Manager Self-Service (Recruitment)

Manager Self-Service (Recruitment)

MSS Recruitment

Overview of the Recruitment Module

The HRplus Recruitment Module offers a comprehensive solution for managing the entire recruitment process, from posting job openings to selecting the best candidates. Tailored to streamline every aspect of the hiring journey, this module allows you to efficiently manage job applications, process staff requests and requisitions, set up and coordinate interview schedules, and record interview outcomes.

Whether you're hiring external candidates or promoting internal applicants, the Recruitment Module ensures a smooth and organized recruitment process. By automating and centralizing key tasks, HR teams can effectively manage candidate sourcing, evaluation, and hiring, helping the organization attract and retain top talent. This manual will guide you through all features of the HRplus Recruitment Module, from the initial setup to the final stages of the hiring process.

A Guide to Using Recruitment Module

How to use the Recruitment Module:

Before using the module, please ensure the following:

  1. Your company’s recruitment processes, for the respective jobs, are understood.

  2. The user roles and job roles involved in the recruitment processes are identified and clearly defined.


  1. HR Team (HR Administrator, Hiring Manager, Recruitment Staff)

    Role: Manages and oversees the entire recruitment process. Responsibilities include configuring recruitment modules, initiating and approving staff requisitions, managing applicant information, coordinating interviews, and finalizing recruitment records. They ensure smooth communication between HR, Hiring Managers, and Recruitment Staff, and participate in interviews to select the best candidates.

  2. Interview Panel Members

    Role: Conducts candidate interviews, reviews applicant profiles, and provides feedback and ratings relevant to the vacant position.

  3. Onboarding Staff

    Role: Integrates new hires into the organization by completing onboarding tasks, granting system access, and providing necessary resources from departments like IT, HR, or Facilities.

  4. Applicants (Internal & External)

Role: Applies for open positions, submits resumes, and participates in interviews.

Step 1

Set up Recruitment Parameters

Recruitment>>Recruitment Setup

Recruitment Methods

  • Methods of recruitment (print ad, online,).

How to Setup Recruitment Methods

Hire Reasons

  • Addition (new hire) or Replacement.

How to set up Recruitment Hire Reasons

Reject Reasons

  • Reasons for rejecting job request.

How to set up Recruitment Reject Reasons

Recruitment Staff

  • Employees involved in the recruitment process who assume ownership of staff requisitions.

How to set up Recruitment Staff

Recruitment Ratings

  • The process of evaluating and rating candidates during the recruitment process to assess their qualifications and suitability for a job.

How to set up Recruitment Ratings

Job Templates

  • Templates are created based on the Job Requested and the Company and include:

How to set up Job Templates

  1. defining Tasks (for the specific job), including the numerical order in which the Tasks should be completed and the number of days in which they should be completed (e.g. completing job requirements, submitting requirements to agency, filtering applications etc.).

  2. selecting employees who are responsible for completing each Task.

    Select Job Roles for Task

How to Set Up Multi-Company Job Templates?

Step 2

Set Up Onboarding Parameters

Recruitment>>Onboarding>>Onboarding Staff

Onboarding Staff

  • Employees who are responsible for the onboarding of new employees.

Step 1: Set up Onboarding Staff

Onboarding Tasks

  • Tasks specifically referring to the onboarding (integrating new employees to the organization) of new employees, in the form of a checklist can also be created.

  • These tasks are based on Company and Department. As such, the appropriate tasks will be displayed depending on the Company and Department in which the applicant/employee is recruited.

Step 2: Set Up an Onboarding Checklist

Assign Assets (Optional)

  • Assets allotted to the employee upon their onboarding.

Step 3: Setup Job Assets link (Optional)

Job Training (Optional)

  • Identify training courses the employee should be automatically enrolled in upon their onboarding.

Step 4 Onboarding: Setup Job Training link (Optional)

Company Documents

  • Link documents/videos that new employees must have.

Step 5: Set up Company Documents

Generate Checklist

  • Generate the Onboarding checklist.

Step 6: How to Generate the Employee Onboarding Checklist

Step 3

Set Up Recruitment Workflow (Optional)

System Configurations>>Workflow

Workflow Processes

  • Define workflow processes or steps.

Step 1: Set up Workflow Processes

Workflow Definition

  • Define the workflow.

Step 2: Set up Recruitment Workflow Definition

Workflow Roles

  • Define the responsibilities within the workflow approval process.

