Succession (Setup)

Succession (Setup)

Succession Setup

Succession>>Succession setup>>Assessment Setup>>Assessment Ratings

How to Set Up Assessment Ratings

Assessment Ratings

Assessment Ratings are used to evaluate the potential of employees selected for the company’s talent pool. This includes individuals in critical roles or high performers chosen by their managers or executive leadership. These assessments are tailored to measure leadership readiness and future potential rather than general performance, allowing a focused review of employees who are strong candidates for succession.

Once assessed, candidates move further through the succession pipeline, where their fit for key leadership roles is evaluated in depth, guiding targeted development and placement decisions.

Set Up Assessment Ratings

Company: Select the relevant company from a drop-down list.

Rating Standards: Descriptive categories that indicate the employee's readiness or risk level, typically defined as. For example:

  • Not Ready: Requires significant development before being considered for leadership roles.

  • Somewhat Ready: Shows promise with moderate development needs; a potential future candidate.

  • Fully Ready: Demonstrates strong leadership potential and is well-prepared for succession.

Points: Each rating is assigned a corresponding point value to quantify assessment outcomes, supporting standardized comparisons across candidates.

After completing these fields, save the ratings by clicking the Submit button.

Succession>>Succession setup>>Assessment Setup>>Overall Ratings

Important Note: A company can set an unlimited number of rating bands; however, the maximum number on the rating scale should be calculated by multiplying the total number of questions by the highest rating available in the assessment scale. For example, if there are 10 questions and the

maximum rating per question is 3, then the highest rating band should be set to 30.

For consistency, it is recommended that the rating scale aligns with the overall rating scale in both the 360 and Appraisal modules, if these are also used. For instance, if both modules use five rating bands, the assessment should also use five bands, rather than, say, three, to ensure uniformity across

evaluations and ease of comparison when referenced in the 9-Box calculation.

How to Set Up Assessment Overall Ratings

Assessment Overall Ratings

The Overall Rating Bands in the Assessment framework provide a structured method for assigning a final qualitative rating—such as "Not Ready" or "Fully ready"—based on feedback from managers. These predetermined rating ranges ensure consistent evaluation of an employee’s performance across by their manager.

Assessment Overall Ratings

Company: Choose the company for which you are configuring the rating scale to ensure the standards apply specifically to that organization.

Rating Standards and Bands:

Step 1: Start with the lowest rating standard, e.g., "Not Ready." When you enter this standard, the Lower Band number will auto-populate as 0. Enter the Upper Limit for this rating band to two decimal places, such as 6. Save this record to lock in the first band.

Step 2: Enter the next rating standard, for example, "Needs Development." The Lower Band will automatically set to the next sequential number after the previous upper limit (e.g., 6.01). Enter the Upper Limit for this new band, such as 12, and save the record.

Step 3: Continue defining each rating standard in sequence from lowest to highest until all desired rating bands are configured. For example, continue to add bands up to the maximum defined points (e.g., up to 30 or as required).

Succession>>Succession setup>>Assessment Setup>>Assessment Questions

How to Set Up Assessment Questions

Assessment Questions

Assessment questions are designed specifically for managers to evaluate an employee's potential as part of the broader performance criteria. This assessment provides structured insights into the employee’s capabilities, growth potential, and readiness for future roles within the organization. By focusing on managerial evaluation, these questions offer a focused view of the employee’s strengths, areas for improvement, and alignment with the organization’s development goals.

Company: Select your company from the drop-down list.

Assessment Questions: Enter the questions that will be used by the manager to evaluate the employee's leadership potential.

Category: Select either Potential for Promotion or Risk of Leaving based on the focus of the question.

Assessment Questions

After completing these fields, save the ratings by clicking the Submit button.

Succession>>Succession setup>>Critical Jobs Mapping

How to set up Critical Jobs

Critical Jobs

This section helps organizations identify and categorize roles essential to operational success and strategic goals. By mapping jobs to specific criticality levels, organizations can highlight positions that, if left unfilled or occupied by an underprepared successor, could significantly impact performance or continuity. This structured mapping enables targeted development efforts, risk mitigation, and succession planning to ensure that the most vital roles have strong potential successors aligned with organizational needs.

