Personnel (Introduction and Key Concepts)

Personnel (Introduction and Key Concepts)

Introduction and Key Concepts

Overview of HRplus & the Personnel Module

Overview of the System

HRplus Everywhere is an HRIS System. That means it allows a company to manage all their employees and their attributes in an environment where this information can be easily accessed at your fingertips. It consists of various modules which are all linked and this means it eliminates data processing time as data entered in one module can be assessed in another if it is applicable. No need for double entry.

The primary modules used to setup HRplus are the Security Module and either the Personnel or Payroll Module.

Setting up an Employee

The system is based on maintaining the relationships in your organization chart. Each person is inserted into a position in your organization chart. This means that before you can enter an employee you must create the basic structure of your organisation. eg. Your entities ( levels) and ancillary data for each position such as job, position type, location, etc. The data entered all comes together in the Positions window. Once the positions with their attributes have been created, employees can be placed into these positions. The employees will therefore acquire all the attributes of the positions.

Tracking employee movement and history

Employee movement within the organization is tracked and a history maintained via a number of options in the system.Movement from one department to another or from one job to another is treated as a movement from one position to another and is tracked in that manner. Other employee changes are also tracked via other data screens.

Data Integrity

In order to maintain the integrity of the database the user must adhere to certain rules. Data Ids/Codes for supporting tables such as department, job, competencies, status types, etc. should not be changed if you have already linked such data items to underlying levels of data such as positions data and employee data.

In many cases the system does not allow you to change such data, and where it does it provides a warning that the integrity of your data may be affected. In cases where you consider it absolutely necessary to change data Ids in supporting tables, after you have already related data in these tables to other areas of the application, you will have to edit all such previously related data in order to maintain the integrity of the data.

How do you set up an employee record?

  1. Set up your company’s structure i.e. Organisation Entities, Organisation Levels, Valid Organisation Hierarchies (Personnel>>Setup>>Structure).

  2. Set up base data/ necessary fields that will be used in other areas of the application e.g. status types, nationalities, religions, document types, unions, education levels, competencies etc. (Personnel>>Setup>>General Codes).

  3. Set up Jobs i.e. job groups and jobs data ((Personnel>>Setup>>Structure).

  4. Set up Positions based on Valid Organisation Hierarchies (Personnel>>Positions>>Valid Organisation Hierarchies).

  5. Create Employee (Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)) by entering basic employee data.

  6. Complete Employee profile record (Personnel>>Employees) by entering additional employee data.

  7. Set up Employee Supervisors (link employees to supervisors).

  8. Enter Employee Transactions (position changes, salary changes, status changes, separation etc. (Personnel>>Transactions).

A Guide to Using the Personnel Module

The Guide and role list provides a comprehensive overview of the management of employees within the HRplus Personnel Module.

HR Administrator

Role: Responsible for managing all aspects of the HRplus Personnel and Talent Modules (where applicable), including configuration, setup, data entry, and report generation.


Role: Accesses HRplus through Employee Self Service (ESS) to view and update personal information, manage leave requests, and access company documents.


Role: Utilizes Manager Self Service (MSS) to approve leave requests, conduct performance reviews, and access team information.

System Administrator

Role: Manages the technical aspects of HRplus, including user system access, security, and troubleshooting.



Step 1

Application Setup and Configuration:

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Auto Generate Contract ID Configuration System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Auto Position Number Configuration Personnel>>Personnel>>Letter templates

Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>General Codes>>Document Types Security>>User Administration>>[Search for Employee]>>[+]>>Edit User Groups Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Organisation Levels Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>

Personnel>>Setup Organisation>>General Codes Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Qualifications-Related Codes Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Immigration Codes Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Payroll Related Codes



Personnel>>Setup Organisation>>General Codes>>Transaction Types System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Processes Personnel>>Personnel>>Letter Templates

Personnel>>Event Reminders

System Configuration

  • Configure auto-generation of Contract IDs.

  • Configure auto-generation of Position Numbers.

  • Enable the "Add space on generated letters" feature for letterheads.

  • Upload required documents, such as identification, contracts, and bank details.

How do I enable automatic generation of contract IDs? How to Auto-Generate Position Numbers?

Enable Add space on generated letters

How to enter Document Types and upload a document for an employee?


  • Set up employee access to relevant modules.

Setup - Structure

Organizational Levels: This sub-section explains how to configure the organizational structure within HRplus, including creating entities like companies, divisions, departments, and sections.

