Navigation: Personnel>> Setup>> Organisation>> Structure >> Job Families
Job Family
A job family is a group of jobs that involve work in the same functional/general occupation and have related core knowledge and background requirements (training, skills, knowledge and expertise). The family structure is based on function and not organizational structure. Currently, career progression is most often seen within the job family.
Eg. Accounting, Auditing, Payroll, Human resources, Legal
• Note, this is optional. If your company does not utilize Job Families, you can move directly to the setting up of Jobs.
• Click on New Record and enter the Codes and corresponding Descriptions for the various Job Groups applicable to your company.
1. Click on Job Family
Once you have created a job family entry, click on the plus sign to the left of the Record to see additional details.
Click on the New Record to create the Jobs that fall under each Job Group.
Enter the data for the Job in the three tabs in the Job Profile screen.
Navigation: Personnel >> Organisation >>Setup >> Structure >> Critical Job
A critical position is one that, if it were vacant, would have a significant impact on the organization's ability to conduct normal business, deliver outputs, achieve milestones or meet budget requirements. For the purpose of succession planning, the critical jobs within the organization must be identified and an action plan identified for high potential individuals to assume those positions. These jobs may be managerial, technical or a support type job.
Criticality Levels can be determined by analyzing both the impact of the job on the mission of the organization and whether or not there is a successor position identified. Critical Levels can be defined as:
High Criticality
Moderate Criticality
Low Criticality
Different criteria and questions can also be asked can be used to identify critical jobs including but not limited to:
Is there only one person who can perform the duties of the position? Who will fill their role if they are absent?
Is there a role where the incumbent has specialized knowledge and training acquired over time through specialized training and education? Does the organization have the capacity to train and develop an individual to such a capacity?
Are there employees who may retire within five years? Has the process for transfer of knowledge started?
Is the position both strategically and operationally critical?
Once the critical jobs are identified, reports can then be generated with a listing of these jobs and other required information such as competencies, skills, etc., to take the next step of starting to identify talent for succession planning.
Job Level: Enter the Critical Job Level linked to the degree of criticality as defined in the
description. e.g. 1, 2, 3.
Description: Enter the criticality description linked to the job level. e.g. High Criticality, Moderate
Criticality, etc.
Repeat step 2 for additional jobs.
Navigation: Personnel>>Setup>>Organization>>Structure>>Jobs
A job is a position of paid employment, a piece of work, a specific task tobe done. On HRplus, it is an attribute tied to the position.
There are three tabs to be filled out when creating a new 'Job' record. They are:
Job Description
Job Parameters
Other Characteristics
Job Code: This is a user-defined unique code that you associate with a specific job in your organization. Field length is up to 8 characters. (Required field)
Job Name: Enter the name of the Job that you are creating. (Required field)
Org Level: Allows you to define if, in this example, the Job is that of a Level 1 or Level 2 Supervisor. Note, this is simply for record keeping and has no impact on any other screen.
Job Grade: A Job Grade can also have the name "job level" or even "job classification"depending on the company. The concept is the same for all. The Job Grade reflects the amount of responsibility, impact and scope that a job has and may further be defined by impact, seniority, knowledge, skills.
Job Grades are typically associated with a salary range or salary grades and a series of job titles. They can be grouped into five areas. E.g. executive management, middle management, management, advisors and employees. On HRplus, the job grade is directly linked to the salary grades, so the salary grades must be setup first to be available for selection here. See link on how to set this up: How to setup Salary Grades?
Job Description: This lays out the responsibilities of what is required for the job to be done. Enter the description for the job here. (Required field)
Pay Type: You can use M for Monthly, W for Weekly or any other description of your choice. 2 characters are allowed. Note, this is for record-keeping purposes and does not have an impact on the salary or wages of the job.
Probation Length (Months): Enter the number of months of probation for a new hire into this job. NB: The value entered in this window will be used to calculate when an employee's probation period will end and a reminder/notification can be set up to prompt user action.
Job Group/Family: Select a job family to categorize a job into a more general grouping. For example, you may group an accounts clerk and senior accountant into the job family Accounting. Note that the job family would have had to be setup to be available for selection here. See link on how to set this up: How to setup job families?
Retirement Age: Enter here the standard retirement age for the job. Eg. 60
Shift Job: Select "Yes"or "No"if persons who are employed in this job are required to work using a shift system.
Working Hours: Enter the time period within which workers must complete standard working hours.
Position Authority: Indicate the level of authority of the Job.
Account Segment Code: If the Jobs are used as a segment in the GL or the jobs are a cost center, then enter the Account code for each Job.
Critical Job Level: A critical job is one that if it were vacant, would have a significant impact on the organization's ability to conduct normal business. These positions may be managerial, technical or a support role in nature that can be occupied or vacant. Enter the information here if this differentiation is used by your company. Note that the critical job levels would have had to be setup to be available for selection here.
Reports To: Enter the Job Name(s) that this job reports to.
Oversees Positions: Enter the Job Name(s) of those jobs that reports to this one.
Special Pressures: Provide a detailed description on some of the tasks which may place the employee under pressure in their job. Eg. A certain amount of tasks may be required to be completed with a certain time frame.
Health Hazards: Provide a detailed description of anything unpleasant or harmful to their health that the employee may suffer or experience as a result of doing their job. E.g. Exposure to potential toxins, allergens or biological hazards, falling objects, chemical exposure, fire hazard, etc.
