Leave (Transactions)

Leave (Transactions)

Leave Transactions

Navigation: Leave>> Leave Transactions>> Recalculate Leave Balances

How To Recalculate Leave Balances?

How does the leave recalculation work?

The leave recalculates every night for the current leave year, so balances from previous years are not affected. If you want to affect balances from previous years to roll forward into the current year, you must go to the recalculate leave screen and set the leave for the employee to recalculate without putting a leave to date…in other words, there must be no date set.

If on the other hand you wish to project the leave to see what it would be at a set date you can enter that set date in the recalculate leave screen and the result will show on the projected leave entitlement screen which is user specific.

Using the Leave Recalculation

Prior to using the leave recalculation, the following pre-requisites must be set up.

  1. ​Leave Types must be setup

  2. Additional Leave Rules must be defined (How To Set Up Leave Overrides for Non-Vacation/Non Cumulative Rules & How To Set Up Leave Overrides For Vacation And Other Cumulative Rules)

  3. Opening Balances must be entered where applicable.

  4. Recalculate Leave Balances

    Once these steps outlined above have been completed, then the next step is to perform a Recalculation of Leave Balances.

    This initial recalculation is necessary as it will allow for employees to have access to Leave Types with correct entitlements so that their Leave Requests/Leave Taken Transactions can be entered into HRplus.

  5. View Leave Entitlements

If a recalculation are not done for the leave type, then the employee entitlement will not be visible

on the respective screen.

It is recommended that when using the recalculation feature that it is done with caution and for one employee or subset of employees and not the entire company. This is because when the task is submitted, it is placed on the scheduler and has to be completed for all employees before the results can be viewed in the leave entitlement screen. Therefore, if the company for which the leave is being recalculated has hundreds or thousands of employees, then this can task can take a long time to be completed as well as it will delay the completion of any other tasks throughout the app which have

been scheduled to run after this.

Recalculations must be carried out for each Leave Type separately and can be done for :

  • All employees within the company,

  • a specific Department,

  • a specific Pay Group or

Recalculate Leave Balances

  • an individual employee.

It is recommended that when using the recalculation feature that it is done with caution and for one employee or subset of employees and not the entire company. This is because when the task is submitted, it is placed on the scheduler and has to be completed for all employees before the results can be viewed in the leave entitlement screen. Therefore, if the company for which the leave is being recalculated

This may take a while depending on the amount of employees in the selected grouping.

• For this initial Recalculation, we will Leave the Recalculate Until Date field blank so that calculations will be done up to the current date.

  • Click on the Submit button to start the transaction.

  • Upon clicking on the Submit button, the application will notify you that the command is being enabled. Click OK.

When the application has finished recalculating the leave, a message will be sent to your inbox

Once the Recalculation is complete, we can view the employee’s entitlements via the View Leave

Entitlements screen.

  • Use the search bar to find the employee for whom the Recalculation was performed.

  • Click on the plus sign to the left of the employee’s record to expand. Here, you can view the employee’s Leave Entitlements.

View Leave Entitlements

Benefits>>Leave>> Leave Transactions>> View Leave Entitlements

How To View Leave Entitlements

Once the Recalculation (How To Recalculate Leave Balances) is complete, we can view the employee’s entitlements via the View Leave Entitlements screen.

  • Use the search bar to find the employee for whom the Recalculation was performed.

  • Click on the plus sign to the left of the employee’s record to expand. Here, you can view the employee’s Leave Entitlements.

View Leave Entitlements

Select the Cumulative Leave tab

View entitlements for Vacation Leave or Other Cumulative Leave.


Note, use this Tab to view recalculated Balances for the present date i.e. when performing the

Recalculation, you did not enter a date in the Recalculate Until field.

To have a better understanding of the data displayed, hover your cursor over the figures to see how

they were calculated.

Leave Year: The Leave Year can be determined via three factors:

  • The Date Selected in the Reset Leave On field when building the Leave Type is the Employee’s Anniversary Date.

  • The Date Selected in the Reset Leave On field when building the Leave Type is a Set Date. In this instance, the Leave Year for the Leave Type will reflect the set date that was specified.

  • An Opening Balance for the Leave with a Start Date was entered. In this case, the Opening Balance Date will be the Start Date of the Leave Year.

Note: In all three cases, it is possible for the employee’s Leave Year for the particular Leave Type to be different from the actual Calendar Year.

