Personnel (‌Set Up Transactions)

Personnel (‌Set Up Transactions)

Set Up Transactions

Navigation :

Personnel >> Setup >> Organisation >> General Codes >>Transaction Types Personnel >> Personnel >> Transactions >> Transaction Types

Linked modules where it is used:


  • Used as a base for setting up and entering transaction reasons for employees when entering HR transactions.

Related articles on help site:

How to create transaction reasons?

What are Transaction Types?


Employee transactions are changes to the employee’s life cycle in the organization and this includes all the different transaction types such as position changes, salary changes, acting position changes, , status changes, separations, rehires and more. These transactions are effectively tracking and maintaining the employee history in the database. Via this option, a history of all employee transactions (profile changes) - promotion, acting, termination, etc. is maintained.

An employee can have an unlimited number of unique profile

changes. Only when the employee profile change record is posted will the change be reflected in the database. You are not allowed to edit/delete a record that has been posted.

Transaction Types

On HRplus, transaction types are view-

only. Transaction types allow you to categorize employee profile changes for the duration of the employee's life at the company. Fourteen

(11) default transaction types are available. You are not allowed to edit/delete/insert transaction types.

View the list of Transaction Types available on HRplus

Transaction Types on HRplus


Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Transaction Reasons

Personnel>>Setup>>General Codes>>Transaction Types (Drill Down to Transaction Reasons)

How do I set up Transaction Reasons?

Transaction Reasons

Insert/edit/delete/view transaction reasons. Using the transaction types, you can create user-defined reasons for employee profile change (e.g. the employee receives a Salary Change due to a Salary Increase). Each transaction reason must be linked to a transaction type.

Unlimited transaction reasons can be linked to the same transaction type but any one transaction reason can only be linked to a transaction type. The Transaction Reasons reasons are then used in the various windows (Separations, Salary Changes, Status Changes etc.) to reflect employee profile changes and to maintain a historical record.

A list of DEFAULT Transaction Types are displayed here. These correspond to the Employee Life Cycle Transaction that the application supports. These cannot be edited.

Default Transaction Types on HRplus

Create Transaction Reason for Transaction Type

Transaction Type: Select the Transaction Type for which you are creating transaction reasons.

Reason Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the reason description.

Reason Description: Enter the transaction reason description.

Has Expiry Flag: Check the box if the reason has an expiry date attached to it.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Separation Types

How does it work:

This is a two step process:

  1. Setup Separation Types

  2. Setup Separation (Transaction) Reasons

How do I enter a Separation Type and Reason?


Employment separation occurs when the employment contract between an employee and his or her company comes to an end.

Separation Types and Reasons

Knowing the type of and reason for separation from employment is important as it may determine if the employee receives unemployment benefits and severance pay.

The Table below shows a list of separation types and reasons which may be used as a guide to your setup on HRPlus.

Enter a Separation Type

Type Code: Enter a unique and user defined code which represents the type description.

Type Description: Enter the Separation Type Description

Status: Select the separation status here.

Enter a Separation Reason

Click on the link to see How to create a Separation Reason.

Table showing Separation Types and Reasons

Separation Types

Separation Reasons


  1. Constructive Discharge

    • This is also known as constructive termination or constructive dismissal, occurs when an employee quits under duress and believes that they have no choice but to leave their employer. Often, they feel that they have been forced to leave by an employer who has intentionally made

Separation Types

Separation Reasons

their working conditions intolerable. If employees who are separated in this manner can prove their case, they may retain some of the same rights as a discharged worker. Although it appears as if the employee left voluntarily, he or she had no other option but to leave due to the very difficult working conditions.

  1. Termination for Cause ( Misconduct)

    • When an employee , they are fired from their job for a specific reason. Reasons can include any sort of misconduct, such as ethics violations, failure to follow company rules, breach of contract, theft, falsifying documents, violence, harassment or threatening behavior towards others, insubordination, etc.

  2. Termination with Prejudice

    • A termination without prejudice means an employee has been let go for reasons other than performance, behavior, or attitude on the job, as in a layoff. Employees terminated without prejudice are eligible for rehire into the same or similar job role.

  3. Temporary Job or Employment Contract Ends

    • Once an employment contract is completed, or a temporary job ends, there will be a separation unless the employment is extended further.

Involuntary Termination

  1. Fired

    • A firing takes place when an employer severs ties with a worker due to poor performance or violations of company policy. Depending on the nature of employment, an employer may work with the employee in order to resolve the problematic situation or provide a probation plan as a warning. In the case of at-will employment, an employee can be fired without a reason or without warning.

