The Succession Staff receives a notification when each evaluator/assessor completes the Readiness Assessment form.

  4. Aggregate Scores and Finalize Readiness Rating

When all evaluators have submitted their responses, the system tallies the points based on the weights for their assigned sections and the system aggregates the scores. The final readiness score places the

candidate into one of the predefined categories. e.g.: Ready Now, Ready in 1-2 Years, or Needs Development.

This structured process ensures a comprehensive and collaborative evaluation, incorporating both strategic insights from HR and direct observations from managers.

Step 1: Initiate the Readiness Assessment Event

Enable the Feature Restrict Event Naming

Step 2. Create the Readiness Event Name

Step 3. Create the Readiness Event

Step 4: Review the Readiness Assessment Form

Step 5: Send Readiness Form to Evaluators

Succession>>Successor Positions>>Successor Positions

How to Select a Successor

Selecting a Successor

When a successor position becomes available, typically due to natural progression or planned succession, HR begins by conducting a readiness assessment after the leadership plan has been completed. Once a suitable successor is identified, HR can create a record for the position of the outgoing employee, noting the reason the role is becoming vacant. Upon saving and expanding this record, profiles of qualified candidates are displayed, allowing HR to review and select the planned successor for a smooth transition into the role.

Step 1: Create a Record for the Position of the Outgoing Employee

Company: Select the organization to which the position belongs.

Division: Specify the major business area within the company, often representing a large segment or functional unit (e.g., Finance, Operations).

Department: Identify the specific department within the division where the role is located.

Section: Indicate the subsection of the department.

Job: Select the job title or position name, clearly specifying the role for which succession planning is being done.

Seeking Successor for Employee: Identify the current employee holding the position who requires a planned successor due to upcoming vacancy or organizational changes.

Availability Reason: Provide the reason for the position becoming available.

Replacement Date: Enter the expected date when the successor will assume the position. After saving, select 'New record' to continue adding more successor positions as needed.

Successor candidates previously linked to this job are displayed here, ready for selection to fill the

role. You may review the gap analysis below before making your selection.

Step 2: View Profiles of Qualified Candidates

Step 3: Select the Planned Successor

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