An employee can enter their language proficiency for HR to approve to their profile
An department administrator can enter their language proficiency on the employee's profile for HR to approve.
Once approved by HR, this is available for viewing on the employee's profile.
1. Basic
2. Intermediate
3. Advanced
4. Expert
5. Native Speaker
To add a new proficiency, select new record and enter the details.
To edit or delete an existing proficiency, double click on the record and edit accordingly.
Proficiency Level: Enter the level of proficiency level number that correlates to the description. Confirm the ranking system to be used. Eg. 1-5, with one being the lowest 5 being the highest
Proficiency Description: Enter the proficiency description.
Navigation: Personnel>> Setup>> Organisation>> Qualifications Related Codes>> Education Levels
Thisis used as a base table required prior to entering employee qualification and education details. HR can enter education details for new or existing employees on their employee profile.
If qualifications for the job and employee are defined, then a job gap analysis can be conducted to determine an employee's training requirements.
Employees or department administrators can enter education details for HR to approve.
Education Level
This refers to the level of education that the employee has completed. E.g. high school, college graduate, advanced degrees.
Educational Level Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the education
Education Level Description: Enter the Education Level Description.
To delete an Education Level, Double click on the existing record and click on the red X at the bottom of the tab.
On HRplus, Competencies are primarily used as base tables/setup data for the Talent modules,
specifically the Appraisals and Training modules.
N.b. If the Talent modules were not purchased then this can be omitted. If you have purchased the Talent modules, then this will be setup as part of the implementation of those modules. Follow the link below for additional details.
How do I setup competencies for a job
HR can aa certificate information to an employee's profile
Employees or department administrators are able to add an certificate information to the employee's profile for HR to approve.
This is a pre-requisite screen for the HRplus Training Modules. Training gaps can be uncovered if an employee is missing a specific certificate/certification for their role.
Certificate Type
A certificate is an official recognition of a specific authority on a subject matter. It distinguishes the holder as an expert in the relevant field with a proven level of skills and knowledge, and the competence necessary to execute the job for which it is required.
A Certificate Type can be any of the standard certifications which are usually given for achieving the level of mastery of a subject.
Certificate Type Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the certificate type
Certificate Type Description: Enter the certificate type description.
Branch of Study
A branch of study is also known as an academic discipline or field of study.
HR can enter these on an employee's profile
A gap analysis can be done to see what qualifications an employee is missing for their job.
A qualification is a pass of an examination or an official completion on a course. Eg. BSc Management Studies
Qualification Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the qualification
Qualification Description: Enter the Qualification Description.