Critical Job Level: Enter the criticality level for the role (e.g., 1, 2 and 3)

Step 1: Define Critical Job Levels

Description: Enter a description to define the importance of this level. (e.g., Priority 1, Priority 2, etc.)

Expanding each level allows you to select and assign specific jobs, ensuring each role is appropriately categorized based on its strategic value and impact.

Succession>>Succession Setup>>Availability Reasons

How to Set Up Availability Reasons

Availability Reasons

These refer to the specific circumstances that lead to a successor position becoming available. These reasons help organizations plan for transitions and ensure that they have the right talent in place to step into critical roles when needed. Common examples include retirement, resignation, promotion, re- organisation, performance issues, relocation or termination. Understanding these reasons is essential for effective succession planning and helps identify when a position requires a qualified successor.

Step 1: Enter an Availability Reason

Availability Code: Enter a user-defined availability code.

Description: Enter a description of the availability reason.

Step 2: View Availability Reasons

Succession>>Succession Setup>>Succession Staff

How to Set Up Succession Staff

Succession Staff

The designated staff member will be responsible for the setup and ongoing management of processes within the Succession Planning module. They will handle nominations for succession, oversee updates to the talent pool and manage the review cycle for potential successors. This role requires a clear understanding of the approval workflow for succession nominations, as well as the ability to track and document readiness evaluations, ensuring a seamless and structured approach to developing future leaders within the organization.

The designated Succession Module Administrator receives notifications within the module, including:

  • When a manager submits the final Employee Assessment Form.

  • When each evaluator/assessor completes the Readiness Assessment Form.

Company: Select the company. If the staff member is responsible for the Succession Planning in

multiple companies, then press CTRL to select multiple options.

Division Code/Name: Select the code and name. Department Code/Name: Select the code and name. Section Code/Name: Select the code and name.

Badge Number: Select the employee badge number.

First/Last Name: Select the employee first and last name.

Email Address: Auto populates with the selected employees email address.

Company Manage: Select all the companies that the employee is responsible for.

Succession Staff

View the Saved Succession Staff Record

Succession Setup>>Readiness Setup>>Assessor Type Setup

How to Set Up Assessor Types

Assessor Types

Succession planning relies on robust readiness assessments to evaluate candidates for leadership roles. Incorporating multiple evaluators ensures a well-rounded view of candidate suitability. Here’s how to define and implement user-defined assessor types effectively:

Key Assessor Types and Roles

  1. Manager: Evaluates performance, strengths, and development needs.

  2. HR: Assesses alignment with organizational policies and long-term goals.

  3. Executive Leadership: Provides strategic insights based on organizational objectives.

Structured Evaluation Process

  1. Define Assessor Roles: Assign clear responsibilities and criteria for each evaluator.

  2. Establish Evaluation Sequence:

    • Manager’s Assessment: First, offering direct performance insights.

    • HR’s Evaluation: Next, focusing on organizational alignment.

    • Executive Review: Finally, considering the broader context.

By organizing assessor types and implementing a sequential workflow, organizations can ensure consistent, strategic, and comprehensive readiness assessments.

Company: Select the company from which the assessor will be chosen.

Assessor Type: Define the type of assessor.

Order: Enter the sequence in which the Assessors will complete their tasks on the evaluation form.

Enable: Select to enable the Assessor Type.

Define Assessor Type and Order

Succession Setup>>Readiness Setup>>Job Assessor Mapping

How to Set Up the Job Assessor Mapping

Job Assessor Mapping

Each job may require a unique set of evaluators to assess a candidate's readiness. These evaluators can vary based on the role's requirements and the organizational structure. To streamline this process, assessors for each job can be assigned and mapped to pre-defined assessor types, ensuring consistency and alignment across evaluations. This approach allows organizations to customize the readiness assessment process while maintaining a structured framework for decision-making.

