The General Codes are base tables which are used throughout the other modules in HRPlus such as but not limited to the Personnel and POWERPay modules.
The Codes that can be found under this tab are:
Status Types
Position Types
Staff Types
Employee Classifications
Transaction Types
Document Types
Goal Perspectives
Vaccine Types
Navigation : Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Salutations
Salutation Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the document type name.
Salutation Description: Enter the salutation description.
Navigation : Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Status Types
Linked modules where it is used:
Status Types
A status type refers to an employee's employment status either:
In the position
Or in the company
Eg. Permanent, Contract, Probation, etc. An employee may be permanent in the company but on probation in a new position.
Click on New Record and enter the Status Types Codes and Descriptions relevant to your company.
Navigation : Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Position Types
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus: Personnel
Position Types
A Position type defines the actual position as it exists in the organisation, with or without the employee. Eg. permanent, contract, part-time.
An employee who is on probation (as their status in the company) may be on probation (as their status in the position) in a permanent position (as the status of the position type).
If your company does not use Position Types, simply create a ‘N/A’ Code and corresponding ‘Not Applicable’ Description to select in the ‘Position Type’ field of the Positions screen.
Position Type Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the position
Position Type Description: Enter the position description.
Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Staff Types
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus:
It is used as one of the criteria when creating a position.
Staff type is one of the options which can be used to define leave entitlements for employees.
Goals and Appraisals
Goals can be selected to appear on the appraisal form based on the staff type selected.
Staff Types
A staff type if a classification for grouping positions and is related to organizational levels. Eg. junior staff, senior staff, executives.
Staff Type Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the position description.
Staff Type Description: Enter the position description.
Navigation : Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Employee
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus:
Employee Classification
Employment classifications define an employee's employment status and benefits eligibility. Eg. Exempt and Nonexempt employees.
Nonexempt employees are employees whose work is usually covered by local labour laws. They are not exempt from the law's requirements concerning minimum wage and overtime.
Exempt employees are generally executives, managers, professional, administrative or outside sales staff who are exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of local labour laws.
Class Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the employee classification description.
Class Description: Enter the Employee Classification Description.
N.B. If your organisation does not use Employee Classifications, you can use the default class code "N/ A"and corresponding description "Not Applicable".
Personnel >> Setup >> Organization >> General Codes >> Nationalities
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus: Personnel
Nationality Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the position description.
Nationality Description: Enter the nationality description.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organization>>General Codes>>Religions
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus:
The data entered in Religions is used when creating a new employee.
Time and Attendance
Can be used to easily identify which employees may not be available on specific dates or days during the week due to religious holidays or requirements. This information can be used to schedule employees appropriately and anticipate your manpower needs.
Religion Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the religion description.
Religion Description: Enter the religion description.
N.B. If your organization does not use Employee Classifications, you can use the default class code "N/ A"and corresponding description "Not Applicable".
Personnel >> Setup >> Organization >> General Codes >> Document Types
Document Types
Document Types describe the types of documents which can be uploaded and linked to an employee's profile.
On HRplus, there is a listing of default Document Types that can be uploaded into the application. Eg. Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Contracts etc.
If you wish to store additional types of documents for your employees, you can add these via the document type screen.
Document Type Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the document type
Document Type Name: Enter the Document Type name
HR/Payroll/Manager Access: Select which group of users will have access to view the document within their respective modules.
HR only : The document can be viewed via the Personnel module.
HR & Payroll: The document can be viewed via the Personnel and Payroll modules.
HR & Manager: The document can be viewed via the Personnel and Manager Self Service modules.
HR, Payroll & Manager: The document can be viewed via the Personnel, Payroll and Manager Self Service modules.
• Select New Record.
Select Document Type from drop down list. Click Submit to save the row.
Select upload file and click on folder icon to select document from location on your computer. Upload file and save record.
Click on Download/View File to view the attached document.
Repeat to upload additional documents.
Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Birthplaces
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus:
Used when creating a new employee profile. Some organizations may wish to track the employee's birthplace separate from their nationality.
Country Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the birthplace country.
Birthplace Country: Enter the birthplace country
Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >> Vaccine Type
Linked modules where it is used on HRplus:
Self Service
Employees can enter and upload their vaccination data via this module.
Once approved by HR, the vaccination record is available for viewing on the employee profile as well as in the vaccination status report.
Vaccine Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the vaccine description.
Vaccine Description: Enter the vaccine description.
Doses Required: Select the number of doses required for the vaccine.
Document Name: Enter the name of the document you are going to upload. e.g. Immunization Card
Vaccine Type: Select the name of the vaccine that was administered to you. These Vaccine Types would have been previously entered on HRplus by HR administrators.
Click on the diskette to save the record.
Save the record.
The record has now been submitted to HR for approval.
1. HR can click to view/download the employee vaccine card for verification.
2. Once verified, HR can click on Update HR button to update the employee's profile.
• The Vaccine card and information is submitted by the employee from the Employee Self Service module.
HR views the submitted data via the HR self service portal and verifies this prior to updating their HR records, where it can now be seen on the employee's profile as shown above.
Personnel>>Organization Setup>>General Codes>>Police Station
How does it work?
Step 1: Enter a Police Station.
Step 2 - Option 1: HR Enters Employee Police History. Step 2 - option 2: Employee Submits Police History.
Step 3: View Employee Police History.
Police Station
An employee may be required to submit a police certificate of good character to their employer. To log this information, follow the steps below.
Police Station Code/Description: Enter user defined code and description for the police station.
Personnel>>Employees>>[Select Employee]>>Toggle Additional Details>>Police History
Name: Enter the name of the police report.
Comments: Enter comments about the police report.
Issued By (Police Station): Select the police station which issued the police report.
Date Expired: Select the expiration date of the police report.
Date Submitted: Select the date of the police report.
Upload File button: Upload a copy of the police report.
Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Employee Entries>>Police History
Home>>My Profile>>My Profile>>Police History