Personnel (Set Up Letter Templates)

Personnel (Set Up Letter Templates)

Set Up Letter Templates

Overview of Letter Templates

Letter Templates

The Letter Templates and Generate Letters options allow for the one-time setup of user-defined letter templates (Salary Increases, Job Letters, Promotions, Confirmations etc.) and for the automatic generation of these letters whenever required.

How it works:

  1. Templates are set up based on Transaction TypesTransaction Types (Personnel>>Transactions>>Transaction Types). For example, Acting, Position Change, Salary Change, Separation etc.

  2. In configuring the templates, specify the general content of the letter and insert placeholders (field names) to retrieve and insert data from the HRplus database (e.g. employee names, salary from, salary to, start date etc.).

  3. Generate the letters.

Save the letters in PDF.

If the Transaction Types, for which letters are generated, are linked to the HR Workflow in HRplus, then the Letter Templates are used in conjunction with the HR Transactions workflow. Letters are automatically generated and attached as the approval process moves along the workflow. At the final stage of the workflow (posting of record), the letter is automatically saved to the employee’s documents

How it works:

  1. The Workflow is set up for the various Transaction Types (Acting, Position Changes, PT/FT Changes, Salary Changes etc.).

  2. Letter Templates are created for the various Transaction Types.

  3. Transactions are entered for employees and go through the defined Workflow process for the particular Transaction Type.

  4. At the final workflow stage, once the record is posted, the system automatically generates and stores the letters in Employee Profile (Personnel>>Employees>>Toggle Additional Details>>Documents).

See the HR Transactions Workflow documentation for details.

Summary Steps to setup the Letter Templates

Before using this module, please ensure that:

  • The letters required as well as the content and layout are known.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Create Letter Templates

  2. Configure the Template

  3. Generate and Save the Letters

Navigation: Personnel>>Letter Templates

Step 1: Create Letter Templates

Points to note when creating Letter Templates:

  • Create the Templates by assigning a user-defined name and linking it to the Transaction Type for which it is created.

  • You may create unlimited UNIQUE letter templates for the same Transaction Type or for different Transaction Types. However, you can only have ONE (1) DEFAULT letter template for any Transaction Type.

  • At present, letter templates can be created for eight (8) Transaction Types: (Personnel>>Transactions>>Transaction Types): Acting, Position, PT/FT Changes, Rehired, Salary Changes, Status Changes, Separation, Miscellaneous.

  • Letters are automatically generated and saved to employee Documents once the HR Transactions are linked to the Workflow. If not, letters can be manually generated and saved.

Personnel>>Letter Templates

The first step is to create the letter templates. You may create all the templates and then configure the layout or you may create the template and configure the layout at the same time.

Currently, templates can be set up for the following transaction types:

  1. Acting

  2. Position

  3. PT/FT Changes

  4. Rehired

  5. Salary Changes

  6. Status Changes

  7. Separation

  8. Miscellaneous

Transaction Type: From the drop-down list, select the Transaction Type (Personnel>>Transactions>>Transaction Types), for which you wish to set up a template. These are the same types that will be displayed, when setting up the Workflow Definition, in the HR Module Type field. How do I set up transaction reasons?

  • Trans Reason Desc: this drop-down list will display the transaction reasons that have been set up for the selected transaction type (Personnel>>Transactions>>Transaction Reasons).

  • Default: select Yes or No to indicate if the template is the default template.

  • Save the record. The record will be displayed in the list. Double-click to open.

  • Repeat the process to create additional Letter Templates.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Letter templates

How to Configure the Layout of the Letter Template?

Configure Letter Template Layout

The second step is to configure the template for the letter this includes:

  • Defining the content of each letter template

  • Defining the layout of each letter template.

N.B. Word processor formatting options are available and images can be inserted and edited as well.

System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>System Constants>>System Interface Codes

Step 1 Set Up Date Formats

1. The Date Format generated for Letters is determined by the configuration selected in System Interface Codes.

a. For example:

  1. Application Date Format (Short) - dd-MM-yyyy

    • Template Placeholder - DATE_PRINTED

    • Generated Date Format - 13-09-2024

  2. Application Date Format (Long) - dd-Mon-yyyy

    • Template Placeholder - DATE_PRINTED_Long

    • Generated Date Format - 13 September, 2024


System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Add space on generated letters


This feature adds a 2.5 inch space allowance for the printing of letterheads.

Step 2 Enable Add space on generated letters


Personnel>>Personnel>>Letter templates>>Letter Template Images

Step 3 Upload Image

Step 4 Create Letter Template


Enter the content of your letter. Use the formatting options to format as you wish.

  • Insert Placeholder: placeholders are the system field names that are retrieved from the HRplus database and displayed in the drop-down list. Place the cursor in the letter where you wish to put the field. Select the field name from the dropdown and click the Insert Placeholder button. These placeholders will be replaced by the actual field values when the letter is generated.

  • Insert Image: click this button to select and insert a saved image (company logo, signature) into the letter: JPG, PNG and any other picture formats are supported.

  • Save when completed. Repeat to set up additional letters.

Step 3: Generate and Save the Letters

The third step is to generate the letters. Letters are downloaded in PDF. You may save the letters and submit to employee/s as you wish.

If you need to make changes to a letter, edit the Template and generate the letter again

Summary Steps:

  • Enter the criteria for the letter you wish to generate: Transaction Types, Transaction Reason, Template Name, Employees etc.

  • Click the Generate Form/Letters button to generate and display the letters in PDF.

  • Save the letters and distribute as you wish.

  • If you wish to make changes to a letter, you must edit the Template and generate the letter again.

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