Setting up Countries and Currencies: This sub-section details the process of setting up countries and currencies within HRplus, important for managing employees and payroll in different geographical locations.

Organizational Structure Setup:

  • Create organizational entities (Company, Division, Department, Section).

  • Establish links between entities to reflect the company structure.

Set Up Company Structure

Setup - General Codes

Overview of General Codes: This sub-section introduces general codes, which are base tables used across various modules in HRplus, including Personnel and Payroll. It lists the types of general codes available, such as salutations, status types, position types, and more.

Detailed Configuration of General Codes: This sub-section provides step-by-step instructions on how to enter and manage various general codes, including salutations, status types, position types, staff types, employee classifications,



nationalities, religions, transaction types, document types, unions, currencies, birthplaces, goal perspectives, and vaccine types.

General Codes Setup: Configure system-wide codes for Salutations, Status Types (e.g., Permanent, Contract), Position Types, Staff Types, Employee Classifications, Nationalities, Religions, and more.

Set Up General Codes

Qualification Related Codes

Define Language Proficiency Levels, Educational Levels, Competencies, Certificate Types, Branches of Study, Educational Institutes, and Qualification standards.

Set Up Qualification Related Codes

Immigration Codes Setup (Optional)

Create codes for Countries, Nationalities, Document Types, Immigration Categories, Work Permit Types and Statuses, Dependent Types, and CSME Certificate details.

Step 1: Set up Immigration Codes?

Payroll Related Codes

Setup Pay Groups, defining pay periods, salary grade types, tax tables, and other payroll-specific parameters.

Define Salary Grades with associated pay points or salary ranges.

Set up Salary Change Flagsto define payment parameters for salaried and non-salaried employees.

Set Up Payroll Related Codes

Setup Transaction Reasons and Types

  • Transaction Reasons and Types: Establish Transaction Types to categorize employee profile changes (e.g., Salary Change, Promotion).

  • Define specific Transaction Reasons for each Type (e.g., Salary Increase, Performance Review).

Set Up Transactions

Workflow Setup

Designate Transaction Types for workflow automation.

  • Define Workflow Stages (e.g., Initiate, Approve, Reject) and assign approvers for each stage.

  • Configure automatic escalation rules and actions (e.g., update module, reject and stop workflow) based on time limits and attempts.

Summary Steps to set up Workflow for HR Transactions



Letter Templates

Create standardized Letter Templates for various HR transactions (e.g., Acting, Position Change, Separation).

Utilize placeholders to dynamically populate employee-specific data from the HRplus database.

Set Up Letter Templates

Event Reminders Configuration

Select relevant Event Types for reminders (e.g., Birthdays, Contract Endings, Leave Taking/Return).

Define recipients for each event (HR, Employee, Manager) and specify the desired lead time for reminders.

Set Up Event Reminders

Setup Job Profiles

Defining Job Tasks and Responsibilities: This sub-section explains how to define and manage job tasks and primary responsibilities associated with different positions in the organization. It highlights the use of task tags for categorization and the importance of assigning weights to tasks for appraisal purposes.

Importing Job Responsibilities: This sub-section provides instructions on how to import job responsibilities for multiple jobs simultaneously using a template, streamlining the process of updating and maintaining job profiles.

  • Define Job Titles and Descriptions.

  • Create Job Profiles outlining duties, responsibilities, required skills, and competencies.

  • Define Tasks/Primary Responsibilities for each Job Profile, including performance standards and HSE relevance.

  • Establish links between Jobs and relevant data, such as Competencies, Qualifications, and Salary Grades.

Set Up Job Profiles

Step 2

Employee Lifecycle Management:


Personnel>>Onboarding>>Onboarding Checklists>>Generate Employee Onboarding Checklists Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions

Personnel>>Offboarding Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Rehire

Position Management

Understanding Positions: This sub-section explains the concept of "positions" within HRplus, highlighting their central role in the system. It emphasises how positions are linked to organizational structure and employee records.



Creating New Positions: This sub-section provides a detailed walkthrough of creating new positions in HRplus. It covers aspects like specifying the number of positions, assigning position numbers, defining staff type, linking to the organizational structure, setting salary grades, and marking positions as vacant or filled.

Position Creation and Management: Create new Positions within the defined organizational structure, specifying staff type, location, and other relevant details.