Rollover Balance: This refers to the Brought Forward Leave. Formula: Opening Balance + Leave Earned from the OB date to the Date at which the Leave rolls over i.e. either the employee’s anniversary date or the set calendar date).

  • Expired Balance: Total Balance - Limit Total Accumulation To.

  • Leave Earned This Year (Entitled to Earn) Formula: Total Earned YTD - Leave Taken this Leave Year - Pay in Lieu (Of Leave Taken).

  • Leave to be Earned: (Entitled to Earn) - Leave Earned this Year.

Leave Taken This Leave Year: The number of Posted Leave Taken days for the Current Leave Year.

  • Pay in Lieu (Of Leave Taken): The number of ‘bought out’ Leave Days for the Current Leave Year.

  • Leave Booked: Leave that is approved but not Posted.

  • Available from Leave Earned: Leave Balance at Rollover - Leave Taken this Leave Year - Pay in Lieu (Of Leave Taken).

  • Total Balance Formula: Total Earned YTD - Leave Taken this Leave Year - Pay in Lieu (Of Leave Taken).

In this example, the Company’s Rules regarding Sick Leave is that all employees are entitled to 14

days per year.

Select the Non-Cumulative Leave tab

View entitlements for Leave Types such as Sick, Compassionate etc. Once you have performed recalculations for Non-Cumulative Leave, you can also view the employee’s entitlements here.

Note: If the employee, however, started working with the company on January 8th of the current Leave year (2024). The application, therefore, can prorate the employee's Entitlement from January 8th.

Recalculations can also be done at any point after the initial recalculation and can be carried

out for the Present Date, a Past Date or a Future Date.

Leave>> Leave Transactions>> View Projected Leave Entitlements

How To View Projected Leave Entitlement

View Projected Leave Entitlement

Recalculations can also be done at any point after the initial recalculation and can be carried out for the Present Date, a Past Date or a Future Date. Some reasons as to why you may need to carry out a Recalculation are as follows:

  1. If an employee is leaving the company shortly and you wish to see how much Leave s/he will have earned up to the Date of Separation so that this can be paid, perform a Recalculation for the employee using the Recalculate Until Date as the employee’s Separation Date.

  2. If an employee has left the company but, through human error, a Separation record was not entered into the application, perform a recalculation for the employee using the Recalculate Until date as his/ her last day at the company. The result will show you how much Leave should be paid to the employee in the upcoming payroll.

  3. If an employee wishes to know how much Vacation or other Cumulative Leave she will have earned up to her last day of Maternity Leave, perform a recalculation using her last day of Maternity Leave in the Recalculate Until field. The employee, therefore, knowing how many days she will have available at this Projected Date, will be able to apply for the Vacation or Other Cumulative Leave starting at the end of her Maternity Leave.

Step 1: Enter Leave Details to be Recalculated

In this example, we have chosen to perform the recalculation for a specific Department.

Note, this example was done in November 2024 and we, therefore, entered a future (Projected) date in the Recalculate Until field. In this case, we will navigate to the View Projected Leave Entitlements screen to view the calculations.

Step 2: Search for an Employee

  • Use the search bar to find any employee for whom the Recalculation was performed.

  • Click on the plus sign next to the employee’s record to drill down and view the employee’s Leave Entitlements.

  • Select the ‘Cumulative Leave’ tab to see entitlements for Vacation Leave or Other Cumulative Leave, or select the ‘Non-Cumulative Leave’ tab to see entitlements for Leave Types such as Sick, Compassionate etc.

Step 3: View the Projected Leave

• In this example, we look at the employee’s Projected Vacation Leave.

  • Notice the Leave Year Dates reflected are that of the Set Date in 2024, (Jan 1st, 2025) and the Recalculate Until Date of Jan 24th, 2025.

Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

How To Use Leave Taken?

Leave Taken

Here, you can record any Leave Taken by employees as well as request different types of Leave for dates in the future. Click on New Leave Taken and enter the fields as prompted.

This screen is available for the HR Administrator to enter a leave request on behalf of an employee and is useful if your company is not using the HRplus Employee Self Service Portal.

If employee are using the HRplus Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal, any leave request entered in the ESS will be listed in this window:

  1. Once the workflow is enabled and completed or

  2. Once the Self Service Request is acknowledged (if no workflow is enabled)

Employee Details: enter the name of the employee for whom you are entering the Leave record.