Step 3: Set up Workflow Roles Step 4: Define Workflow Roles

Workflow Stages

  • Define the movement of transactions from one person to the next.

Step 5: Set up Workflow Stages

Step 4

Initiating the Recruitment Process

Recruitment>>Staff Requests (click New Staff Request)

Self Service>>Manager>>Recruitment>>Staff Requests (click New Staff Request)

New Staff Request

  • Requests for new staff are requested by managers and/or opened by HR.

  • A system-generated requisition number is assigned to each request.

  • Requests can be either for Replacement or Addition.

  • The Job and number of positions required, date to be filled and other details of the job are entered in the request.

How to Open a Staff Request as an HR Administrator How to Open a Staff Request as a Manager

Designate Requests

  • Requests are assigned an owner or owners – the person(s) responsible for the overall staff request.

  • The owners are the employees defined via Recruitment Setup>>Recruitment Staff.

How to Initiate and Assign Tasks for the Approved Staff Request

Approve Staff Request

  • A Job Template based on the Job Requested must exist before a staff request can be approved.

  • HR edits the staff request to enter recruitment method, budgeted cost, starting salary, number of positions recommended.

  • The system assigns Start to Current Stage/Task.

  • HR approves the staff request and the system automatically links the corresponding Job Template to the request.

  • The staff requisition is moved to Approved Requests.

How to Grant Approval of a Staff Request

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[Select Requisition]>>[+]>>Start Here

Assign Tasks to Employees

  • Via the appropriately-named Start Here tab (indicates the beginning of the recruitment process), HR can view and open the Tasks to enter details. These are the tasks to be completed to fill the staff requisition. You may select/deselect tasks to save/remove, add tasks that are specific to the staff requisition.

    How to Initiate and Assign Tasks for the Approved Staff Request

  • HR assigns tasks to employees and enters task details (cost, comments, date due).

  • The employees to whom Tasks are assigned (Assigned To field) This employee drop-down list will be filtered accordingly to only display the employees in the linked Job roles. The same is done for the employees assigning Tasks (Assigned By field) with the exception that the logon user’s name is displayed but may be changed if necessary.

  • Employees, on logon, view the tasks assigned and completes/updates the tasks. The percentage completed and costs are updated as the task progresses. Recruitment>>My Recruitment Tasks

How to see Recruitment Tasks that are Assigned to me as an Employee

  • The staff requisition is updated with the current task being displayed at any point in time.

  • HR may expand any approved staff requisition to view its details: tasks, status, applicants, if position was filled etc. All details can be viewed here.

Recruitment>>Recruitment Process

View Recruitment Process

  • At any point in time, HR views the progress of the staff requisition as it advances through the stages of the recruitment process.

  • Each stage displays the activity and/or status.

How can I see an Overview of the Recruitment Process

Step 5

Set Up Applicants: Select Applicants


External Applicants

  • Based on the job posting, HR receive job applications and updates its résumé bank by entering/importing external (members of the public) applicant details and their résumés.

    How can I View/Enter External Job Applicant Details?

  • Applicants are linked to the Company and Job to which they applied.

  • Applicants may apply for multiple jobs that may or may not be linked to a staff requisition.

  • Applicants may be given a user-defined rating.

  • Applicants are displayed by Company and Job Applied For.

  • HR exports applicant data if desired to Word®, Excel®, PDF etc.

Internal Applicants

  • Current employees of the organization, on logon, can view internal vacancies and may choose to apply including uploading their résumés.

  • Notifications are sent to the designated employees when an application has been made.

How can I View Internal Job Applicants?

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[Select Staff Request]>>[+]>>Start Here>>[double-click on a Task]>>Select Applicants

Link Applicants to Tasks

  • The end result of specific tasks for a staff requisition may be the selection of applicants from the applicant bank, for example, the following tasks may result in applicants being selected:

    • shortlist applicants with honours degrees

  • select applicants with 2 years’ work experience

Select Applicants

  • Based on the job applications, applicants may be selected from the following lists:

    1. External applicant (members of the public).

    2. Internal applicant (current/ex).

  • HR links the selected applicants to the specific task and staff requisition.

    This is where applicants are actually selected for the staff requisition.

  • Applicants are brought forward from previous tasks to enable filtering and shortlisting of applicants.

  • In the last task, the final shortlist of applicants are selected.

