Recruitment (‌Set Up Applicants)

Recruitment (‌Set Up Applicants)

Set Up Applicants

Home>>Recruitment>>Company Vacancies

How does it work?

  1. Employees can view Job Openings

    1. View Vacancies

    2. View Job Description

    3. View Primary Responsibilities

    4. View Competencies

    5. View Job Qualification

  2. Employees can Apply for Job Vacancy

    1. Upload Resume

    2. Apply for Job

How can I view and apply for a Job Opening?

Internal Applicants

After a requisition is approved, all employees can view the internal vacancy and apply for any position.

View Job Openings

Step 1: Log into the Employee Self-Service and View Company Vacancies

Step 2: View Job Description

Before applying, internal employees can view details of the job (set up in the Personnel module via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs).

Step 3: View Primary Responsibilities

Step 4: View Job Competencies

Step 5: View Job Qualification

Apply for a Job Opening

Step 1: Upload Resume

Applicants can also upload their updated resumes via the Upload Resume button.

Step 2: Download/View Resume

Step 3: Apply for a Job

Once employees have viewed the job details, they are free to apply for the job.

Step 4: View Notification

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Applicants>>Internal Applicants

How to View Internal Job Applicants

Internal Applicants

After a requisition is approved, all employees can view the internal vacancy and apply for any position. Internal applicants can apply for multiple jobs within their company only.

HR can then view all the internal job applicants.

A record of the Applicant's application will be displayed.

Step 1: View Internal Applicants

The following fields can be updated as follows:

Status: Either approve or reject the application.

Expected Salary: Enter an expected salary for the position.

Applied Date: Auto populated with the application submission date but can be updated.

Rating: A rating can be given to the applicant at this stage.

Step 2: Update Internal Applicants

Step 3: Upload Internal Applicant Resume

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Applicants>>External Applicants

How to View/Enter External Job Applicant Details

External Applicants

There are two (2) ways to enter/upload resumes for external applicants:

  1. Enter individual applicant details including uploading resumes.

  2. Download an Excel template and import the records.

Option 1: Enter External Applicant Details

Step 1: Enter External Applicant Details

• The above screen is used to enter an applicant’s basic data.

  • A system-generated unique Applicant ID will be assigned to each applicant record for identification purposes. You are not allowed to edit this.

  • JOB APPLIED FOR: All jobs within the selected company will be displayed in the list. An applicant may apply for more than one job in the same company. Simply control-click or shift- click to select the jobs. These jobs may or may not be linked to a staff request. To view the jobs for which the applicant has applied, click on the Job Applied For tab.

Step 2: Upload Resume

Click the Upload Resume button for the selected applicant – Browse to select the file - to upload to the system. The file will be an attachment to the applicant’s record.


Upload Resume: supported file formats include .doc, .xls,.pdf, .png., .jpg.

docx and .xlsx file formats are not supported.

Step 3: View Resume

Step 4: Enter Additional External Applicant Details

Additional applicant details can be entered via the appropriately-named tabs:

  1. Job Applied For

    1. The jobs, date applied and expected salary for which the applicant has applied will be listed based on Company.

  2. Education

  3. Employment History

  4. Professional Qualifications

  5. Work Profile

  6. Other Training

  7. Professional Membership

  8. Competencies

  9. Computer Literacy

  10. References

  1. Languages

  2. Hobbies

  3. Medical Data

Option 2: Import External Applicant Details via the Template

Step 1: Download the Template

Step 2: Enter External Applicant Details into Template

Ensure that all required fields are completed.

Step 3: Import the External Applicants

Step 4: View Imported External Applicants

The screen will display all jobs applied for.


Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[Select Staff

Request]>>[+]>>Start Here>>[Select Task]>>Select Applicants

How to Select Shortlisted Applicants for a Job

Shortlisting Applicants

Once the application deadline has passed and you've entered your external applicants and reviewed your internal applicants, you can begin shortlisting candidates for the next stage of the recruitment process.

An asterisk (*) denotes tasks to which applicants are linked.

Step 1: Navigate to the Approved Job Request and Select the Task

Applicants may vary at each Task in the recruitment process.


Note: When the task Date Due is entered, the buttons "Link Task Documents" and "Select

Applicants" become available for selection.

Step 2: Update the Task titled "Shortlist Candidates"

Step 3: Select Applicants

• The Applicants displayed are those who have applied for the Job (under the selected requisition number).

  • To select applicants from this basic list and add them to the task, click the Select button.

Step 4: View Selected Applicants

• Click the Deselect button if an applicant has to be removed from the Task.

  • Once Applicants are selected, they will be moved to the Selected Applicants box and the Task will be updated to display the blue asterisk (*) which indicates that applicants have been linked:

• Repeat the process to select additional applicants to the various tasks if required.

Note: This can be used to upload applicant's resumes for review by panel members before conducting interviews.

Home>>Recruitment>>My Recruitment Tasks

Step 6: Interview Panel Members can View Linked Task Documents



How to Create Letter Templates for Job Applicants

Letter Templates

HR creates and manages standard letter templates to communicate with applicants throughout the recruitment process, including letters for interview scheduling, job offers, and expressions of job interest.

These templates can be customized for different types of letters needed at various stages of recruitment. Two key templates commonly used during this process are:

  • Invitation to Interview

  • Successful Applicant Letter

These templates help streamline communication and ensure consistency when interacting with candidates.

Step 1: Set Up Letter Templates

Step 2: Select the Template Configurations

Company: Select the company the letter is being created for.

Template Type: Select Applicant Template if the letter is to applicants or Onboarding Staff Template if the letter is to send to members of staff responsible for onboarding new employees.

Template Name: Enter user-defined name for the template.

Step 3: Enter the Template Details and Layout

To construct the letter:

  1. Compose the text of the letter.

  2. Select the field from the drop-down list.

  3. Position the cursor where you wish to insert the field.

  4. Click Insert Placeholder.

  1. Use the formatting buttons to format the letter as you wish.

  2. Save the letter.

Enter the content of your letter. Use the formatting options to format as you wish.

  • When formatting field names (bold, italic etc.), please ensure that the field name, including the curly brackets, is selected. If not, an error may occur and the letter will not print.

  • The field names will be replaced by the actual values when the letter is generated

  • Insert Placeholder: placeholders are the system field names that are retrieved from

    the HRplus database and displayed in the drop-down list. Place the cursor in the letter where you wish to put the field. Select the field name from the dropdown and click the Insert

    Placeholder button. These placeholders will be replaced by the actual field values when the letter is generated.

  • Insert Image: click this button to select and insert a saved image (company logo, signature) into the letter: JPG, PNG and any other picture formats are supported.

  • Save when completed. Repeat to set up additional letters.


Applicant Template:

The Placeholders (field names) currently available via the drop-down list. The list may be updated with additional placeholders.

Onboarding Staff Template:

The Placeholders (field names) currently available via the drop-down list. The list may be updated with additional placeholders.

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