Utilize the Positions Re-organisation feature to manage changes in the company structure or job attributes in batches. Position Management

  • Create Positions within the organizational structure, specifying the number of positions for each job title.

Position Management


  • Post vacant positions.

  • Manage the application and selection process.

Hiring and Onboarding

Hiring Employees into Positions: This sub-section explains the process of hiring an employee directly into a vacant position within HRplus, streamlining the onboarding process.

Onboarding: This section outlines the process of onboarding new employees within HRplus, with an emphasis on using onboarding checklists.

Generating and Managing Onboarding Checklists: This sub- section explains how to create, assign, track, and manage onboarding checklists to ensure new hires complete necessary tasks and paperwork.

Managing Position Changes (Positions Re-organization): This sub-section outlines the functionality for managing bulk changes to position data, such as updating job titles, departments, locations, or salary grades, while ensuring data integrity.

Hiring and Onboarding: Create Employee Record:

  • Input employee details, including personal information, contact details, emergency contacts, and dependents.

  • Assign the employee to a position.

  • Define employment terms, including salary, benefits, and contract details.




  • Generate Onboarding Checklists for new hires.

  • Utilize the Onboarding Checklist to manage tasks and track progress.

  • Upload required documents, such as identification, contracts, and bank details.

  • Set up employee access to relevant modules.

Hiring and Onboarding

Employee Transactions

  • Process various employee transactions, including Salary Changes, Acting appointments, Position Changes, and Separations.

  • Utilize pre-defined Transaction Reasons and leverage the workflow functionality for approvals and record updates.

  • Employee Data - Bank and Statutory Information: This section focuses on managing employee bank and statutory information within HRplus.

  • Entering and Updating Bank Information: This sub- section explains how to enter and update employee bank details, crucial for processing payroll and other financial transactions.

  • Entering and Updating Statutory Information: This sub- section explains how to manage employee statutory information, such as social security numbers and tax identification numbers, important for compliance and reporting requirements.

    Managing Dependents

  • This section explains how to add, edit, and view employee dependent information in HRplus. It emphasizes capturing essential details about dependents for HR records and benefits administration.


  • This section focuses on managing employee contracts within HRplus.

  • Enabling Auto-Generation of Contract IDs: This sub- section describes how to configure HRplus to automatically generate contract IDs in sequential order, simplifying contract management.

Employee Transactions




  • Employee Offboarding: Create Offboarding Checklists with tasks assigned to different stakeholders (e.g., HR, Manager).

  • Conduct Exit Interviews, capturing employee feedback.

  • Process employee separation transactions, adjusting salary and benefits accordingly.

    Initiate Offboarding Process:

  • Create a Separation Transaction for the employee.

  • Generate an Offboarding Checklist to manage tasks.

    Offboarding Tasks:

  • Reassign responsibilities to other employees.

  • Revoke system access.

  • Conduct exit interviews.

  • Process final pay and benefits.

    Exit Interview:

  • Utilize predefined Exit Interview forms to gather feedback.

  • Store completed forms electronically.

    Offboarding Completion:

  • Archive employee records.

  • Disable employee access to all modules.


Employee Rehire

Rehire former employees, reactivating their profiles and updating relevant information.

How do I Rehire an employee?

Step 3

During Employment, Ongoing System Use and Maintenance:

Personnel>>Personnel>>Generate Letters Personnel>>Event Reminders>>Event Manager Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees>>[Search for Employee]>>Toggle Additional Details>>Immigration

Generate HR Letters

  • Generate and distribute standardized letters for various transactions using pre-defined templates.

Generate and Save the Letters



Manage Event Reminders

  • Review and respond to system-generated reminders for upcoming HR events.

How is the Event Manager used?

Maintain Data Integrity

  • Ensure data accuracy and consistency through regular audits and updates.

Employee Data Management:

  • Update employee information as needed.

  • Manage employee documents, including contracts, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions.


Compensation and Benefits:

  • Process salary changes based on promotions, performance reviews, or market adjustments.

  • Manage benefits enrollment and changes.

  • Record and track employee leave (vacation, sick, etc.).

How do I enter a new salary or change an employee's salary?

Performance Management:

  • Conduct performance appraisals based on predefined job tasks and competencies.

  • Set performance goals and track progress.

  • Identify training and development needs.

Employee Relations:

  • Manage employee relations matters, such as disciplinary actions, grievances, and investigations.

