Onboarding simulates the company-specific integration process that is employed when new employees join the organization. It allows new hires to quickly adapt to the organization’s culture and learn the attitudes and behaviours that allow them to function effectively within the organization. Like Offboarding, Self-Service and Notifications are also incorporated and screens are included wherever required.
The feature currently consists of the following menu options:
Onboarding Staff: via this option, HR can set up the members of staff who are responsible for
integrating the new employees into the organization (e.g. HR, IT, Employee’s Manager).
Onboarding Checklists: the formation of user-defined checklists by HR to ensure that everything has been covered as the new employee joins the organization (e.g. are documents intact, references checked; Email activated).
Company Documents: allows HR to identify/upload and link to documents/videos that new employees must be aware of/read/have (e.g. Company policies, organization chart, Training videos, employee’s police certificate of character, employee’s IDs).
Onboarding Staff
The individual or team within an organization responsible for managing and executing the onboarding process for new employees. This role involves coordinating all aspects of the onboarding process, including orientation, training, and ensuring that new hires have the resources they need to integrate smoothly into the company.
The onboarding staff plays a crucial role in helping new employees transition into their roles effectively and ensuring a positive first experience with the organization.
First Name/Last Name: Select the name of the employee who is responsible for the on-boarding process. If in a multi-company environment, you can filter the names of employees available for
selection by selecting the Company first.
Company Manage: Select the company for which the on-boarding process is going to be managed
by the selected employee.
The record saves as shown above, with the selected employee and the company for which he/she is
managing the on-boarding process listed on the right.
Repeat this step to add additional members of staff who are responsible for on=boarding.
When a new employee enters the organization, an Onboarding Checklist details all of the necessary tasks that must be done when an employee arrives. It is often completed as a check-box exercise so that line managers and HR team members can see at a glance which activities have been finished and which are still outstanding. (e.g. distribute company property, get banking and statutory information, etc.).
Prior to setting this up, please ensure that you have a documented process for the on-boarding of employee's for the respective job.
The steps to setup the Onboarding Checklist are as follows:
Once saved, the screen will refresh to show the + (expand sign) as shown below:
Onboarding Task - Enter the details of the Onboarding Task. N.B. The summary onboarding tasks for the job must be defined in a checklist before this module is setup.
Order - The Order Number entered here indicates the consecutive order in which the task should be completed on the checklist. Additionally, the order of tasks on the checklist is automatically re- ordered based on the order number of the last saved task.
Days to Complete - Enter the number of days that the employee has to complete the task. Notifications would be sent alerting the employee of the time-frame to complete the task.
Onboarding Group - This is a default drop down list which shows the different groups of users who may be assigned as being responsible for the Onboarding Task. The groups are listed as follows:
Benefits Administrator (Benefits module)
Company Assets Manager (Company Assets module)
HR (Personnel Module)
IT (Security Module)
Payroll (Payroll Module)
Employee (Not linked to any module)
Direct Supervisor (Not linked to any module)
Other (Not linked to any module)
Company Assets Manager ( Assets Module)
Onboarding Groups Linked to a Module: If any one of the Onboarding Groups selected are linked to a module (as indicated above), a list of users with security access to the respective module is generated under this task. You may then select ONE of these users as the primary person responsible for the task. E.g. If HR is selected, then a list is generated of all the employees within that company who have access to the Personnel module. You may then delete the other users as required, however we advise that those persons who may act as an alternate to the primary person be left on the list, in the event that the task has to be reassigned.
Onboarding Groups NOT linked to a Module: If any one of the Onboarding Groups selected are NOT linked to a module (as indicated above), no employees/users will be generated under this task. Employees will only be assigned (as explained below) when the checklist is generated OR you will have to manually add employee responsible.
Employee: If Employee is selected as the Onboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee will be the person assigned as the primary person responsible for the task.
Direct Supervisor: If Direct Supervisor is selected as the Onboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee's direct supervisor will be assigned as the primary person responsible for the task. This will be based on the reporting relationship (direct supervisor) setup for the position that the employee currently occupies.
Other: If Other is selected as the Onboarding Group, you must manually select and add the person responsible for the task.
Multi Comp - If there are multiple companies setup on your installation of HRplus and the Multi- company check box is flagged, then ALL the users across companies from the selected Onboarding Group will be generated or available for selection under the task. Therefore, you will be able to select a primary person responsible for that task who may belong to an entirely different company for which the Onboarding Checklist is being set up. The Company and Employee who is/are responsible for completing the tasks must then be selected.
• Click on the "Duplicate "button to duplicate the checklist for another job.
The tasks and persons responsible can then be edited further based on the requirements for the specific job.
