Follow the navigation below to enter, edit, delete or view a list of Wellness activities available for employees in your organization.
Within this window there are four steps to take:
Step 1 - Enter a Wellness Program – enter the currently available wellness program in your company (e.g. Fitness program, on-site health screen for women)
Step 2 - Enter a Wellness Vendor – enter the name of the external providers or facilitators of the wellness program (e.g. Gym, NGO)
Step 3 - Enter the Wellness Location – enter the location at which the wellness program will take place (e.g. location of the gym)
Wellness Transactions – enroll an employee into a wellness program
Wellness Program
Here you can keep records of your company's Wellness Programs as well as list all persons involved with cost allocations.
A wellness program is used to improve or maintain overall health. Such programs include: health screens, exercise programs, nutritional guidance and tobacco-cessation program.
Before we can enroll employees into a wellness program we must first enter the type of wellness programs available.
Program Code/Name: Enter a user defined Program Code and Program Name.
Save this record and repeat to enter Wellness Programs
After you have entered the wellness program, let us enter the name of the wellness vendor(s) and assign a user defined code.
Vendor Code/Vendor: Enter a user defined Vendor Code and Vendor.
Save this record and repeat as needed.
Now enter the Wellness Locations, that is, the site where the employee wellness program is facilitated. You may have multiple locations for a single Wellness program.
Location Code/Location: Enter a user defined Location Code and Location.
Save this record and repeat as needed.
This window allows you to enroll an employee into a Wellness Program. Additionally, the costs for each employee will be updated each time a transaction for the employee is saved.
Company Code/Name/Badge Number/Last/First Name: Select the Company Code & Name,
Badge Number, Last Name and First Name of the employee to be enrolled in a Wellness Program.
Date Started: Date employee begins Wellness Program.
Program/Vendor/Location: Select the Program, Vendor & Location.
Comments: Enter details of what will be done while the employee is with the Vendor.
Renewal Date: Date wellness program is to be renewed.
Date Terminated: Enter the date the wellness program ends.
Costs: Enter the cost to enroll and maintain employee in wellness program.