Timesheet Overview
The Timesheets are generated when the Attendance Logs are posted. There are several key attributes on the timesheets which automate rules and alert the Timekeeper, allow them to make adjustments in an efficient manner. This includes:
The colour of the Time card fonts changes to indicate different conditions.
Indicator/Colour in Cell | Meaning |
A purple font in the punch-in-for-shift | indicates an early punch |
A red font in the punch-in-for-shift | indicates a late punch (late arrival) |
A red font in the punch-out-from-shift | indicates that the person left early (early departure) |
A purple punch in the punch-out-from-shift | indicates that the person worked late or overtime |
A purple font in the punch-out-for -lunch | indicates that a late lunch is being taken |
A purple font in the punch-in-for lunch | indicates an early return from lunch |
A red punch in the punch-in-from-lunch | indicates a late return from lunch |
A gray font | indicates that you cannot edit the contents |
The Actual and Adjusted Times work together based on the Rounding Rules which were setup for the respective shift. If an employee has an early punch for their shift as shown in the example above where the punch is at 7:55 am, based on the rounding rules setup for this shift, their actual punch-in time is rounded to the start time of the shift at 8:00 am . This means that the employee is not paid for
the minutes that they arrived prior to the start time of the shift.
Similarly, based on the configured rounding rules for this shift, the punch-out times are adjusted to the end time of the shift so that the employee is not penalized for leaving 5 minutes before the shift- end time.
Note that Rounding Rules are specific to each organization and must be configured and linked to each shift prior to posting the timesheets, so that the automatic adjustment of time takes effect and is reflected in the Adjusted Time view. This has the outcome of enforcing company rules in an equitable manner to those working on applicable shifts as well as decreasing the amount of timesheet adjustments to be done by the Timekeeper.
The Total Hours as highlighted below shows the hours for which the employee is being paid based on the hours worked as shown in the Adjusted Time view, together with rules setup for the shift
including if and how lunch should be deducted.
The Shift Type indicators of N or S identify whether the employee worked on thie Normal or
Second/Split Shift respectively.
There are Best Practices recommended for the review of timesheets and this should be done in combination with the Guide for Timekeeper Daily Processes.
Best Practices include:
Review and Approve timecards for the previous work day by one hour into your shift.
Review total HRplus time to ensure the following:
Total productive time + Total Leave Time = Scheduled Total time.
Review and Adjust Timesheets including the following activities:
Adjusting Time
Review of assigned Shift
Treating with Missing Punches
Timesheet Hours
Reviewing Leave Balances and treating with Absences
Approving Timesheets
If records were posted from Omitted Attendance Logs, then review Unapproved After Post Timesheets.
If necessary, give employees their timecards for signing-off - if a Manager makes changes to an employee’s HRplus timecard without the employee’s knowledge, the employee must acknowledge the changes by signing a paper-copy of his/her timecard for that pay period. To make a copy of an employee’s timecard, this can be emailed or printed from the available Timekeeper reports. If there are no changes to an employee’s time in any pay period, no manual signature is required by the employee because the times being used are his punched-in times adjusted for compliance with the T&A rules which were setup.
Workflow Process (Optional) - If a workflow is being used in the Timekeeping Process, all the steps above must be completed in the review of the timesheets but the approval process is slightly different. For more information on this see the article on Workflow Approvals.
7. Review Late Coming and Early Departure records.
N.B. This process will be different for each Company based on specific business rules which have been set up on HRplus.
If the rules set up have allowed for one (1) hour for lunch to be deducted and a 10 minute grace at the
start of a shift.
In the scenario where an employee works a 9:00 am to 5:00 pm shift and punches IN for work at out for that shift at 9:07 am, the time that appears:
In the Actual Time = 9:07 am
In the Adjusted Time = 9:00 am
The Adjusted Time is automatically rounded back to the start of the shift, based on rules set up. This is the time that the employee is paid from, therefore they are not penalized for being late. Note that the total hours shown will show all hours to be paid.shows as 9:00 am and this is the it is up to your discretion if you wish to pay him/her for 7 hours and 47 minutes (as will be shown in the Total Hours field) or if you wish to pay the full 8 hours. Adjust the out time to 6:00 pm should you decide to pay the full 8 hours.
Adjusting Time
The adjustment of employee punch times are automatic based on the Rounding Rules and other business rules setup in HRplus which are specific to each organization. These rules can deduct late minutes and a lunch period automatically from the hours paid.
Should three be a discrepancy with the hours, the adjusted punch times can be manually edited by the Timekeeper, which will change the number of hours to be paid.
