Request Leave or Time Off
Employees can submit requests for leave or time off as needed.
Leave Type: Select the leave type that you are requesting.
Start Date: Using the calendar, select the day that the Leave is to commence.
Duration Type: Select days or time off.
Days: The number of days being requested.
Time Off: The To and From Times of the absence and check if Lunch will be included in the Time Off period.
Amount Requested: Enter the number of days being requested.
Send Now: Flag this option to send your leave request to HR.
Comments: Enter any relevant comments.
Leave History
Employees can view all leave taken by year and leave type.
Pending Requests
Employees can view all pending and approved requests.
My Leave Entitlements
Employees can view their available leave balances, including all leave types that carry over to the next period (cumulative) and those that need to be used within the current period (non-cumulative).
Leave Balance
Employees can view their available leave balances for all leave types.