Offboarding simulates the company-specific separation process that is employed when employees leave the organization. Self-Service and Notifications are also incorporated and screens are included wherever required.
The feature currently consists of the following menu options:
Offboarding Staff: via this option, HR can set up the members of staff who are responsible for separating the employees (e.g. HR, IT, Employee’s Manager).
Exit Interview Forms: allows the setup of user-defined forms with company-specific questions that exiting employees may be asked (e.g. why leave; issues they might have had).
Offboarding Checklists: the formation of user-defined checklists to ensure that everything has been covered before the employee exits the organization (e.g. recover company property, revoke employee’s IT access, complete final pay process, provide recommendations).
Pre-requisite Steps before starting the setup of the Offboarding Module. This is typically done at the start of your project with the assistance of an Implementation Specialist at HRplus.
Define your tasks for the offboarding checklist in as much detail as possible including who is the primary person responsible for those tasks.
Define the questions you would like to be added to the Exit Interview form. If using a rating scale then this must also be defined.
If the Asset module is being used, ensure any assets that the employee has to return is already setup.
The steps for set up are as follows:
View Exit Interview Forms by HR.
Set up Offboarding Checklist.
Enter Separation Record for the employee on HRplus.( Optional at this stage)
Offboarding Staff
Via this option, HR can set up the members of staff who are responsible for separating employees and managing the offboarding process when (e.g. HR, IT, Employee’s Manager).
First Name/Last Name: Select the name of the employee who is responsible for the on-boarding process. If in a multi-company environment, you can filter the names of employees available for
selection by selecting the Company first.
Company Manage: Select a company or multiple companies (Ctrl+click) for which the employee will be responsible for managing the Offboarding process. This person will receive all the relevant
email notifications .
The record saves as shown above, with the selected employee and the company for which he/she is
managing the on-boarding process listed on the right.
If in a multi-company set up. repeat this step to add additional members of staff who are responsible
for offboarding.
Exit Interview Ratings
User defined ratings and corresponding points must be set up here is any of the questions on the interview form asks the employee for a rating.
Exit Interview Forms
An exit interview form is a survey given to an employee leaving a company. It is used to gather feedback on how the employee feels about their time at your company, why they're leaving, and how your company can improve the workplace for employees.
On HRplus, this form is created for each job within the organisation and a user must be identified who is responsible for completing the form. Questions may be formatted as open-ended, multiple choice or based on a rating scale.
Steps to set up the Exit Interview Form:
Company: Select the Company for which you are setting up the Exit Interview Form.
Job: Select the job for which you are setting up the form. In some scenarios, there is one standard form used throughout the company.
Who is Responsible: There are three drop down options available to identify who should complete the form. These are listed below:
Employee: If the employees have access to the Employee Self Service (ESS) module, then select Employee as the one who is responsible for completing the form. They will be able to access the Onboarding module via the ESS and complete the relevant tasks.
Manager: If there are some employees who are not computer literate or do not have access to the ESS module, then select Manager (Direct supervisor setup via reporting relationships) as the person responsible for completing the form. In this scenario, the manager is advised to sit with the employee and complete the form in real time.
HR: If the self service modules ( primarily the ESS and MSS) have not been purchased, then select HR as being responsible for filling the Exit Interview form. Once HR is selected, the the forms are available for HR in the next tab on this screen.
Exit Interview Form Name: Enter a user defined name for the form. Save or Submit the record.
Question Details: Enter the Exit Interview question here.
Question Type: There are three (3) default question types.
Multiple Choice: Once this question type is selected , the screen to enter the user-defined choices will be displayed. The question should be saved first BEFORE you start to enter your choices. Enter your choices and save the entries. Once saved, additional blank rows will appear where you can enter more choices.
Open-ended: This question type allows the respondents to answer in open text format so they can elaborate freely.
Rating: This question type will use the rating scale (which was previously setup) as the choices available as a response for the employee.
Order: The Order Number entered here indicates the order in which the question should be completed on the Interview Form. The order of the question on the form is automatically re-ordered based on the order number of the last saved question.
When the question is saved, additional blank rows will appear where you may enter as many questions as required for your Exit Interview Form.
Select the Company and Job for which the form is to be duplicated. Save the record.
When the employee exits the organization, an offboarding checklist details all of the necessary tasks that must be done when an employee leaves. It is often completed as a check-box exercise so that line managers and HR team members can see at a glance which activities have been finished and which are still outstanding. (e.g. recover company property, revoke employee’s the formation of user-defined checklists to ensure that everything has been covered before IT access, complete final pay process, provide recommendations, etc.).
The steps are as follows:
Company: Select the company from the drop down, for which you are setting up the Offboarding checklist
Offboarding Task: Enter the details of the Offboarding Task.
Order: The Order Number entered here indicates the consecutive order in which the task should be completed on the checklist. Additionally, the order of tasks on the checklist is automatically re-ordered based on the order number of the last saved task.
Days to Complete: Enter the number of days that the employee has to complete the task. Notifications would be sent alerting the employee of the timeframe to complete the task.
Offboarding Group: This is a default drop down list which shows the different groups of users who may be assigned as being responsible for the Offboarding Task. The groups are listed as follows:
Benefits Administrator (Benefits module)
Company Assets Manager (Company Assets module)
HR (Personnel Module)
IT (Security Module)
Payroll (Payroll Module)
Employee (Not linked to any module)
Direct Supervisor (Not linked to any module)
Other (Not linked to any module)
Offboarding Groups Linked to a Module: If any one of the Offboarding Groups selected are linked to a module (as indicated above), a list of users with security access to the respective module is generated under this task. You may then select ONE of these users as the primary person responsible for the task. E.g. If HR is selected, then a list is generated of all the employees within that company who have access to the Personnel module. You may then delete the other users as required, however we advise that those persons who may act as an alternate to the primary person be left on the list, in the event that the task has to be reassigned.