If the rules set up have allowed for one (1) hour for lunch to be deducted and no grace at the end of a shift.
In the scenario where an employee works a 9:00 am to 5:00 pm shift and punches OUT for work at out for that shift at 4:55 pm, the time that appears:
In the Actual Time = 4:55 pm
In the Adjusted Time = 4:55 pm
There is no rounding in the Adjusted Time as no grace was set up for this shift. This means that 5 minutes will be deducted from the employee's hours to be paid for that day.
Note that the Timekeeper ALWAYS has the option to adjust the times on the timesheet and override the rules set up. E.g. The Adjusted Time out can be changed to 5:00 pm so that the employee is paid for the full 8 hrs of work. By editing the time, the employee hours will be changed to reflect the time the supervisor/timekeeper want to pay for that day.
Note that the Actual Time will always show the unedited times for that day.
In a situation where employees have missed a punch/ did not punch for some reason, the Timekeeper will have to manually input a time in the Adjusted Time Field as there must be both and In and and Out time recorded for the hours to be paid to be calculated. This, however, will offset the lunch times so you will need to manually adjust the lunch times as well.
A punch is considered missing if the employee worked on a shift but when the attendance logs are posted to the timesheets, there is no record of either an In/Out/Out to Lunch/In From Lunch punch for the said employee. There are two scenarios for missing punches as follows:
All punches are missing for the day worked. In this scenario, the Timesheet Condition is automatically updated as Absent and the record is highlighted in red.
The employee punched at least once for the day, so One or Some punches are missing. In this scenario, the Timesheet Condition is automatically updated to Missing Punch.
N.B. In both scenarios, it is assumed that the timekeeper checked the unprocessed punches screen before posting the logs to timesheets. This would have allowed all punches logged for the day to appear on the timesheet for the respective employee.
• Click the Plus (+) sign on the left of the timesheet record.
Select the condition as "Missing Punch"and the correct reason that the punch was missing, e.g. "Forgot to Punch" or "Change of Location".
Click on the diskette to save the record.
Repeat for Additional Employee records with missing punches.
An employee is flagged as absent on HRplus if there are no punches recorded for that employee for timesheet generated for a scheduled day of work. Where employees have been flagged as ‘Absent’, the timesheet record will be highlighted in red.
When the attendance logs are posted, No Punches will appear on the timesheet in the following scenarios:
The employee did not punch in at all for that scheduled day of work and was in fact absent.
The employee may have punched in for work but their punches are in the unprocessed punches table and were not "fixed" by the timekeeper prior to the attendance logs being posted to the timesheets. As a result the employee is recorded as absent.
Assuming Scenario 1 ( i.e. The employee was actually absent from their shift) , the absent condition/ leave type that the employee was on must then be selected by the timekeeper if it has not been already updated from an entry in the Leave module.
N.B. The Absent Conditions works in conjunction with the leave records being entered by HR. This means that if the employee had applied for leave on or before the day of absence, and this was entered by HR and approved on HRplus BEFORE the attendance logs were posted to the timesheet screen, then the Absent Condition will automatically show the leave type that the employee is on for that day.
How to treat with an Absent Timesheet?
The "Absent Conditions" which appear for selection on the timesheet are the leave types which have
been mapped to the payment types via the leave-earn mapping table. If a leave type does not appear here, it means that it has not been mapped.
Save the record by clicking on the submit button.
N.B. Other Timesheet Conditions such as Missing Punch, etc. can be user defined and added via the Timesheet Condition setup screen.
When the Absent Condition has been selected and saved, then the timesheet is no longer red as
shown above.
Leave Balances
The Leave Balance data shown can be used to determine if the employee has any vacation (cumulative leave) or non-cumulative leave such as sick, casual, etc. available.
If the employee has no more available leave days, then select the respective Leave Type which is to be applied to that day OR the absent reason for the relevant Absent Condition/Leave Type according to your company's rules, e.g. No Pay Leave and DO NOT DO NOT APPROVE the timesheet for payment.
N.B. If the timesheet record is approved, note that the employee will be paid for the absent day taken.
Workflow Enabled
If the workflow has been enabled for the respective Schedule, then the Progress options will be visible for the timekeeper to select.
If the timesheet is to be approved, then the following criteria must be applied:
If the Timekeeper is the Primary Approver, then they must select Move Forward and enter a relevant comment in the pop up dialogue box.
If the Timekeeper is the Secondary Approver and there are no discrepancies with the timesheet, then they must select Move Forward if it goes to another level for approval and enter a relevant comment in the pop up dialogue box.
