Medical (‌Employee Assistance Program)

Medical (‌Employee Assistance Program)

Employee Assistance Program

Benefits>>Medical>>Employee Assistance

How does it work?

Follow the navigation below to enter, edit, delete or view a list of employee assistance programs available for employees in your organization.

Within this window there are three steps to take

  • Step 1 - Enter a Problem Type – for example Alcoholism, Depression

  • Step 2 - Enter a Referral Type – for example Psychiatrist, Therapist

  • Step 3 - Enter the EAP Transactions Record (Employee Assistance Program)

Let's begin with Problem Types

How can I manage my company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) records?

Employee Assistance

Here you can keep records of your company's Employee Assistance Programs as well as list all persons involved with cost allocations.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are employee benefit programs that assist employees cope with personal problems and/or work-related problems that may impact their job performance, health, mental & emotional well-being.

Such programs include but are not limited to mental health services, financial counselling and daycare.

You can enroll an employee into a program based on their needs and record the cost associated with each form of assistance provided to the employee.

Let us look at how we enter an EAP transaction.

Benefits>>Medical>>Employee Assistance>>Problem Types

Step 1 - Enter a Problem Type

This window allows you to define the type of problems that your employees are facing. Examples are such as Depression, Alcoholism, Bankruptcy, etc.

Problem Number/Type: Enter a user defined Problem No and Problem Type

Save this record and repeat as needed

Benefits>>Medical>>Employee Assistance>>Referral Types

Step 2 - Enter a Referral Type

This window allows you to enter, edit, delete and view referral types that are used as referrals for employees to participate in in employee assistance program.

Referral Reason/Description: Enter a user defined Referral Reason (code) and Description

Save this record and repeat as needed.

Benefits>>Medical>>Employee Assistance>>EAP Transactions

Step 3 - Enter the EAP Transactions Record

You can record all of the employees that are making use of the employee assistance programs available in the company. This record takes an account of the cost to facilitate a specific EAP transaction for the employee.

Company Name/Badge Number/Last/First Name: Select the Company Name, Badge Number,

Last Name and First Name of the employee to be enrolled in the EAP.

Problem No/Type: Select the Problem Type. Provider Id/Name: Select Provider Name. Referral Reason: Select the Referral Reason.

First Contact Date: Date employee is to meet with Health Care Provider

Course of Action: Enter details of what will be done while the employee is with the Health Care Provider

Resolution: Select ‘Yes’ if problem is resolved, if not select ‘No’

Cost: Enter the cost to send the employee to the program.

Comments: Enter additional details if required

Finally, save this record and repeat to enroll more employees into EAP’s.

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