  • Track employee relations cases and resolutions.

Talent Management:

  • Identify high-potential employees.

  • Create succession plans for key roles.

  • Manage internal mobility and promotions.


  • Track employee immigration information, including visa status, work permit expiry dates, and dependent details.

  • Manage work permit renewals and other immigration- related processes.


Glossary of Terms found in the Personnel Module

Acting Transaction: A temporary change in an employee's role or responsibilities, typically to fill in for another employee.

Adjusted Hire Date: The revised hire date of an employee, which may account for breaks in service or other adjustments. This is referenced in the Leave module when calculating employee leave entitlements.

Bargaining Unit: A group of employees with a common interest that is represented by a union in negotiations with the employer.

Branches of Study: Categories or fields of academic study that employees may have pursued or specialized in.

Casual Job Rate: The hourly pay rate for non-salaried employees who may be hired on a casual or temporary basis.

Certificate Types: Various forms of certification that employees may hold, indicating their qualifications and competencies.

Company: The legal entity that employs workers, which can consist of multiple departments, divisions, and sections.

Company Access: Permissions granted to users to access specific company-division-department related information and resources, such as accessing employee information within this hierarchy.

Company Transfer: The process of moving an employee from one company to another.

Competencies: The skills, knowledge, and abilities that employees need to perform their job duties effectively.

Competency Standards: The defined levels of proficiency required for specific competencies within the organization. This is used to define the proficiency level required for a specific job and also to define the level that the employee is performing at within the job when an assessment is completed during the performance appraisal.

Contract Information: Details about an employee's employment contract, including terms, conditions, and duration.

Contract Types: Various forms of employment contracts, such as permanent, temporary, or fixed-term.

Critical Job Level: A designation for jobs that are essential to the organization and require special focus in management and planning.

CSME Certificate Categories: The different types or categories of certificates issued under the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) agreement.

CSME Certificate Status: The current status of an employee's CSME certificate, indicating whether it is active, expired, or pending.

Department: A specific division within a company that focuses on a particular set of functions or activities.

Dependants: Family members or other individuals who rely on the employee for financial support.

Direct Supervisor: The immediate manager or superior to whom an employee directly reports.

Division: A major unit within a company, often consisting of multiple departments.

Educational Institutes: Schools, colleges, universities, and other organizations that provide educational programs and degrees.

Emergency Data: Information about an employee's emergency contacts and related details for use in urgent situations.

Employee Classifications: Categories used to classify employees based on their job type, status, or other criteria.

Employee Transactions History: A record of all transactions related to an employee, including hires, transfers, promotions, and separations.

Event Reminders: Notifications set up to remind employees and managers about important events or deadlines.

Event Types: Different kinds of events that can occur within the HR system and for which notifications can be set, such as anniversaries, birthdays, training sessions, meetings, or deadlines.

Exit Interview: A meeting conducted with an employee who is leaving the organization to gather feedback and insights.

Exit Interview Ratings: The scores or evaluations given during an exit interview, reflecting the employee's experience and feedback.

General Codes: Standardized codes used within the HR system to categorize and manage various types of information.

Hired Employees: Employees who have recently been recruited and hired into a position in the organisation on HRplus, even though their start date has not yet arrived.

Identity and Hire Data: Personal and employment information collected during the hiring process, including identification and job details.

Immigration Categories: Classifications of employees based on their immigration status and work authorization.

Job Allowances: Additional payments or benefits provided to employees for specific job-related expenses or responsibilities.

Job Assets: The equipment, tools, or resources assigned to an employee to perform their job duties.

Job Benefits: The various perks and advantages offered to employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Job Competencies: The specific skills and abilities required for a particular job within the organization.

Job Group/Family: A grouping of similar jobs that share common functions, responsibilities, and qualifications.

Job Qualifications: The necessary education, experience, and skills required for a specific job.

Job Training: The education and instruction provided to employees to enhance their job-related skills and knowledge when they join the organisation.

Letter Templates: Predefined templates used for creating standardized letters and documents for various HR purposes.

Location: The physical place where an employee works or where a company facility is situated.

Master Email Settings: The configuration of email settings for the HR system, to enable/diable emails being sent to employee's primary/work emails as defined on HRplus.

Missing Relationship: An absence or gap in the defined reporting or supervisory relationships within the organization.

Nationality: The country of origin or citizenship of an employee.