If the Timekeeper is the Secondary Approver AND is the final approver and there are no discrepancies with the timesheet, then they must select Post Record for the timesheet to be paid.
If the Timekeeper is the Secondary and there are discrepancies with the timesheet at the Secondary Approver level, then they can select Move Backward and enter a relevant comment in the pop up dialogue box. The timesheet will then go to the previous level for adjustment by that timekeeper. Alternatively, the higher level Timekeeper can adjust the timesheet themselves and make the relevant comment.
If the timesheet is NOT to be approved, do not select any progress options.
If the Workflow is NOT enabled, simply approve the timesheet and save the record. If the timesheet is not to be paid, then do NOT approve.
Manual Timesheets
In the event that there is no clock/faulty clock/technical difficulties with the time clock, employees will not be able to register their In/Out punches.
In such a scenario, Timekeepers are allowed to manually edit employee timesheets so that punches can be recorded and processed.
To do so, as is customary, employees MUST be placed on a schedule and shifts for the respective day.
• HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules
If the timeclock is working then employee punches will be displayed here. However, if the
timeclock is not working, then NO employee punches will be displayed.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Attendance Logs>>Current
By default, HRplus Time generates BLANK timesheets based on the Schedules/Shifts in which
employees are placed.
These default timesheets show the Employee Names, Schedule Day, Schedule Clock Times (In/ Out).
This step allows you to post these timesheets.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Attendance Logs>>Post to Timesheets
Timekeepers MUST have permission to their relevant Company and Schedule in order to post
The default timesheets are displayed in RED and show a default Reason of ABSENT.
In the absence of registered punches via the timeclock device, Timekeepers may simply edit and approve these default timesheets.
The approved timesheets can then be posted to Cycle Changes for processing.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timekeeper Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Current
Again, Timekeepers MUST have the necessary permissions to the Schedule/Shift to edit/approve
employee timesheets!
The next step is to post the Timesheets to Cycle Changes. Again, this MUST be done by authorised
Shift Allowances
Shift allowances allow you to process allowances for employees against their timesheets. All allowances can be processed (Call-Out, On-Call, Shift Premiums, Meal, Travelling etc.)
How it works:
Set up allowances as you normally would via Payroll>>Maintenance>>Payroll Setup.
Define parameters for allowances. via HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Shift Allowances.
Link allowances to shifts via HRplus Time>> Shift Parameters>>Shifts Allowance Link. You can link any allowance to any shift.
Timekeeper Process
Generate/Manually enter allowances for employees via Timekeeper>>Timesheets >> Timesheets
>> Current.
View/edit/delete/process allowances for employees via Timekeeper>>Timekeeper Timesheets>>Current.
The system verifies both the Allowance parameters and the employee’s Timesheet entries before generating the allowances.
Payroll Process for Allowances
When the Timesheets are Posted to the Cycle Changes, the allowances listed on the timesheet (as well as those enabled by business rules but which do not appear on the timesheet) are generated in the Cycle Changes, in the relevant Pay Cycle for normal payroll processing.
ONLY Allowances that have been configured and linked to the respective shifts will be generated when the Generate Allowance button is selected.
Employee timesheets must adhere to the rules configured for the allowance to appear on the timesheet.
Allowance: Click on the drop-down to select the respective allowance to be entered for the
Amount: Enter the value of the allowance here.
If the dollar amount of the allowance was entered at the payroll or hrplus Time level, then enter 1 here.
If the value is variable by employee, then enter the variable amount here.
Note: The value to be entered here should be communicated clearly to the respective Timekeepers either by your HRplus Implementation Specialist or your Internal Trainer.
Pay Regardless: Select Yes or No. This field refers to cases in which:
The timesheets may not yet be approved but allowances still need to be paid. In such an instance, select Yes (i.e. to pay the allowance regardless of the timesheet being paid) else select No.
Comments: If the allowance is based on variable factors, enter a comment which may explain why the allowance was given to the employee.
Click on the diskette to Save the Record.
Archived Timesheets
If the Payroll module is being used together with the Time and Attendance module, this is when the
Archived timesheet screen is utilized. Otherwise no records will be visible here.
Prior to a pay cycle being archived, timesheets are visible either in the Current or Unapproved After Post timesheet screens. Whenever a Pay Cycle is archived in the Payroll module, the timesheets with dates that match the respective cycle will no longer be available in the aforementioned screens but ONLY in the Archived Timesheets screen (in the Time and Attendance Module).
Similarly, if a Pay Cycle is unarchived in the Payroll module, then the timesheets will no longer be visible in the Archived Timesheet screen but ONLY in the Current Timesheet screen.