Link Documents to Tasks

  • HR, as well as the employee assigned to the task, attaches relevant documents to tasks if necessary.

Link Task Documents

Recruitment>>Letter Template

Set up Letter Templates

  • HR sets up and generates standard letters to Applicants (interview schedule, job offer, job interest).

Set Up Letter Templates

Step 6

Setup Interview Process


Interview Criteria

  • HR enters factors on which applicants are evaluated (Communication, Initiative, Skills) and the related descriptions – essentially building a bank of interview questions.

How to Add Interview Criteria/Questions?

Interview Stages

  • HR sets up user-defined stages and respective rating scales of your organization’s interview process.

How to Set Up Interview Stages for a Job?

Panelist Interview Form

  • For a staff requisition, HR creates the ‘form’ on which applicants will be evaluated by selecting the factors on which the applicants will be evaluated (Communication, Initiative, Skills) and enters the related rating scale (Minimum/Maximum Score/Weight).

How to Set Up the Panelist Interview Form for each Stage of the Interview Process?

  • These are the factors that will be displayed in the Applicant Interview Report for the interviewing panel to complete.

Panel Members

  • HR selects employees, based on User Roles and linked Job Roles who will comprise members of the Interview Panel for a specific staff requisition and Interview Stage.

How to Select Panel Members for each Stage of an Interview?

Interview Schedules

  • For a staff requisition, HR sets up applicants’ interview schedules for specific Interview Stages. Dates and Times are entered.

    How to Set Up the Interview Schedule?

  • Applicants are scheduled for any Interview Stage. However, applicants at the previous interview stage must be approved before proceeding to the next.

  • Applicants are selected from the final shortlist of selected applicants.

  • For ease of use, the screen displays Panel Members and Applicants side by side, categorised by Interview Stage. A panel member can be added to an Interview Stage at this point if required.

  • HR emails the applicants informing them of their attendance at the Interview (an email button is displayed next to each applicant to do so). HR updates the Status (Present/Absent) of applicants. Absent applicants are so marked and no activity is further recorded.

    Send Mail to Applicant

    How to Update the Employee Interview Status

  • On logon, the panel member views his/her colour-coded Calendar and Interview Schedule (next step).

As a Panel Member, how can I view my Interview Schedule?

Step 7

Conducting Interviews

Home>>Recruitment>>Calendar Home>>Recruitment>>Interviews Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Interviews

Conduct Interview

  • Panel Members view their calendar to see dates and applicants on which they have interviews. These dates are colour-coded for easy reference. Panel Members can double-click on an applicant to view venue and time of interview.

    Conduct Interview and Rate Applicant

  • Panel Members enter a Score and Comments for each applicant based on

staff requisition. The system automatically calculates the score (Weight *

Applicant Score) and updates the applicant record. Once the Submit button is clicked, the record cannot be edited.

Applicant Interview Report

  • HR views the scores submitted.


View Interview Process

  • At any point in time, HR views the progress of the staff request as it advances through the stages of the interview process.

    View Interview Process

  • Each stage displays the activity and/or status.

Step 8

Process Applicants and Hire a Candidate

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Interviews>>Applicant Appraisal Report

Approve Applicant

  • For a staff requisition, HR views the scores given by each interviewer and the Total Score calculated by the system for each applicant.

    How to Approve an Applicant who was successful in an Interview Stage?

  • HR approves applicants for the next interview stage or approves applicants as selected candidates for the staff requisition.

Select Candidates

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests [expand job request]>>Selected Candidates Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests [expand job request]>> Applicant Progress

Selected Candidates

  • For a staff requisition, HR views the applicants, scores and tasks to which the applicants are linked. The status of the tasks are also displayed.

    Select Applicants for Job

  • HR selects the desired candidates (Yes/No).

  • HR emails the prospective candidates informing them of their selection (an email button is displayed next to each candidate to do so).

  • Based on candidates’ response, HR updates the candidates’ Status (Continue/Not Interested/Rejected).

  • If Continue, then HR fills the position (next step).

View Candidates Progress

  • For a staff requisition, at any point in time, HR views the progress of candidates as they advance through the Interview Stages.

  • Each stage displays the activity and/or status

Personnel>>Positions>>Vacant Positions>>New Position

Create Vacant Positions

  • HR creates vacant positions to accommodate the new hires.