Offboarding: The process of managing the departure of an employee from the organization, ensuring a smooth transition.

Offboarding Checklist: A list of tasks to be completed when an employee leaves the organization, to ensure all necessary steps are taken.

Offboarding Group: The team or department responsible for managing the offboarding process for departing employees. The Groups are linked to the module access in the Security Module.

Offboarding Task: A specific action or step required as part of the offboarding process.

Onboarding: The process of integrating a new employee into the organization, including orientation, training, and initial setup.

Onboarding Checklist: A list of tasks to be completed when a new employee joins the organization, to ensure a smooth transition.

Onboarding Group: The team or department responsible for managing the onboarding process for new employees.

Onboarding Staff: The employees involved in facilitating the onboarding process for new hires.

Onboarding Task: A specific action or step required as part of the onboarding process.

Organisation Chart: A visual representation of the structure of an organization, showing the relationships between different employee’s positions and departments.

Organisation Entity: A specific unit or part of the overall organization, such as a company, department, or division.

Organisation Levels: The different hierarchical levels within an organization, from top management to operational staff.

Pay Groups: Categories of employees who share the same payroll schedule and payment terms.

Pay Group Access: Permissions granted to users to view or manage payroll information for specific pay groups.

Pay Period: The regular interval at which employees are paid, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Pay Period Active Year: The year in which pay periods are actively processed in HRplus, aligning with YTD payroll data or the year the first payroll parallel is conducted.

Position Chart: A diagram that outlines the various positions within an organization and their relationships to one another.

Position Re-Organisation: The process of restructuring the positions within an organization to improve efficiency or meet changing needs.

Positions: The specific jobs or roles within an organization, each with its own responsibilities and requirements.

Positions Supervisor: The manager or superior responsible for overseeing a particular position.

Primary On/Offboarding Person: The main individual responsible for managing an onboarding or offboarding task.

Pro-Ration: The adjustment of pay or benefits based on the proportion of time worked compared to a standard period.

Qualification Related Codes: Codes used to categorize and manage different qualifications and certifications held by employees.

Red Circle: An alert in the Salary Changes screen in HRplus indicating an employee's salary is outside the defined job range, prompting HR for correction.

Rehire Transaction: The process of bringing a former employee back into the organization after they have previously left.

Reporting Relationship: The defined chain of command within an organization, showing who reports to whom.

Salary Change Flags: The configuration that denotes the generation of the correct payroll entries for salaried and non-salaried employees when salary related information is being entered via the employee transaction screen. It also determines the method of pro-ration being used for each pay group.

Salary Grade: A level within a salary structure that defines the range of pay for jobs at that level.

Salary Grade Pay Points: Specific points within a salary grade that correspond to different levels of pay.

Salary Range: The range of pay for a particular job or grade, from minimum to maximum.

Salutations: Standardized greetings or titles used in formal communication, such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.

Secondary Supervisor: An additional manager or superior who oversees an employee, in addition to their direct supervisor.

Section: A sub-division within a department that focuses on a specific area of work.

Separation Transaction: The process of documenting and managing the departure of an employee from the organization.

Seniority Date: The date from which an employee's length of service is calculated, often used for determining benefits and entitlements.

Standard Work Hours: The regular hours of work that employees are expected to adhere to.

Status in Company: The current employment status of an employee within the organization, such as permanent, contract or temporary.

Status in Position: The current status of an employee in their specific position, such as permanent, contract or temporary.

Transaction Reasons: The various reasons for different types of HR transactions, such as promotions, transfers, or terminations.

Transaction Types: Different categories of HR transactions, such as hires, transfers, promotions, and separations.

Transaction-Payroll Linkages: The connections between HR transactions and payroll processes to ensure accurate payment and record-keeping.

Union: An organized group of workers who collectively bargain with the employer for better terms and conditions.

Vacant Position: A job or role within the organization that is currently unfilled.

Valid Organisation Hierarchy: An approved and structured representation of the organization’s reporting and hierarchical relationships.

Vaccine Types: Different types of vaccinations that employees may have received or be required to have.

Work Permit Status: The current status of an employee's work permit, indicating whether it is active, expired, or pending.

Work Permit Types : Different categories of work permits that employees may hold, based on their job and immigration status.

Personnel Module Updates: What's New?

This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus Personnel module, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features, fixes and improvements designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of the module.