Social Isolation: Describe some of the risks of the job which may lead to social isolation. E.g. work from home policy, inflexible rules
Physical Conditions: Describe the physical conditions of the job. E.g. lighting, the size of space in which a worker must perform her job, and what kind of physical strain (i.e. heavy lifting, a worker can expect to undergo.)
Save the record when finished.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[Search for Job]>>[+]>>New
Company-Job Link
Job-Company Link
HRplus supports a multi-company set up on one database or one installation site.
The Job-company link feature can be used of you are responsible for several companies that have identical job titles. Instead of entering separate job records for each company, you can enter the job details once and simply link the details of that job to an another company.
Before you proceed!
This function is to used ONLY if all details of the job in company A is identical to that of company B.
For example, if the roles and responsibilities, job allowances, competencies, goals/targets, certification requirements, qualification requirements and benefits of the Brand Manager in company A varies in ANY way from the role and responsibilities job allowances, competencies, goals/targets, certification requirements, qualification requirements and benefits of the Brand Manager in company B then you MUST create two separate job records.
For this example we are leaving the feature disabled. However when enabled editing is restricted in the following tabs of the New Company-Job Link screen:
Job Description
Job Parameters
Other Characteristics
Job Description Details
System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Company-Job Link Read-Only
• If the data for the other two sub-tabs: Job Parameters and Other Characteristics vary, enter the modifications.
Finally, you will notice the addition of sub-tabs: Job Offer Templates and Job Description Details Here, you can upload a template of the Job Offer Letter used for this Job to allow for standardization across companies and enter the Job Description Details.
Save the record when completed.
Navigation: Personnel>> Setup>>Organisation>>Jobs>>Primary Responsibilities
Job Tasks (Primary Responsibilities)
Job Tasks or Primary Responsibilities refer to the core duties and functions that an individual is expected to perform in their role or position within an organization. These tasks are essential for the successful execution of the job and contribute to the overall goals and objectives of the department or company. The specific job tasks can vary widely depending on the nature of the job and the industry. Organizations include responsibilities on job listings so they can communicate the type of skills and experience they're seeking from candidates.
The standards defined for these tasks describe, in measurable terms, the results that indicate that an employee in the position has properly performed the particular Essential Function. Job Standards tell us exactly how to tell that the essential function is done properly.
Job Tasks are a Pre-requisite setup item for the following modules:
Appraisals - The Primary Responsibility screen allows the user to enter each task an employee is responsible for and can be part of the employee's performance review. Link as many tasks to a job as required. These tasks or primary responsibilities will be retrieved from the job profile and 'pulled' into the appraisal form at the time of appraisal.
Recruitment - Once an employee has access our Employee Self Serve module, they can view and apply for company vacancies. The vacancy record will include the Primary Responsibilities.
Health & Safety Module - The primary responsibility can be flagged as a HSE-related task that can lead to a potential incident.
Steps to set up Job Tasks / Primary Responsibilities:
Enter Job Tasks
Enter Task Details
Enter Task Standards
• A Task Template can be downloaded, filled and then imported into this screen.
Tasks which are duplicated on multiple jobs only need to be entered once as they can then be linked to relevant jobs.
Task Code: Enter a user-defined code to reference the task.
Task Description: Enter a user-defined description for the job Task or Primary Responsibility. If there are tasks that are duplicated across jobs, these tasks only have to be entered once.
Task Tags: Task tags are specific words or phrases used to categorize and organize job tasks/primary responsibilities. This helps in efficiently managing and searching for tasks that may be related to certain topics, jobs, etc. E.g. Tags such as Accounting and HR can be used to tag the tasks which apply to those job families/groups. The power search tool can then be used to search for these tag words so HR can easily see all the related tasks for further analysis.
Note that these tags are also referenced in the 360 Multi-Rater module.
Enter user-defined Standards which allow all parties - HR, Manager, and Employee to agree on the
quality of work or performance that is expected at each level.
The Points are used to define the importance of each standard and its impact on an employee's appraisal score.
Save the record and repeat to add more tasks.
Personnel>> Setup>>Organisation>>Jobs>>Primary Responsibilities
Job Tasks (Primary Responsibilities)
After the Job Tasks and associated standards have been created, these tasks must then be linked to each respective job. There are two ways to link the job responsibilities/tasks to each job.
Add each task to an individual job.
Import the Job Responsibilities Template.
From Date: Enter the date from which this task is relevant in your company. If the task is time specific, then enter a time period for the task.
To Date: If this task has an expiry date please enter that date here.
Weight: Assign a numerical value to define the weight of the task based on its importance among all the tasks linked that that specific job.
By incorporating weighting into the appraisal process, organizations can differentiate between critical tasks that heavily influence job performance and those that are relatively less significant. The weights reflect the relative significance of each task in contributing to the overall success and performance of the employee based on strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions in their role. It also helps align performance assessment with the strategic objectives of the organization and the specific requirements of the employee's role.
The total weight assigned to all tasks for each job should add up to 100% to maintain consistency.
HSE Related: Select ‘yes’ if this task is to be linked to the Health & Safety Module. If not, select ‘No’.
NB: Only tasks that are HSE related will be available in the Health & Safety Module.
Save the record and repeat to add more tasks / primary responsibilities as the job requires.
N.B. These tasks or primary responsibilities will be retrieved from the job profile and 'pulled' into the appraisal form at the time of appraisal.
Multiple Jobs and their associated tasks can be imported via one job template import. The records
will be imported and visible on the respective job to which they apply.