Recruitment (‌Set Up Recruitment Workflow (Optional))

Recruitment (‌Set Up Recruitment Workflow (Optional))

Set Up Recruitment Workflow (Optional)

Overview of the Workflow for the Recruitment Module

HRplus Everywhere has an advanced workflow engine which allows an organization to embed the

approval processes of their standard operating procedures within their electronic HR transactions.

The Workflow allows for the automation of the approval flow from transaction initialization to

completed approvals for the following Recruitment Transactions.

The Workflow allows for multiple approval roles (e.g. Approver 1, Approver 2, Approver 3 etc.) and approval stages (e.g. 1st Approval Stage, 2nd Approval Stage, 3rd Approval stage etc.).

If roles are not used, then the system uses the Reporting Relationships for the workflow approval process.

How it works:

  1. Once the workflow is set up and an Manager Staff Request transaction is entered, the system ‘searches for and locates' the employees at the various stages of the workflow process.

  2. The system then generates email messages to these employees via their Inbox, informing them that a transaction needs to be approved.

  3. Once the transaction is approved, the system continues the process, moving the workflow along until

Systems Configurations>>Workflow

final approval.

Before using this module, please ensure that:

1. Reporting relationships (Employee to Direct Supervisor) have been set up and are accurate (Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>[Edit Position Supervisor])

2.  Employees have valid user accounts (Security>>User Administration)

3. The user-defined Workflow Roles for the various Staff Request are identified.

4. The user-defined Workflow Stages for the various Staff Request are identified.

Summary Steps to set up the Recruitment Workflow

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Processes

Step 1: Set up Workflow Processes

Workflow Processes

Unlimited user-defined workflow processes or steps are defined here. Having understood and identified your company’s workflow steps, you can now enter them here.

For workflows that use the Reporting Relationships (Employee to Direct Supervisor), the workflow processes are the following two (2) steps:



Workflow Processes

Process ID: enter a user-defined number that identifies the sequence of the workflow process.

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions

Step 2: Set up Recruitment Workflow Definition

Workflow Definition

Define the workflow by entering a name, the organization units to which it applies and the Effective Date on which it should be initiated.

It is recommended that the setup of the workflow be completed before the workflow is made active.

It is advised that the workflow be made Active only when the setup is complete.

Set Up Workflow Definition

Workflow Name: Enter a user-defined name.

Country, Company, Division, Department, Section: select the workflow criteria - the appropriate combination of Country, Company, Department, Section for which the workflow applies.

HR Module Type: select, from the drop-down list ALL REQUEST TYPES.

Effective Date: select the date on which the workflow will become effective. On initial insert, the workflow is Inactive.

Save the record and it will be displayed in the list.

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Roles

Skip this step if Roles are NOT being used.

The system will use the Reporting Relationships in HRplus (Employee to Direct Supervisor) as

the 2-step approval process.

Step 3: Set up Workflow Roles

Workflow Roles

Set up the roles that define the responsibilities within the workflow approval process. Each role indicates a specific function or part played in approving a workflow.

For example, in a simple workflow, roles might include 1st Approver, 1st Alternate Approver. In more complex workflows, additional roles may be required, potentially spanning different companies, countries, or departments.

At each stage of the workflow, if there is no one available to forward the record to, the system will display an alert message.

Role Code/Name: Enter a user-defined Code and Description to identify each role in the workflow.

The organisation units to which the workflow applies should be the SAME in Workflow Definition

and Workflow Role. Step 2: Set up Workflow Definition

Workflow Roles

View Workflow Roles

System Configurations>>Workflow>>[Select Workflow Role]>>[+]>>New Role Definition

Step 4: Define Workflow Roles

New Role Definition

At this step, the job/s and scope of each Role must be defined. Each Role can have more than one job linked to it.

The system, when sending the approval form along the workflow, will retrieve all employees who meet the Job and Job Scope criteria and send the form to them at the appropriate stage of the workflow.

Skip this step if Reporting Relationships are being used INSTEAD OF roles.

Define Workflow Roles

Job: select the Job you wish to link to the Role. Unlimited jobs may be linked to a Role.

  • All jobs defined in a Role will be part of the approval process.

  • Repeat the process to link additional Jobs.

Job Scope Definition

  • The Job Scope allows you to define further parameters for the identification of an approver as follows:

The system will retrieve all employees who meet the specified criteria of Job and Job Scope

and send the approval form to them at the appropriate stage of the workflow.

Step 3: Set up Workflow Roles

Step 6: Use Roles for Workflow Stages

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions>>[+]>>Workflow Stages

Step 5: Set up Workflow Stages

Workflow Stages

The stages of the workflow dictate how transactions move from one person to the next in the approval process.

Stages are sequentially numbered, starting at 1. While you can set up as many stages as needed, a minimum of two stages is required to ensure the process functions correctly.

You MUST set up Stage 1 and Stage 2 for workflows that ONLY use Reporting Relationships.

Set up Stage 1 of the Workflow

Set up Stage 2 of the Workflow

1. Stage No.: the system will automatically display each Stage number, starting with 1 and continuing in a sequential number for all the stages of the workflow. This cannot be edited.

  1. Process: select the workflow process from the drop-down. These processes were set up in Step 1. Step 1: Set up Workflow Processes

    • At Stage 1 - the data entry stage or initialization stage - the workflow process to ENTER a record - ENTER STAFF REQUEST - should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.