Company: Select your company.

Step 1. Select the Jobs for which Successors are to be Evaluated

Job: Select the Job that corresponds to the assessor type.

Each assessor type can only be assigned to one individual for a specific job.

Step 2. Select the Assessor Type and evaluator for the Job

Succession Setup>>Readiness Setup>>Readiness Overall Rating

How to Set Up the Readiness Overall Rating

Readiness Overall Rating

The Readiness Overall Rating screen provides a consolidated view of a candidate's readiness for succession, based on their performance in the readiness assessment. The overall score is calculated as an average of the 1-3 rating scale used in the readiness forms by the evaluators (Manager, HR and Executives). This score places the candidate into one of three readiness categories. For example:

  • Ready Now: Fully prepared to assume the role immediately.

  • Ready in 1-2 Years: Demonstrates potential but requires further development or experience.

  • Ready in 3-5 Years: Requires significant growth and preparation before being considered for the role.

Set Up Readiness Overall Rating

Company: Select your company.

Rating Standards: Enter the descriptions for your rating standards.

Rating Band: Enter the rating band for the corresponding rating standards.

Succession Setup>>Readiness Setup>>Readiness Indicators

How to Set Up Readiness Indicators

Readiness Indicators by Staff Type

In succession planning, assessing a candidate's readiness for a role involves collaboration among key evaluators, such as the manager, HR, and other predefined or user-defined assessors. These evaluators contribute to different sections of the readiness assessment form, focusing on criteria tailored to the candidate’s role and organizational needs. The assessment process incorporates weighted scoring, where each indicator’s importance is defined based on the staff type, ensuring a fair and consistent evaluation framework.

If staff types are not being used, or if the organization opts to use a single readiness form for all roles across the company, the staff type field should be left blank. This simplifies the process while maintaining the flexibility to evaluate readiness consistently across various positions. By mapping specific readiness indicators and assigning appropriate weights, organizations can generate a comprehensive readiness score that aligns with the unique requirements of each role or the company as a whole.

Note. The total weight of all indicators for each staff type must add up to 100.

Company: Select your company.

Readiness Indicator: Enter your readiness indicators as needed.

Staff Type: Select the staff type that the indicator is based on.

Assessor Type: Select the assessor type.

Weight %: Enter the weighting of the readiness indicator ensuring that each category of staff type adds up to 100.

Set Up Readiness Indicators

Succession Setup>>Readiness Setup>>Readiness Form

How to Set Up the Readiness Form

The Readiness Form

The final stage of succession planning involves a structured evaluation to determine the most suitable successor for a critical role. The Readiness Form, tailored by staff type, consolidates key criteria to assess candidates systematically. Using a predefined 3-point rating scale, evaluators score candidates on criteria such as Leadership Potential, Interpersonal Skills, and Acting Experience, with clear options to select from for each.

The Readiness Indicator Scoring Guide shown below provides a structured reference for evaluators using the readiness form, outlining what constitutes a high, moderate, or low score for each indicator.

Points are assigned for each option selected, and the aggregated score determines the candidate’s readiness. The result is an overall score that places the candidate into one of the readiness categories, allowing for a fair, structured and objective selection. This process ensures that the company Leadership strategic perspective, HR’s and the manager’s direct insights are incorporated into the final rating, making the decision more balanced and informed.

Company: Select your company.

Staff Type: Select the staff type that the indicator is based on.

Readiness Indicator: Select the readiness indicators (for the linked assessor type) for which the guidelines are to be defined.

Readiness Rating Scale: Enter detailed descriptions as a Readiness Indicator Scoring Guide to be used as a structured reference for evaluators using the readiness form, outlining what constitutes a high, moderate, or low score for each indicator.

Click Submit to save all records or click the disk icon at the end of a row to save an individual record.

Repeat for additional staff types as needed. If a single form applies to the entire company, staff type selection is not required.

Set Up the Readiness Form

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