December 2nd, 2024 - January 3rd 2025

  1. Job Parameters: Account Seg Code was tested.

  2. Competencies: Screens were updated to filter unwanted special characters.

  3. Company and Status Info: Status of Position uses Position Types.

  4. Generate Letters: Configuration of Image size and format.

Read More Here

November 1st - December 2nd, 2024

  1. Positions without Pay Group Access: when enabled Pay Group access is not required to create Positions.

  2. Organisation Entities: Increased character limit for Company Code and Section Code fields.

  3. Document Types: Screen automatically refreshes upon record creation.

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September 13th - November 1st, 2024

  1. Generate Letter: Date Format determined by configuration in System Interface Codes.

  2. Event Reminders: Generated for active employees.

  3. Education: Inst. Description sorted in alphabetical order.

  4. Import Salary Changes: Validation added to Import Salary Changes.

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August 16th – September 13th, 2024

  1. Status Changes: Updates to position status management and supervisor editing.

  2. Position Re-Organization: Enhanced workflows for reorganizing positions.

  3. Probation End Tracking: Tools to manage probation periods and HR workflows for acting positions.

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July 12th – August 16th, 2024

  1. Payroll Smart Entries: Enhanced payroll deductions and smart entry management.

  2. Audit Reporting: New tools for auditing reporting relationships and job grades.

  3. Position Supervisor Edits: Improved tools for editing position supervisors and job structures.

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June 26th – July 12th, 2024

  1. Jobs & Hierarchies: Validation of organization hierarchies and job position status types.

  2. Position Re-Organization: Updates to workflows for managing position reorganizations.

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May 4th – June 17th, 2024

  1. Position History: Enhanced tracking of employee position history.

  2. Vacant Positions: Management tools for handling vacant positions.

  3. Date of Birth Validation: Tools for validating employee birth dates and contract IDs.

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April 8th – May 4th, 2024

  1. Letter Templates: Updates to letter templates and email settings.

  2. Employee Transaction History: Improvements in managing job responsibilities and historical employee data.

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March 1st – April 8th, 2024

  1. Competency Types: Automated badge number generation and competency tracking.

  2. Vacant Positions: Updates to manage vacant position listings.

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February 6th – March 1st, 2024

  1. Rehire Employee: New tools to facilitate the rehiring process.

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January 3rd – February 6th, 2024

  1. Position Mapping: Tools for mapping position numbers and managing employee turnover.

  2. Employee Emergency Data: Enhanced tools for managing emergency contacts.

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December 20th, 2023 – January 3rd, 2024

  1. Auto Post Separations: Tools for automating separation postings.

  2. Historical Appraisal: Access to historical appraisal data for separated employees.

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December 12th – December 20th, 2023

  1. Gratuity Management: Enhanced gratuity calculations and organizational chart updates.

  2. Auto Post Separations: Further automation of employee separations.

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November 4th – December 12th, 2023

  1. Position Re-Organization: Updates to position reorganization and audit processes.

  2. Gratuity and Contract Management: Enhanced gratuity tracking and contract management tools.

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October 8th – November 4th, 2023

  1. Edit Position Supervisor: Tools for managing acting positions and separations.

  2. Job Reorganization: Improvements to job roles and position status tracking.

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September 1st – October 8th, 2023

  1. Position Number Mapping: Auto-generation of job codes and audit updates.

  2. Police History: New tools for auditing police records and salary changes.

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August 15th – September 1st, 2023

  1. Employee Profile Management: Improvements in managing employee profiles and organizational charts.

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July 27th – August 15th, 2023

  1. Contract ID Auto-Generation: Automated generation of contract IDs and validation of employee profiles.

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July 3rd – July 27th, 2023

  1. Employee Entries: Updates to employee entry processes and company stamp functionalities.

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June 2nd – July 3rd, 2023

  1. Job Code Generation: Automated job code generation and organizational chart enhancements.

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May 18th – June 2nd, 2023

  1. Position Number Configuration: Auto-configuration of position numbers and job roles.

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April 17th – May 5th, 2023

  1. Exit Interviews: New tools to manage offboarding processes, including exit interviews.

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April 2nd – April 17th, 2023

  1. Bank Information Changes: Tools for updating employee bank information.

  2. Employee Directory: Updates to the employee directory interface.

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January 9th – February 28th, 2023

  1. Employee Transactions History: Improved tracking of employee transaction history and salary grades.

Read More Here

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