Offboarding Groups NOT linked to a Module: If any one of the Offboarding Groups selected are NOT linked to a module (as indicated above), no employees/users will be generated under this task. Employees will only be assigned (as explained below) when the checklist is generated OR you will have to manually add employee responsible.
Employee: If Employee is selected as the Offboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee will be the person assigned as the primary person responsible for the task.
Direct Supervisor: If Direct Supervisor is selected as the Offboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee's direct supervisor will be assigned as the primary person responsible for the task. This will be based on the reporting relationship (direct supervisor) setup for the position that the employee currently occupies.
Other: If Other is selected as the Offboarding Group, you must manually select and add the person responsible for the task.
Multi-Company: If there are multiple companies setup on your installation of HRplus and the Multi- company check box is flagged, then ALL the users across companies from the selected Offboarding Group will be generated or available for selection under the task. Therefore, you will be able to select a primary person responsible for that task who may belong to an entirely different company for which the Offboarding Checklist is being set up.
Save record and repeat to add other tasks to the checklist.
Entering a separation transaction at this point is not a mandatory step to continue with the offboarding process. However, once the transaction is entered and saved then the option then becomes available to generate the Employee Offboarding Checklist directly from that screen as
shown below.
Click on the link below for details on how to enter a separation transaction.
How do I separate an employee?
Steps to generate Offboarding Checklist:
Generate Employee Offboarding checklist.
View Employee Offboarding Checklist and reassign tasks where necessary.
Upload Documents to Offboarding Task.
The Task Details are normally entered by the person assigned to the task, however HR may enter the details here as a last option.
Assigned To: If the Employee or Direct Supervisor was selected when setting up the Offboarding groups on the checklist, this is where their specific names are generated based on the employee that the offboarding checklist was generated for.
For the other Offboarding Groups, the person who was flagged as responsible for the task, also has their name appearing here as the person the task is assigned to.
Reassigned To: If the person to whom the task is assigned is no longer available to complete the task, HR can reassign the task to another user from the auto generated user group listing for the task.
Due Date: The due date is an automatically calculated field based on:
The Number of Days entered to complete the task.
The Start date entered when generating the offboarding checklist.
How it works:
The Number of Days entered to complete the task is added to the Start Date entered when generating the Employee Checklist. The Due Date is then automatically calculated and populated in the field for each task on the checklist, independently of each other.
Date Started: The user who is assigned to the task can enter the date in which they actually started the task.
Date Completed: The user who is assigned the task can enter the date the task is completed. The Status (% Completed ) automatically updates to indicate when the task is completed.
%Completed: The user who is assigned the task can enter the % completion of the task for HR to be aware of how far they have reached in the process. e.g. The task status will show (80% Not Completed).
Task Comments: The user who is responsible for the task can enter any pertinent comments here.
Follow the steps below to upload a document for the person who is assigned to the task. Once saved, the employee assigned to the task will be able to access the document through the self service
Enter the name of your document and save the record.
Click Upload File and select a file saved to a folder on your machine.
Click Import file to upload.
The file is now available for either you or the person assigned to
Employee Self Serve - Offboarding
When the Offboarding Checklist is generated from the Personnel Module, this triggers notifications in th Self Service Module for the employees who are assigned to the various tasks. This is how it works:
Notifications are generated in the ESS message inbox for the employee assigned to the task.
Tasks (including their associated documents) assigned to the employee are now available through the ESS >> Onboarding tasks.
If there is an Exit Interview Form set up for the company, it is now made available in the ESS >> Onboarding based on who was indicated as responsible for completing the said form. The options in terms of persons responsible are:
The Offboarding Checklist is now available for the employee to see the status of all the tasks associated with his/her offboarding.
Task Status: When this is entered as 100%, the following happens:
The Date Completed field automatically populates with the current date.
The person assigned as the Onboarding Staff for the company also gets a notification that the task has been completed.
The user assigned to the next task in sequence will also get a notification in their inbox that the previous task has been completed.
Comments entered on the task are available on the checklist for either HR, the Manager or Employee with checklist access to see.
Documents: The employee can also upload documents here for HR to view in the Offboarding Module under their checklist task.
The employee can fill out the Exit Interview Form here.
Exit Interview Date: When the form is submitted, this is the date that is auto-generated and saved
to this field.
Employee End Date: This date is generated based on the Separation Date for the employee.
Employee Self Serve - Offboarding (Manager View)
When the Offboarding Checklist is generated from the Personnel Module, this triggers notifications to the employees who are assigned to the various tasks. In this article, we look at the tasks assigned to the employee's Direct Supervisor/ Manager.
This is how it works:
Notifications are generated in the ESS message inbox for the direct supervisor/ manager assigned to the task.
Tasks (including their associated documents) assigned to the direct supervisor/ manager are now available through the ESS >> Onboarding tasks.
If there is an Exit Interview Form set up for the company, it is now made available in the ESS >> Onboarding based on who was indicated as responsible for completing the said form. The options in terms of persons responsible are:
ONLY if the Manager for the Employee is flagged as responsible for completing the Exit Interview Form, will they see this in the Self Service module. This may occur in the case where the employees do not have access to the self service module or for other some reason they are unable to complete the online form themselves.
Once the Offboarding Checklist has been generated and assigned employees have begun the process of updating the tasks, to ensure the offboarding process is fully completed the person designated as the Onboarding Staff can do the following as part of their HR process:
HR / Offboarding Staff can:
View the status of tasks on the Offboarding Checklist.
Follow up with assigned persons if there are any incomplete tasks.
In the screenshot above there are no exit interview forms to be filled by HR.