Note, once the employee’s name is chosen, all other fields in this box will auto-populate.

Request Details: Here, enter the employee’s Leave Request data

Leave Type Code: Select, from the drop-box, the Leave Type that you are recording.

Note, if the Leave Type does not appear in the list, perform a Recalculation How To Recalculate

Leave Balances of the Leave Type in question for the employee.

Notice that, upon selecting the Leave Type, the fields in the Leave Entitlement Details box will be


View Detailed Leave History: Click on the hyperlink to view the employee’s Leave History.

Start Date: Using the calendar, select the day that the employee’s Leave is to commence.

Amount Requested: Enter the number of days that the employee will be on Leave.

Time Off: If the request is for Time Off e.g. for a doctor’s appointment, and the employee will, therefore work part of the day, enter the To and From Times of the absence and check if Lunch will be included in the Time Off period.

Leave Reason: This is optional as it is solely for record-keeping.

Certified: If the employee is going on Certified Medical Leave, flag ‘Yes’ .

Status: Select ‘Approved’ if the Leave has been approved by the employee’s supervisor/manager.

Amount Approved: Enter the amount of Days (or Hours in the case of Time Off) approved.

Add Leave Documents: Upload any required documentation pertaining to the leave request. E.g. Medical Certificate.

Leave Taken Details: Within this box, enter the Leave that the Employee actually took i.e. what was

requested and what was taken can vary.

Date Taken: Using the calendar, select the day that the employee’s Leave commenced

Time Off: If the employee took time off (hours from a work day), enter the To and From Times of

the absence and check if Lunch was included in the Time Off period.

Days Taken: Enter the number of Days the employee was on Leave.

Unauthorised Days: If the employee has taken more days/hours than what was approved, the

application will calculate the number of unapproved days/hours that were taken.

Employee On Days Override: Click the hyper link to view the Employee’s ON Days (if previously

set up)

Date Returned: The application automatically calculates the employee's Return Date based on the rules that you have setup (you can set up and use the edit function if necessary)

Return Comments: You can enter any relevant comments for record keeping purposes here (optional).

Action Taken Details: Here, you can indicate if, in terms of Unauthorised Days taken, any action was taken.

  • Choose the appropriate button from: None, Deduct Pay, Make up (time taken) or Other. Note, this is for record-keeping purposes only.

Leave Entitlement Details: Here you can view the breakdown of used/unused days.

Year: The employee’s Leave Year.

Leave Entitlement Details

Rollover Balance: The amount of unused Leave from one calendar/leave year that an employee may carry forward to the next.

Entitled to Earn: The amount of days/hours of the Leave Type in question that the employee has is entitled to earn.

Leave Earned (This Year): The amount of Leave the employee has earned YTD.

Leave Yet to be Earned (This Year): The amount of Leave the employee still has to earn for the remainder of the year.

Leave Taken and Pay in Lieu (This Year): The amount of days/hours of the Leave Type the employee has already taken within the Leave Year. This will be updated once the Leave Taken record being entered is posted. This also includes unused leave which an employer buys out.

Leave Booked (Approved): The amount of days/hours of the Leave Type the employee has requested/ have been entered into HRplus but not as yet posted.

Available from Leave Earned: (Rollover Balance + Leave Earned) - (Leave Taken and Pay in Lieu

+ Leave Booked).

Total Balance: (Rollover Balance + Entitled to Earn) - (Leave Taken and Pay in Lieu + Leave Booked).

At any point after saving the Leave Taken record, you will be able to edit or delete it once it is not posted. As such, Leave Taken should only posted after the employee has returned to work.

View the Saved Leave Taken Record to Post

Once posted, the Posted button on the top right of the Leave Taken record will be flagged as ‘Yes’. Note, changes cannot be made to a posted record. If a change needs to be made to a record after it is

posted, delete the record and re-enter.

Navigation: Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

How to used Leave Taken - Maternity (example)

In this example, the employee has taken (and been approved) for more Maternity Leave than she is entitled to.

In the example we are using, we instructed the application to pay the employee only for 84 days. Let us look at the Cycle Changes for May, June and July to see what has transpired.

Navigation: POWERpay>> Process Payroll>> Cycle Changes

  • In May, the employee’s Timesheet shows that she is being paid Maternity Pay for 248 hours (31 days).

