Benefits>>Pension Admin
The purpose of the Pension Administration Module is to assist an organisation in maintaining the pension records of its staff by collecting the pension contributions from the HRplus Payroll, apply the recommended interest distribution from the organisation's actuaries and ultimately generate the pension statements due to your employees. Among the features of the Pension Administration module include the ability to:
capture, manage and manipulate the data associated with members of a pension plan.
keep track of the pension status of a pension plan member from the time he/she joins the plan up until the time of final benefits payments.
perform end of year interest calculations on contributions (normal (ordinary) and additional voluntary) as well as on transfer values.
interface with HRplus Payroll to retrieve the contributions (normal (ordinary) and additional voluntary) that were paid during the year by a pension plan member.
print a number of reports including but not limited to a pension plan member’s contributions and interest earned, and the pension status history of the member.
The Pension Administration Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the administration of employee pension benefits within the HRplus Pension Module.
Step 1 | Pension Setup | |
Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Pension Status Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Pension Status Sequence Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Retirement Type Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Interest Rate Codes Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Pension Type Plans Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Transfer Value - Employer Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Pension Setup>>Pension Constants | ||
Pension Status |
How do I set up Pension Status? | |
Pension Status Sequence |
How do I set up Pension Status Sequence? | |
Retirement Type |
How do I set up Retirement Types? |
Interest Rate Codes |
How do I set up Interest Rate Codes? | |
Pension Type Plans |
How do I add Pension Plans? | |
Transfer Values - Employer |
How do I set up Transfer Values - Employer? | |
Pension Constants |
How do I set up Pension Constants? | |
Step 2 | Pension Administration | |
Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Pension Interest Rates Benefits>>Benefits>>Benefits Setup>>Benefit Plan Types>>[Select Benefit Type Code]>>[+]>>Enrolled Employees Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Plan Members | ||
Pension Interest Rates |
How do I set up Pension Interest Rates? | |
Enroll Employees in Pension Plan |
How do I enroll employees in the Pension Plan (via the Benefits module)? | ||
Pension Plan Members |
How do I Add Pension Plan members? | |
Pension History and Personal Data |
How do I view employee's Pension History and Personal Data? | |
Pension Data |
How do I view employee's Pension Data? | |
Step 3 | Pension Calculations | |
Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations>>Transfer Value Interest Calculations Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations>>Ordinary Member Contributions Interest Calculations Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations>>Additional Voluntary Contributions Interest Calculations Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations>>Pensions in Payment Increases Calculations Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Administration>>Calculations>>Deferred Pension Increases |
Calculations | ||
Pension Contributions Interest |
How do I calculate interest on Pension Contributions? | |
Step 4 | Print Pension Statements | |
Benefits>>Pension Admin>>Reports>>Pension Reports>>Pension Statements | ||
Print Employees' Pension Statements |
How do I print employees' Pension Statements? |
Vested: The status of having earned the right to receive full benefits from a pension plan, even if the member leaves the employer before retirement. This typically occurs after a specified period of service or contributions.
This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus Pension Administration module, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features, fixes and improvements designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of the module.
September 1st – October 8th, 2023
1. Pension Statements: Added new features for generating and managing pension statements, allowing employees to access detailed pension information.
September 25th – October 17th, 2020
1. Pension Audits: Introduced audit capabilities to track pension contributions and ensure compliance with pension administration regulations.