  2. Layoff

    • Being laid off refers to a separation in which the employer has let an employee go because their services are no longer needed. Layoffs occur when employers experience a reduced volume of business or funding, or when a reorganization occurs that renders a job unnecessary. Economic changes, financial decisions, restructuring, redundancy, attrition, or a change in function may lead to this kind of separation from employment. Layoffs can happen to one or many employees at once, depending on the circumstances.

Voluntary Termination

1. Resignation

Separation Types

Separation Reasons

  • A resignation occurs when an employee decides to leave a job of their own accord. Submitting your resignation is an official notice that you are ending the relationship between yourself and the company. Resignation etiquette varies by organization and job type, but typically, written notice at least two in advance of your official last day is commonplace.

Termination by Mutual Agreement

  1. Retirement

    • Retirement: This is a separation from employment whereby an employee opts to cease working once they have met the age and tenure stipulations laid out by the employer or negotiated by the employer and a union.

    • Mandatory Retirement: Mandatory retirement rules are limited to a few occupations where workers are deemed a risk to the public or themselves as they experience diminished capacities after a specified age. Examples include air traffic controllers, law enforcement officers, and pilots.

Phased Retirement: Phased retirement occurs when older employees are allowed to steadily reduce their work hours over time, often months in advance of their official retirement date.

Personnel >> Personnel >> Transactions >> Transactions-Payroll Linkages

Before setting up the Transactions-Payroll Linkages, you must ensure that the appropriate Payroll

Code is setup in the Payroll Module. See links below.

How do I setup an Earning? How do I setup a Deduction? How to I setup Other Income?

How do I setup an Allowance?

How do I setup Transactions-Payroll Linkages?

Transactions Payroll Linkages

Compensation data from the HR modules in HRplus can be linked to the payroll via the Transaction- Payroll Linkages.

The system will (1) check the respective modules for data (e.g. employees on Sick Leave, employees who are to receive bonuses) and (2) check this table for the payroll code in order to determine ‘what to pay on’

i.e. which allowance, earning type etc. The appropriate cycle changes will be generated in the payroll run based on the effective dates entered for the transaction.


  1. You can link the Personnel module to POWERpay to Acting, Rehire, Retro payment Salary Changes and Separation transactions.

  2. You can link the Leave and Attendance or the Performance Appraisal module to POWERpay to pay Sick Leave and Bonus Payments respectively.

Module Code: Select the module code from the drop-down list of HR modules (e.g.APPRAISAL (PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MODULE), LEAVE (LEAVE AND ATTENDANCE


Link Description: Enter a user-defined link description (e.g. Leave Payment, Bonus Payment etc.).

HR Code: Select the HR Code from the drop-down list of codes that will be displayed depending on the module chosen (e.g. Selecting BENEFITS will display a list of Benefit Plan Types; Selecting LEAVE will display a list of Leave Types;).

See table below showing modules and their respective HR codes.

Payroll Type : Select either of Earnings, Other Income, Allowances, Deductions.

Payroll Code : Select from the drop-down list of codes that will be displayed depending on the Payroll Type chosen.

  1. Selecting EARNINGS will display a list of Earning Types.

  2. Selecting Other Income will display a list of Other Income Types.

  3. Selecting deductions will display a list of Deduction Types.

  4. Selecting Allowances will display a list of Allowance Types.

Pay Group: Select the relevant pay group from the drop-down list of pay groups.


Employee Discipline

You have suspended John Smith for one (1) month and placed him on half-pay for a disciplinary offence.

  • In HR you set up a discipline code of HALF-PAY and define the period for which it applies.

  • In Payroll you create an Earnings Code (Setup>>Earning Types) of HALF-PAY which is then defined as a multiple of REGULAR PAY and set up a percent multiplier of .5 and a charge factor of –1.

  • You then use the Transactions-Payroll Links to link the two items.

  • When you import data from HR (via the Cycle Changes option) an entry will appear in the Cycle Changes window showing the HALF-PAY code with a minus value.

  • When the payroll runs, this figure will be deducted from the employee earnings.

Table showing Modules and their Respective HR Codes

Module Code

Module Name

Link Transactions

HR Code

HR Description




Salary Increase











  • No Pay Leave

  • Non Payment of Extra Days Taken

  • Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken










Module Code

Module Name

Link Transactions

HR Code

HR Description














Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Salary Change Flags


Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Employee Transactions

How do I setup the salary change flags?

Salary Change Flags

Salary Change Flags allow us to define the Payment Parameters for Salaried and Non-Salaried employees, including how pay is earned, whether in dollars or units, and whether pay is defined as a Salary or a Rate. Additionally, this screen allows us to indicate the pro-ration option that best suits your company's payment rules.