  • In June, the employee’s Timesheet shows that she is being paid Maternity Pay for 240 hours (30 days).

  • Finally, in July, the employee’s Timesheet reflects that she is being paid for184 hours (23 days). In Total, therefore, the employee is being correctly paid for 84 days (31+30+23).

How to used Leave Taken - No pay (Example)

In this example, the employee has taken (and been approved) 4 days of No pay Leave

In this example, we instructed the application to Limit the Full Pay to 365 days. Additionally, when setting up the Earn Type, we applied a factor of -1.

Let us look at the Cycle Changes for the period to see what has transpired.

Navigation: POWERpay>> Process Payroll>> Cycle Changes

Here we see that the employee’s No Pay Leave record correctly reflects 32 hours. Notice that the Entry Type is ‘L’ for ‘Leave’ and the Batch No is ‘LE’.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

How To Edit or Delete a Leave Taken Record

Edit or Delete Leave Taken

At any point after saving the Leave Taken record, you will be able to edit or delete it once it is not posted. As such, Leave Taken should only posted after the employee has returned to work. This can either be done manually or automatically scheduled.

Ensure the leave record has not been Posted. Once posted, the Posted button on the top right of the Leave Taken record will be flagged as ‘Yes’. Note, changes cannot be made to a posted record. If a

change needs to be made to a record after it is posted, delete the record and re-enter.

Edit a Leave Taken Record

Delete a Leave Taken Record

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken


Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave OR

Payroll>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

How to use Leave Taken - Time Off ( Example)

Leave Take - Time Off

In this example, the employee has taken Time Off from work against his Vacation entitlement.

Enter Leave Taken

Notice that, we have flagged that this time off includes lunch and, as such, the application calculates

that the employee has taken half day (0.5) of Vacation Leave

Navigation: POWERpay>>Process Payroll>>Cycle Changes

View Cycle Changes Entry

Here we see that the employee’s Time Off against Vacation record correctly reflects 4 hours of Vacation Pay.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken

How To Enter A Pay In Lieu of Leave Taken

Pay In Lieu of Leave Taken

The application allows for Pay in Lieu (of Leave Taken) transactions i.e. the employer ‘buys out’ an employee’s unused Leave at full price or at a negotiated price. Once a Pay in Lieu transaction is entered, the employee’s leave balance is affected and is adjusted accordingly.

This feature is useful when an employee is leaving the company has to be paid for unused Vacation Leave.

How does it work?

Before we can enter Pay in Lieu records, however, there are a few prerequisite steps:

  1. Setup the Pay in Lieu Transaction-Payroll Link. Navigate to: Payroll>> Process Payroll>> Employee Transactions>> Transactions-Payroll Linkages OR Personnel>> Personnel>> Transactions

  2. Setup the Leave-Payroll Link

  3. Ensure that the employee has an active Pay Profile record (Payroll>> Employees>> Pay Profile)

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Employee Transactions>>Transactions-Payroll Linkages

Step 1: Enter the Transaction-Payroll Linkage (if not already done)

This will allow for the application to calculate the employee’s Pay in Lieu.

Module Code/Name: Select the module being linked to the payroll transaction.

Link Description: Enter a user defined description for the linkage.

Link Transaction: Select Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken.

HR Code/Description: Select the leave code being linked to the payroll transaction.

Payroll Type: Select the payroll type for the payroll code.

Payroll Code/Description: Select the payroll code that is being paid.

Pay Group/Name: Select the pay group for the transaction.

Remember, Transaction-Payroll Linkages must be created for each Pay Group.

POWERpay>>Employees>>Pay Profile

Step 2: Ensure the employee has an Active Pay Profile Record

Step 3: Enter a Pay In Lieu of Transaction

Number of Days Bought: Enter as per the agreement with the employee.

Percent to Apply: Days can be bought at 100% of the value (the employee’s hourly rate x the number of days bought x the number of hours per day ) or at any percentage agreed upon by the employer and employee.

Cycle to Pay Employee: Enter accordingly.

Click on the diskette icon to save

Step 4: Post the Record

Posting the record triggers an entry into the Cycle Changes for the Cycle selected so that the employee can be paid. Note, you cannot update, delete or unpost a posted Pay in Lieu of Leave record. All changes must

be done before the record is posted. Once the record is posted, it will be archived and you will not be able to make changes

Once successfully posted, the application will notify you.

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