Recruitment (Set up Recruitment)

Recruitment (Set up Recruitment)

Set Up Recruitment

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Recruitment Methods

How to Setup Recruitment Methods

Recruitment Methods

Recruitment methods are the different ways organizations find and attract potential candidates for job openings. These methods include using online job boards, social media, professional networks, and employee referrals. The aim is to reach a wide range of qualified candidates.

Effective recruitment often involves using technology, like applicant tracking systems and artificial intelligence, to make the process smoother and more efficient. By using a variety of strategies, organizations can find and connect with top talent, ensuring they have a strong pool of candidates for current and future hiring needs.

Recruitment Methods


Method Code/Description: Enter user defined code and description.


Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Recruitment Hire Reasons

How to set up Recruitment Hire Reasons

Recruitment Hire Reasons

The justifications or factors that influence an organization's decision to hire a particular candidate, such as their qualifications, skills, and cultural fit.

Hire Reason Code/Name: Enter a user-defined code and name.

Recruitment Hire Reasons


Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Recruitment Reject Reasons

How to set up Recruitment and Staff Request Reject Reasons

Recruitment Reject Reasons

Recruitment Reject Reasons refer to the specific explanations for why a staff request or requisition is not approved during the recruitment process. These reasons can vary based on organizational policies, budget constraints, or misalignment with hiring needs. Common reject reasons may include insufficient budget, unclear job requirements, position no longer needed, or failure to obtain necessary approvals.

Understanding and documenting these reasons helps ensure transparency in the recruitment process and enables HR to address any underlying issues for future requests.

Recruitment Reject Reasons


Reject Reason Code/Name: Enter a user-defined code and name.


Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Recruitment Staff

How to set up Recruitment Staff

Recruitment Staff

The designated staff member will be responsible for the setup and continued management of the processes associated with the Recruitment module. They would receive the requisitions/notifications of request coming in and they need to be aware of what their role should be in the approval of staff requests.

Recruitment Staff

Company: Select the company. If the staff member is responsible for the Onboarding Task in

multiple companies, then press CTRL to select multiple options.

Division Code/Name: Select the code and name. Department Code/Name: Select the code and name. Section Code/Name: Select the code and name.

Badge Number: Select the employee badge number.

First/Last Name: Select the employee first and last name.

Email Address: Auto populates with the selected employees email address.

Company Manage: Select all the companies that the employee is responsible for.

View the Saved Record

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Ratings

How to set up Recruitment Ratings


The Recruitment Ratings provide a framework for Interview Panel members to assigning qualitative ratings (e.g., Unacceptable, Needs Improvement) when assessing job applicants during an interview. The associated points are then automatically calculated to assign each candidate a score once the form is completed.

These rating help to evaluate an employee's performance consistently and are visible on the summary Applicant Interview Report.


Company: Select the company.

Rating Standards: Enter a rating description.

Points: Enter a value for each rating.

Note: When entering multiple Ratings records use the Submit button to save multiple records.

View the Saved Ratings

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Job Templates

How does it work?

There are several steps to set up a Job Template as outlined below.

  1. Step 1: Create a Job Template.

  2. Step 2: Add Tasks to the Job Template.

  3. Step 3: Assign Employees to Tasks.

  4. Step 4: Duplicate a Job Template.

How to set up Job Templates

Job Templates

The recruitment process involves a series of specific tasks that must be completed to hire an employee for a job vacancy. Job Templates are essential tools in this process, as they outline the tasks required at each stage of recruitment for a particular job. These templates not only define the tasks but also specify the order in which they should be completed and the expected duration for each stage.

When creating a Job Template, you assign the responsible person(s) for each step and set the time frame for task completion. Additionally, Job Templates can be duplicated, making it easier to apply the same recruitment process to similar roles as needed. This streamlines the recruitment process, ensuring consistency and efficiency across similar job positions.

Step 1: Create a Job Template

View the Saved Job Template

Step 2: Add Tasks to the Job Template

Add the Tasks to be completed for the selected job and the number of days in which they should be completed.


Task Name: Enter a user-defined name.

Completed (Days): The amount of days given to complete the task.

Order: The order in which the task will be executed. Repeat this process for each task.

View Saved Tasks

Step 3: Select Job Roles for Task

Once a Company is selected, the list of Jobs within it will be displayed in the Job Roles drop-down list.

After the task has been created and expanded by clicking on the + sign, click the Remove Company Filter button. Removing the filter will allow you to change the Company by clicking on the Company drop down list to select from the list of companies. Note the Add Filter button is displayed so you can toggle the buttons if you wish.

In each blank field, select the Company, Department, Job Role and Employee who is responsible for completing the Task.

Once the Job Role has been selected, click the Pno (Position Number) dropdown list – a listing of all employees within the Job will be displayed. Select the appropriate person to complete the task.

Multi-Company Setup means you are not restricted to selecting from the Company in which the Job is to be recruited.

In the above example, the Job to be recruited is in Banda Furnishings Ltd (T&T) but the employee who is responsible for the selected recruitment task is employed at KHD Fresh Food Marketplace.

Company: Auto-selected based on the company the Job Template was created for.

Department: Select the employee department.

Job Roles: Select the employee job.

Pno: Select the employee position number. First Name: Select the employee first name. Last Name: Select the employee last name.

Repeat the process to select any number of persons from multiple departments who are jointly

responsible for completing the task.

Step 4: Duplicate a Job Template (To create additional Job Templates)

  • Duplicating a Job Template minimizes data entry as all Tasks and associated Roles will be duplicated for the new job.

  • A Job Template can be duplicated for any job.

  • You may edit the Job Template after it has been duplicated.

  • You will receive the following message indicating that the duplication was successful.

View Duplicated Job Template


Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup>>Job Templates

How to Set Up Multi-Company Job Templates?

Step 1: Enter a Job Template

Step 2: Enter Tasks for the Job Template

Step 3: Remove the Company Filter

Before the filter is removed:

After the filter is removed:

Once the Task is expanded, click the Remove Company Filter button. Removing the filter will allow

you to change the Company by clicking on the Company dropdown list to select from the list of companies. Note the Add Filter button is displayed so you can toggle the buttons if you wish.

Step 4: Select Company and Assign Employee(s)

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