Leave (FAQs)

Leave (FAQs)

Leave FAQs

What are Leave Overrides and how can I use them?

Leave Overrides allow you to make exceptions to the standard leave rules for specific employees or groups of employees. For instance, you can grant an employee additional leave days as part of a special agreement. To set up Leave Overrides, navigate to the Leave Overrides section within the Leave module.

How can I track time off taken in hours instead of full days?

The system allows you to record "Time Off" in hours, which is particularly useful for part-day absences. When entering a Leave Taken record, you can choose the "Time Off" option and specify the start and end times of the absence.

How do I configure the system to automatically calculate leave balances?

The Leave Module uses a "Scheduler" to automate leave balance calculations based on the defined leave rules and parameters. You can set up scheduled tasks for managing leave entitlements. To do this, go to Leave >> Leave Setup >> Scheduler. You can define a new task, specifying the task name, start and end dates, leave type, company, and other parameters. It's recommended to schedule this task to run daily to keep leave balances up to date.

  1. Go to the "Scheduler" tab within the Leave Setup menu.

  2. Click on the "Schedule New Task" hyperlink.

  3. Select "Manage Leave Entitlements" as the task.

  4. Provide a task name, start date, and optional end date.

  5. Choose the leave type and company name for the task.

  6. Set the status as "Active" to enable the task.

  7. Enter the email address for receiving notifications and specify whether results should be emailed for each employee.

  8. Save the task.

The scheduler will then automatically manage leave entitlements according to the defined schedule and rules.

How do I handle leave for employees with breaks in service?

When an employee with a previous period of service is rehired, and if agreed upon by management during the rehiring process, it is important to adjust their hire date in the system to reflect their total tenure. This adjustment ensures that their leave entitlements are calculated based on their combined years of service, providing fairness to both the employee and the employer by avoiding over- or under-allocation of leave.

For example, let’s say an employee was first hired on March 1st, 2020, and they worked until July 25th, 2022, when they left the company. After some time away, they were rehired on January 10th, 2024. In this case, there is a break in service between July 25th, 2022 (their departure date) and January 10th, 2024 (their rehire date).

Steps to Calculate the Break in Service:

  1. Break in Service: Calculate the number of days between their last day of work and the date they were rehired.

    • From July 25th, 2022 to January 10th, 2024 is 533 days.

  2. Adjust the Hire Date: Add the break period (533 days) to their original hire date to get the adjusted hire date.

    • The original hire date is March 1st, 2020.

    • Adding 533 days to March 1st, 2020, results in a new adjusted hire date of August 16th, 2021.

This adjusted hire date reflects the total time the employee actually worked, excluding the break in service. By using this adjusted hire date (August 16th, 2021), the system will calculate the employee’s leave entitlements based on their combined years of service, ensuring fairness by accurately representing the time they have worked, while not giving more or less leave than they are entitled to.

This process ensures a transparent and balanced approach to leave entitlements, protecting both the company’s resources and the employee’s rightful benefits.

What are the different ways to calculate an employee's return date from leave?

HRplus offers several ways to calculate an employee's return date:

  • Calendar Days: Includes weekends and holidays in the calculation.

  • Skip Holidays Only: Excludes holidays but includes weekends.

  • Skip Weekends Only: Excludes weekends but includes holidays.

  • Skip Holidays in Leave Period Only: Excludes holidays from the leave period but not the return date calculation.

  • Skip Holidays and Weekends in Leave Period Only: Excludes both holidays and weekends from the leave period but not the return date calculation.

  • Skip Sundays and Public Holidays: Excludes Sundays and public holidays but includes Saturdays.

  • Use Calendar Days - Return on Nearest Working Day: Includes weekends and holidays in the leave period calculation, but the return date is the nearest working day.

  • Use Calendar - Skip Holidays and Return on Nearest Working Day: Excludes holidays but includes weekends in the leave period calculation, with the return date being the nearest working day.

    The specific calculation method used can be determined by factors such as employee job type, pay group, or shift status, and can be overridden for specific situations.

    What are the steps involved in performing a leave recalculation?

    Before performing a leave recalculation, ensure you have the following:

  • Set up leave types

  • Defined additional leave rules

  • Entered opening balances (if applicable)

Once these prerequisites are in place, you can perform a leave recalculation. It's recommended to perform recalculations cautiously, ideally for individual employees or small subsets rather than the entire company, as the process utilizes the scheduler and may take a considerable amount of time, especially for larger companies.

To perform the recalculation:

  1. Navigate to "Leave Transactions" and select "Recalculate Leave Balances."

  2. Choose the desired filtering options, such as company, department, pay group, or specific employee.

  3. Select the leave type for recalculation.

  4. If needed, enter a specific date to recalculate until; otherwise, leave blank for recalculation up to the current date.

  5. Submit the recalculation.

After completion, you can view the updated leave entitlements on the relevant screens.

How do I enter a "Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken" record?

To enter a "Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken" record:

  1. Navigate to "Leave Transactions" and select "Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken".

  2. Input the necessary details: Employee Name, Leave Type, Number of Days Bought, Percent to Apply, and Cycle to Pay Employee.

  3. Save the record.

  4. Post the record to trigger its inclusion in the payroll cycle for the chosen cycle.

    Note: Changes to the "Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken" record can only be made before posting. Once posted, the record becomes archived, and any modifications require deleting the record and re-entering it with the correct details.

    What information can an employee see in their self- service leave portal?

    Employees can access their leave information through the self-service portal. They can view:

    • Leave Balances: Current and projected leave balances for different leave types.

    • Leave History: A record of their past leave requests, approvals, and taken leave.

    • Pending Leave Requests: Leave requests that are awaiting approval.

    • Rejected or Voided Requests: Leave requests that have been rejected or voided. Employees can also submit new leave requests through the self-service portal.

How do leave approvals work in HRplus?

HRplus utilizes a workflow system for leave approvals. When an employee submits a leave request, it's routed through the appropriate workflow based on predefined criteria such as employee location, department, or leave type.

The workflow defines the sequence of required approvals, ensuring the request goes through the correct channels. The system administrator is responsible for setting up and managing the leave workflows, which can be customized to fit an organization's specific needs.

Can managers approve or reject leave requests from their employees?

Yes, managers can approve or reject leave requests from their employees through the Manager Self Service portal. They receive notifications of new leave requests and can review the request details, including the requested leave dates, leave type, and any comments from the employee. Managers can then choose to approve or reject the request based on their organization's leave policy and the employee's circumstances.

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