This link allows you to indicate which assets should be allotted to the employee upon their onboarding into a specific job in the organization. When the employee is hired into the company and is given permission to the onboarding feature in the Self Service module, they will see the asset that they have been assigned.
How it works:
Setup Company Assets Module ( Note that the Company Assets module must be purchased and setup as a pre-requisite.)
Setup the Assets required for the Job that an employee is being hired into.
Assign an Asset manager to the Asset Group. (Note that when the onboarding checklist is generated for the employee, the Asset Group manager will receive a notification to assign the asset to the new employee.)
Ensure the Asset group manager is given permission to the Asset module.
The Company Asset Manager is assigned as the person responsible for one of the Onboarding Tasks for a particular job.
When the Employee Onboarding Checklist is generated for the new employee, the Groups Asset manager will be sent a notification to assign the asset to an employee.
When the new hire logs into the onboarding screen, they will be able to see the assigned assets.
This link allows you to indicate which Training Courses the employee should be automatically enrolled in upon their onboarding into a specific job in the organization. When the employee is hired into the company and is given permission to the Self Service module, they will see the training courses into which they have been enrolled on their training calendar.
How it works:
Setup the Training Module ( Note that the Training module must be purchased and setup as a pre- requisite.)
Setup the Training Module including Courses required for the Job that an employee is being hired into.
Assign the person responsible for the training function aka. Training Staff . (Note that when the onboarding checklist is generated for the employee, the Training Staff assigned will receive a notification to assign the a Training Course to the new employee.)
View details of Training Courses linked to Job
When the Employee Onboarding Checklist is generated against the employee's profile, this is what happens:
The Training request will be automatically generated in the Talent Management >> Training >>
The Training Staff can then go to Talent Management >> Training >> Training Requests >> Training Events
Search for the Employee requesting the training.
Double click on available courses within the date range required.
Enroll the employee in the available course.
If there are no available Training Courses or Seats available, then liaise with the Agency to determine when is the next course and set this up on HRplus.
The Training Staff can then go to Talent Management >> Training >> Training Courses >> Training Agencies
Search and select the agency that is providing the course.
Expand Agency Record.
Click on Agency Courses.
Search for the Course and double click on record.
Double click on Course Details. Add the course details for the next available course.
Repeat Step 2 to Enroll the employee in the course.
The Training Staff can then go to Talent Management >> Training >> Training Requests >> By Onboarding to view the course that the employee is enrolled in and make any changes as necessary.
The Employee can then log into the Self Service >> My Onboarding >> My Training to see the Training courses on their Training Calendar.
Once the employee has completed the course, then:
The Training Staff can then go to Talent Management >> Training >> Training Requests
Click on the Complete button.
Enter details of when the employee took the course and update any other relevant details.
Company Documents
This feature allows HR to identify/upload and link to documents/videos that new employees must be aware of/read/have (e.g. Company policies, organization chart, Training videos, etc. ).
The Onboarding Checklist can either be generated from the Recruitment Module OR the Personnel Module.
Click on the link below to see how the Onboarding Checklist is generated via the Recruitment Module: Generate Onboarding Checklist within the Recruitment Module .
Steps to Generate Onboarding Checklist within the Personnel Module:
The Task Details are normally entered by the person assigned to the task, however HR may enter the details here as a last option.
Assigned To: If the Employee or Direct Supervisor was selected when setting up the Onboarding groups on the checklist, this is where their specific names are generated based on the employee that the onboarding checklist was generated for.
For the other Onboarding Groups, the person who was flagged as responsible for the task, also has their name appearing here as the person the task is assigned to.
Reassigned To: If the person to whom the task is assigned is no longer available to complete the task, HR can reassign the task to another user from the auto generated user group listing for the task.
Due Date: The due date is an automatically calculated field based on:
The Number of Days entered to complete the task.
The Start date entered when generating the onboarding checklist.
How it works:
The Number of Days entered to complete the task is added to the Start Date entered when generating the Employee Checklist. The Due Date is then automatically calculated and populated in the field for each task on the checklist, independently of each other.
Date Started: The user who is assigned to the task can enter the date in which they actually started the task.
Date Completed: The user who is assigned the task can enter the date the task is completed. The Status (% Completed ) automatically updates to indicate when the task is completed.
%Completed: The user who is assigned the task can enter the % completion of the task for HR to be aware of how far they have reached in the process. e.g. The task status will show (80% Not Completed).
Task Comments: The user who is responsible for the task can enter any pertinent comments here.
Follow the steps below to upload a document for the person who is assigned to the task. Once saved, the employee assigned to the task will be able to access the document through the self service
Enter the name of your document and save the record.
Click Upload File and select a file saved to a folder on your machine.
Click Import file to upload.
The file is now available for either you or the person assigned to