  • HR creates temporary positions to accommodate those new hires who are to replace an employee. These new hires can be placed in temporary positions until the employee to be replaced vacates the position.

How to Create a New Position

Fill Position

  • HR clicks the Fill Position button next to the best candidate.

  • HR inserts the candidate into the required vacant position – all data will be uploaded. The employee’s status is Not Yet Active.

Fill Position

Onboard New Employee(s) Position

  • HR sends email to the Candidate as well as the Onboarding Personnel (based on User Roles/Job Roles) - an email button to select the respective Letter Template is provided to do so - with respect to the onboarding procedure.

  • Onboarding Personnel assigns the required permissions to the employee re

    networking, email, HRplus application.

  • The employee logs on to HRplus and enters his/her statutory and bank information and other required information.

  • HR updates the employee status to Active once the employee starts the job.

How do I Onboard a New Employee?

Filled Positions

Step 9

Finalizing Staff Request

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>click [Job Requisition No link]>>Tasks (button)

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>click [Job Requisition No link]>>Actual Cost (button)

View Tasks

  • HR views the tasks and associated applicants for the staff requisition at any time.


View Costs

  • HR views the actual cost for the staff requisition at any time.

  • The system automatically calculates and displays the Total Cost based on the costs of each task.

  • The Actual and Budgeted Costs are displayed.


Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests [expand job request]>>Close Requisition

Close Requisition

  • For the selected staff requisition, HR clicks the Close Requisition button to archive the requisition.

View Closed Staff Request

Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>

Reopen This Requisition

  • For the selected staff requisition, HR clicks the Reopen Requisition and re-activates the tasks, applicants etc.

  • This may be required if you wish to restart the recruitment process for the same job, or if you wish to restart the interview process or select another candidate etc.

How to Re-Open a Staff Request

Unapproved Request

Completed Requests

Archived Requests

Delete Staff Requests

Glossary of Recruitment Terms


Applicant Interview Report: A document summarizing the details of a candidate's interview, typically including feedback, impressions, and interview scores from interviewers.

Applicant Score sheet: A form or document used to record and evaluate a candidate's performance during an interview, often based on predefined criteria.

Approved Staff Request: A staff request that has been authorized by the necessary stakeholders, allowing the recruitment process to begin.

ATS (Applicant Tracking System): A software application that automates the recruitment process, including posting job ads, managing resumes, and tracking candidates through the hiring stages.


Background Checks: The process of verifying a candidate's history, including criminal records, employment history, and educational qualifications, to ensure their suitability for a position.


Closed Staff Request: A staff request that has been completed, either by hiring a candidate or by deciding not to fill the position.


External Applicants: Individuals who apply for job positions within an organization but are not currently employed by that organization. They are external to the company.


Hired Applicants: Candidates who have successfully gone through the recruitment process and have been offered and accepted a job with the organization.


Internal Applicants: Current employees of an organization who apply for open job positions within the same company.

Internal Vacancy: A job opening within an organization that is only available to current employees.

Interview Calendar: A scheduling tool used to plan and coordinate interview dates and times for candidates and interviewers.

Interview Criteria: Specific qualifications, skills, or attributes that interviewers assess in candidates during interviews, often aligned with the requirements of the job.

Interview Process: The series of steps and activities involved in assessing and evaluating candidates for a job, which may include screening, interviewing, testing, and selection.

Interview Schedule: A timetable that outlines the dates, times, and locations of interviews for multiple candidates, often used for efficiency in the hiring process.

Interview Stages: Distinct phases or steps within the interview process, such as initial screening interviews, technical assessments, and final interviews.


Job Posting: The process of advertising a job opening within or outside the organization to attract potential candidates.

Job Templates: Predefined templates that outline the requirements, responsibilities, and qualifications for a specific job position within an organization.


On-boarding Tasks: The activities and processes involved in integrating new hires into the organization, including paperwork, training, and orientation.


Panel Members: Individuals who participate in panel interviews, which typically involve multiple interviewers assessing a candidate.

Panelist Interview Form: A document used by panel members to evaluate and score candidates during a panel interview.


Recruitment Hire Reasons: The justifications or factors that influence an organization's decision to hire a particular candidate, such as their qualifications, skills, and cultural fit.

Recruitment Methods: Strategies and techniques used by organizations to attract and select candidates for job openings.

Recruitment Ratings: The process of evaluating and rating candidates during the recruitment process to assess their qualifications and suitability for a job.