To maintain the integrity of the data, it is advised that all salary changes be done via the Employee transaction >> Salary Changes screen. When this is entered, the system can generate, for processing in the payroll, a cycle change with the new salary in the pay cycle based on the Effective Date.

To enable the automatic generation of salary changes to the payroll, the salary change flags setup is one of the critical items which must be enabled.

Additionally, the Regular Earnings must be entered in the system interface codes. (System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>System Interface Codes).

  1. Set up Salary Change Flags (Transactions>>Salary Change Flags).

  2. Enter the employee salary via Salary Changes (Transactions>>Salary Changes).

    Note that these flags are normally set at the start of your project with HRplus and with the guidance of an Implementation Specialist. Should you need assistance configuring the salary change flags for a pay group, then please contact the help desk for assistance.

    Enter a New Salary Change Flag

    Pay Group: Select the Pay Group for which you are setting up the salary change flag

    Salaried Employees

    Enter the Details for the Salary Change Flag

    Use for Salaried Employees: If this rule is to be applied to salaried employees within the pay group, then select ''Yes''. Otherwise, select ''No''. If ''No'' is selected, you do not need to fill the other fields under the Salaried Employee heading. This rule will automatically not apply to employees flagged as 'salaried' on their profile.

    • Salaried employees are those who are hired with a salary or a regular payment for the pay period. This basic payment is not changed based on hours worked. E.g. Monthly salaried, Bi-monthly salaried, etc.

    • When an employee's salary file is first uploaded to HRplus, a flag indicates whether the employee is salaried or not. This data is then saved to the employee's profile.

Salaried Employees Paid In :

  1. Dollars: Flag/Select this option if the salaried employee is paid based on days worked and any deductions are based on leave days taken.

  2. Units: Flag/Select this option if the salaried employee:

    1. Must have their hours worked appearing on the payslip

    2. Or must have their pay for each cycle adjusted based on days/hours for which they are not paid.

      • E.g.In a regular monthly cycle, these employees will have their regular hours appearing as

173.33 on the payslip. If there is a cycle where they missed hours that are not to be paid, then line items will be entered in the payroll to indicate hours for paid work and hours being deducted for missed work.

Type of Cycle Changes for Salaried Employees:

  1. Salary Change: Flag this option if the employees are to be paid based on a salary for the period. This is normally selected when "Dollars'' is flagged in the previous field.

  2. Rate Change: Flag this option if the employees are to be paid based on hours worked for the period. This is normally selected when "Unit'' is flagged in the previous field.

    Generate a 'REG Cycle Change for Salaried Employees: If the employee is paid based on a basic earnings code used as the ''REG'' code, flag 'Yes'', otherwise flag ''No''.

    Non-Salaried Employees

    Use for Non-Salaried Employees: If this rule is to be applied to salaried employees within the pay group, then select ''Yes''. Otherwise, select ''No''. If ''No'' is selected, you do not need to fill the other fields under the Salaried Employee heading. This rule will automatically not apply to employees flagged as 'salaried' on their profile.

    • Non-salaried employees are those who are hired with a salary or hourly rate which is based on

      hours worked.

      Type of Cycle Change for Non-Salaried Employee:

    • If a non-salaried employee is hired with a wage or dollar amount as their quoted pay but they are paid by the hour, then flag '' Salary Change''.

    • If a non-salaried employee is hired with a rate by the hour as their quoted pay, then flag '' Rate Change''.


Pro-ration refers to the process of calculating or adjusting a payment or benefit based on the number of working days within a given period. It is commonly used when an employee's compensation or entitlement needs to be adjusted to account for partial or reduced work weeks.

Calendar Days: Flag this option if the calculation of the pro-rated value of the employee's pay in the cycle is based on the actual number of days within a given period, regardless of whether those days fall on weekdays or weekends. This method takes into account every day in the calculation, including weekends and holidays. Example: A monthly salary of $3,500 for an employee who started work on January 16, 2023, would be prorated to $1,806 based on the number of calendar days worked in January (assuming 31 days in the month).

Week Days: Flag this option if the calculation of the pro-rated value of the employee's pay in the cycle is based on a standard work week. E.g. if a full-time work week is 40 hours or 5 days from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and weekends). Example: A monthly salary of $4,200 for an employee who started work on January 16th, 2023, would be prorated to $2,290 based on the number of weekdays worked in January (assuming 22 weekdays in the month).

Do Not Prorate: Flag this option if you do not wish to prorate and the full amount of the employee's pay is calculated in the cycle. If an employer decides not to prorate, it means that they choose not to adjust or calculate payments, benefits, or entitlements based on a partial or reduced work period.

Instead, they provide the full amount or benefit regardless of the number of days worked or the duration of employment within a given period.

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