Manager Self-Service (Main Menu)

Manager Self-Service (Main Menu)

MSS Main Menu

User Self Service>>Manager>>Employees

How to View the Employee Profiles of my Direct Reports

Employee Profiles of My Direct Reports

A manager can access the profiles of their direct reports to view and update employee information.

View the Employee Profiles of My Direct Reports

User Self Service>>Manager>>Calendar>>Leave Calendar

How to Use the Manager Leave Calendar

Manager Leave Calendar

The Manager Leave Calendar allows managers to efficiently track and manage leave within their teams. Managers can conduct general searches to view the overall leave calendar organized by division, department, or section—showing only the areas they have access to. For more detailed information, they can refine searches further by selecting specific job roles, individual employees, or specific time periods. Additionally, managers can filter leave types (such as vacation, sick leave, or personal leave) and leave statuses (approved, pending, rejected), allowing them to quickly assess availability, identify leave patterns, and make informed scheduling decisions.

This flexibility in search options enables managers to easily monitor and manage team leave schedules, ensuring smooth operations within their department or division.

Company/Division/Department/Section: Select the employee's company, division, department and


Job: Select the employee's job.

First Name/Last Name/Badge Number: Select the employee to view their leave.

Start/End Date: Select the period which you want to view leave for.

Leave Types: Select the leave type to view. This field can be multi-selected for multiple leave types or left blank to select all.

Leave Status: Select to view approved/unapproved leave.

View the Manager Leave Calendar

User Self Service>>Manager>>Event Reminders

How to Use the Manager Event Reminders

Event Reminders

The manager has the ability to create event reminders that will trigger notifications for various significant events such as:

  • Annual Review

  • Birthdays

  • Contract Ending

  • Employee Anniversary

  • Going On Leave

  • New Hires

  • On Training

  • Performance Review

  • Returning From Leave

  • Terminations

Event Types: Select the event you want to get reminders for.

Reminder (Days Before): Enter the amount of days before the event you want to get the


Step 1: Enter an Event Reminder

Step 2: View Submitted Event Reminder

Step 3: View Event Reminder

User Self Service>>Manager>>Company Assets

How to Manage Employee Asset Requests

Company Assets

Managers can request assets on behalf of an employee through the Company Assets screen. This feature allows managers to efficiently manage and track asset requests for their team, ensuring employees have access to necessary resources. Once requested, the asset status and any updates are visible, providing a streamlined process for asset allocation and management within the department.

Step 1. View Available Asset Items

Company/Badge Number/Job Name: Select the employee's company, badge number and job


First/Last Name: Select the employee the request is being made for.

Asset Item Code/Description: Select the Asset Item that the request is being submitted for.

Amount: Enter how many Assets are being requested.

Comments: Enter comments relevant to the asset request.

Step 2. Request Asset

Request the Asset Item required for the employee.

Step 3. View Pending Requests

The second tab in the Company Assets screen would be Pending Requests. In this tab you will see all your pending requests and you can delete any request that are no longer needed.

Step 4. View Approved Request

In the same Pending Requests tab you can view the Approved Request.

Step 5. View Rejected/Voided Requests

The third tab in the Company Assets screen would be Rejected/Voided Requests. In this tab you will see all Rejected/Voided Asset Items.

Step 6. View Collected Asset Item

The fourth tab in the Company Assets screen would be Collected Asset Item. In this tab you will be able to view a list of Asset Items that were collected.

The Employee would also receive a notification in the HR Plus application.

Step 7. View Returned Asset Item

The fifth tab in the Company Assets screen is the Returned Asset Item screen. In this tab you will see a list of all the Assets that were returned.

The Employee would also receive a notification in the HR Plus application.

Step 8. View Lost Asset Item

The last tab in the Company Assets screen is Lost Asset Item. If an employee lost any Asset Item it will show up on this screen.

The Employee would also receive a notification in the HR Plus application.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Exit Interviews>>[Select Employee]>>View Exit Interview


How to Conduct an Exit interview as a Manager

Conducting an Exit Interview

The exit interview can be conducted by HR, the manager, or independently by the employee. If the manager conducts the interview with the employee, they can discuss the reasons for departure together and complete the form collaboratively. This approach allows for an open discussion, capturing insights directly from the employee, and ensuring a more thorough understanding of their feedback.

To complete the form, HR will assign it to the manager, who can then click the link provided in the notification to access and fill it out.

Step 1: Select the Employee


Step 2: Complete and Submit Form

Step 3: View Submitted Form

HR Views the Completed Employee Exit Form

User Self Service>>Manager>>Reporting Relationship Imports>>Template

How to use the Import for my Reporting Relationships?

Reporting Relationship Imports

Managers can view and manage employee reporting relationships within their organization or any other entities they have access to. This feature allows managers to review existing reporting structures and make updates as needed, ensuring that each employee is linked to the correct supervisor.

Managers can easily add, edit, or remove reporting relationships to reflect current team structures, making it simpler to track reporting lines and support efficient team management.

Step 1: Download the Template

E.g. For employee Kevin Edwards whose direct supervisor is PNO KHD08 the following changes will be made: -

  1. Direct Supervisor - PNO: KHD04

  2. Secondary Supervisor - PNO: KHD08, Assistant: Yes

Step 2: Complete the Template

Enter the required changes and save.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Reporting Relationship Imports>>Import

Step 3: Import the Completed Template

Step 4: Post the Imported Records

When the imported records are posted, they become effective in the application.

Step 5: View Updated Reporting Relationship Records

The changes can also be viewed in Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and

Vacant)>>[Select Employee]>>Edit Position Supervisor.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Employee Relations>>Employee Grievances

How to log a Grievance?

Employee Grievances

The manager can insert/edit/delete/view employee grievances. A complete grievance (employee) profile consists of a hierarchy as follows:



Actions Taken

Expand/drill down to insert/edit/delete/view each level.

Step 1: Enter an Employee Grievance Record

Reference Number: Select the grievance reference number.

Date Reported: Enter the date the grievance was reported.

Company: Select the company.

Category Code/Description: Select which category the grievance belongs to. Grievance Type Code/Description: Select the grievance code and description Incident Date: Enter the date of the incident.

Time of Incident: Enter the time of the incident.

Offence Code/Description: Select which office this grievance is.

Badge Number/First Name/Last Name: Select the employee.

Settled: Select 'Yes' if the grievance has been settled otherwise select 'No'.

Stage Code/Time/Description: Select the Stage code.

Step 2: Enter Employee Grievance Stages

Settled at Time: Select 'Yes' if settled otherwise select 'No.

Start/End Date: Select the start and end date for this stage.

Step 3: Enter Tasks for an Employee Grievance Stage

Step 4: Upload Offence Documents

User Self Service>>Manager>>Employee Relations>>Employee Discipline

How to Update Employee Discipline Records as a Manager

Employee Discipline

Edit/View employees on disciplinary action.

Step 1: View Employee Discipline Record

Step 2: Edit Employees Discipline Records

Step 3: Upload Employee Discipline Documents

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