Reference Checks: The process of contacting a candidate's previous employers, colleagues, or other references to verify their work history, skills, and character.

Resume Screening: The process of reviewing and filtering resumes to identify candidates who meet the basic qualifications for a job.


Shortlist: A list of candidates who have been selected for further consideration after the initial screening process.

Staff Request: A formal request to fill a vacant position within the organization, usually initiated by a department manager or HR.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Recruitment>>Staff requests>> Staff Request

How do I Open a Staff Request as a Manager?

Staff Requests

Having completed the setup of your company's recruitment process and the employees responsible for completing them, requests for new or replacement staff can now sent by either a Manager or HR.

The steps are outlined below for this process to be completed by the manager.

Step 1: Enter a New Staff Request

Requested By: The HR employee logon name will be automatically displayed.

Date Requested: The current date will be automatically displayed. You may change this if necessary (e.g. historical data).

Company: The company(ies) to which the Manager has access will be displayed in the drop-down list.

Job Requested: The job required will be selected.

# Positions Requested: The number of positions requested for the selected job e.g. you may need 2 Administrative Assistants, 2 Accounts Clerks etc, and the status of the position.

Request Reason: The reason for the request.

Request Type: Either Addition or Replacement. If Replacement is checked, then select the employee to be replaced from the list that will be displayed.

Full-Time/Part-Time: The employees employment schedule.

Fill Date: The date the position should be filled by.

Request Comments: Further comments on the request being made.

The system will automatically assign a Requisition No to the staff request. Click on the Requisition No (33) to view the request. Please ensure that your pop-up blocker is turned on to accept HRplus

popups as the information opens in a new window.

Step 2: Staff Request Notification is Sent to HR

Once a request for staff is sent by a Manager, the employee(s) flagged earlier as Recruitment Staff How to set up Recruitment Staff? will see a Notification of the Staff Request in his/her HRplus Inbox.

Step 3: The Manager can View/Update/Delete Staff Request

User Self Service>>Manager>>Recruitment>>Stages

How can I track the current stage of my Staff Request?

Tracking Staff Requests via Stages

Managers can track staff requests throughout each stage of the recruitment process using the Kanban board. The board visually organizes requests from submission to completion, allowing managers to see whether a request has been submitted, approved, or rejected. Once approved, managers can follow the progress as the recruitment team works to fill the position. Stages such as Process Completed and Position Filled indicate when recruitment is finalized, providing clear, up-to-date insights into each request’s status. This streamlined view helps managers stay informed at every step, ensuring transparency and smooth workflow.

Track the Current Stage of a Staff Request

View the Request Details

Home (Employee Self-Service)>>My Calendar>>My Calendar


Home (Employee Self-Service)>>Notifications OR

Recruitment>>Recruitment>>Interviews>>Interview Schedule (HR View)

How to View my Interview Schedule as a Panel Member

Interview Schedule

When Panel Members log in to HRplus, they can access their calendar to view upcoming interviews, including the applicants and dates, organized by staff request. This allows them to see all scheduled interviews at a glance.

There are three (3) ways to view your Interview Schedule:

  1. Interview Schedule via My Calendar.

  2. Interview Schedule via Notifications.

  3. Interview Schedule via the Recruitment Module. (HR Recruitment Permission required)

  1. Interview Schedule via My Calendar

  2. Interview Schedule via Notifications

    If the panel member is part of the Recruitment Staff or HR with permission to the Recruitment


  3. Interview Schedule via the Recruitment Module

Home>>Recruitment>>My Interviews>>[Search Requisition]>>[Click Score hyperlink]

How to complete the interview form:

1. Step 1: Open the Interview Form.

2. Step 2: Complete and Submit the Interview Form.

3.  Step 3: View Applicant Scores.

How to Rate a Candidate as a Panel Member

Complete Interview Form

During interviews, panel members can enter scores and comments for each evaluation factor or criterion for the applicants. Once they have completed their assessments, they click the Submit button. Please note: Once you click Submit, no further changes can be made.

After submission by the panel members/ interviewers, HRplus calculates all the scores to give each applicant an Overall Score. HR personnel can then review and compare all the scores and comments entered by the panel members, and approve applicants to move forward in the interview process.

Step 1: Login as Panel Member and Open the Interview Form

Note: You cannot modify the record after submission.

Step 2: Complete and Submit the Interview Form

Step 3: View Applicant Scores

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