    • At Stage 2 - the workflow process to APPROVE a record - APPROVE STAFF REQUEST - should be selected for this stage and any other stage thereafter as it can be used more than once. The workflow supports an unlimited number of approvals.

    • At the Final Stage, the workflow process to POST a record - POST STAFF REQUEST -

      should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.

  2. Form: The following are the two (2) default letters displayed in the drop-down list. You can select

    either one at any Stage in the workflow:

    • Staff Request Approval Form: the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/ rejected/voided.

    • Staff Request Approval Detailed Form with Letter: the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/rejected/voided in addition to the system-generated letter. If this option is chosen and a template has been set up via Recruitment>>Letters>>Templates, the system will automatically generate the letter and save it in employee documents (Personnel>>Employees>>Toggle Additional Details>>Documents). How to Create Letter Templates for Job Applicants

The setup of Workflow Stages is broken up into multiple articles (Steps 6 to 8), each describing the fields/components on the Workflow Stages screen as follows:

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions>>[+]>>Workflow Stages

Step 6: Use Roles for Workflow Stages

Roles for Workflow Stages

Define the roles involved in each stage of the workflow process. These roles represent the specific responsibilities within the approval hierarchy, such as 1st Approver, 1st Alternate Approver, 2nd Approver, 2nd Alternate Approver, and so on. Each role ensures that the approval process flows smoothly through the designated sequence of stages.

Use Roles for Workflow Stages

Set up Stage 1 of the Workflow - Enter the Staff Request

Set up Stage 2 of the Workflow - Approve the Staff Request

Use Role: Check No to use the Reporting Relationships (Employee to Direct Supervisor) as the


The system will send the Staff Request Transaction to the employee’s Direct Supervisor for approval/review as set up in the reporting structure of HRplus (Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions

(Filled and Vacant)).

4. Use Role: check Yes or No and select the Role to be played at the selected stage of the


  • At Stage 1, the Role should ALWAYS be set to NO as this is the record creation or initialization stage and therefore roles CANNOT be used.

  • At Stage 2 and thereafter, the Role can be set to YES or NO. If YES is selected, then select the

    Role from the drop-down list.

  • At the Final Stage, the Role can be set to YES or NO. If YES is selected, then select the Role

from the drop-down list.

5. Alternate Role Name: select an alternate role – this may or may not be the same as the selection in the Use Role above. This Role is selected in the event that the selected Role is unavailable.

Step 3: Set up Workflow Roles

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[+]>>Workflow Stages>>[Select


The Auto Escalate option:

MUST be turned on by the user, as, by default, the option is set to No. Should ALWAYS be set to NO at:

  • Stage 1 as this is the data entry stage or record creation stage - the record has not yet gone anywhere and therefore CANNOT be escalated.

  • The Final Stage of the workflow as this is the last stage and therefore CANNOT be escalated.

  • Can be set to Yes at Stage 2 and onwards if required.

The Auto-Escalate option MUST be set to No for the two (2) Workflow Stages when Reporting

Relationships are used.

Step 7: Auto-Escalate Workflow Stages


The Auto Escalate option enables the system to automatically advance a workflow stage, ensuring that records don't get stuck or delayed at any point. For example, if an approver is unable or takes too long to approve or reject a record, the system will automatically move the request to the next person in the workflow.

Auto Escalate Action: the options for selection are:

  • GO TO NEXT STAGE: the record will move to the next stage in the workflow.

  • REJECT AND STOP WORKFLOW: the record will be disallowed and stopped.

  • UPDATE MODULE: the record will be posted and HR Transactions updated.

Auto Escalate After (Days): the number of days after which the record should be automatically

moved forward.

Void After (Tries): the number of attempts after which the record can be cleared or invalidated if

escalation fails.


System Configurations>>Workflow>>Company-Workflow Links

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[+]

Step 8: Activate the Workflow

Company-Workflow Links

Once the workflow setup is complete and has been thoroughly checked for accuracy, it must be activated using the following two options:

  1. Company-Workflow Links

  2. Workflow Definitions

Important: Do not activate the workflow until all configurations are finalized. Once activated, any staff requests submitted by managers will automatically be placed into the workflow.

Both options MUST be used to activate the workflow.

Option 2: Workflow Definitions

User Self Service>>Manager>>Recruitment>>Staff Requests

How to use the Manager Self Serve module to make and approve Staff Requests?

Manager Self Serve Staff Requests

The Manager Self-Serve Staff Request feature allows managers to independently create and submit staff requests within the HR system. This tool streamlines the process by enabling managers to initiate and manage their own staffing needs without direct HR intervention. Through the self-service portal, managers can request new positions, replacements, or other staffing changes, with the ability to track the status of their requests through the approval process in real-time.

Step 1: Manager enters a Staff Request

Step 2: HR Receives Recruitment Request Notification

• The manager's staff Request is subsequently sent to HR who receives a notification of such.

  • These notifications can be found in the HOME screen upon logging in. HR can also receive an email notification of the staff request.

Step 3: HR Recruitment Workflow Approval Process

  • HR approves the request by selecting Approve from the drop-down in the Workflow Action section.

Note: the HR Manager also has the option of rejecting the request and leaving a comment as to why the request was not approved.

Step 4: View Approved Staff Request Status

• Once approved, the Approval Workflow box refreshes with up-to-date information. Here we can see that the request was approved and sent to HR.

Step 5: Recruitment Workflow Completion Notification

• The manager is duly notified that her request has been completed.

  • The record is then updated in the Recruitment Module and HR can proceed to link a Job Template and continue with the recruitment process.

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