This feature allows you to insert/view/delete the opening leave balance for an employee. Opening Balances are used to bring forward leave balances and is really applicable to cumulative leave (e.g. vacation leave) as well as if the leave calculation is incorrect e.g. in cases of missing leave records (for older employees). The opening leave balance will be used as the starting point for future calculations.
Opening balances cannot be used to enter leave (cumulative or non-cumulative) entitlements.
Although you are allowed to enter opening balances for noncumulative leave types, this option should only be used when absolutely necessary (see section on Non-Cumulative Leave).
An employee can have only one (1) opening balance record for each leave type. How it works?
An Opening Balance is entered for an employee as at a specific date.
A recalculation (Leave Transactions>>Recalculate Leave Balances) MUST be done in order for the override records to be effected. The recalculation is done AFTER the override records have been entered and saved.
A history of Leave Overrides is NOT kept by the system. Once a record is deleted, the history is gone and a new override (if the record exists) takes it place or the generic rules apply.
Override records are specific to employees whose leave entitlements may differ from or who may be exempt from the generic leave rules.
The employee's Leave Entitlement and Leave history can be verified on the Leave Entitlement screen.
Opening Balances for Vacation or Other Cumulative Leave
An Opening Balance MUST be entered for all the employees within a company using the Leave Module on HRplus to calculate Vacation Leave entitlements. It should also be noted that this will apply to all other cumulative leave as well. This is to ensure that when the recalculation of the Vacation Leave is done in the
scheduler, that the date used is the one entered in the Opening Balance screen and NOT the employee's hire date. This will allow the calculations to be processed faster based on the more current date in the opening balance screen.
It is important to note that no leave entitlements/balances will be calculated before the opening balance date.
The date for the Opening Balance must be set based on the Reset Leave on configuration on the Leave Type. Options to set the Leave Opening Balance Date are:
Option 1
If the leave reset date is based on anniversary year, the employee's Anniversary Date is used as as the Opening Balance date.
For the Starting Balance, enter the number of days of brought forward Vacation leave from the previous leave year. N.B. This must NOT include leave which has not yet been earned for the current leave year.
Upload all leave taken records for the employee for the Vacation Leave Type until a chosen date. This chosen/set date must be used as the cut off date for leave taken transactions to be uploaded for ALL employees. Note that any Vacation Leave Taken after this date, must be entered directly on HRplus to maintain proper records and ensure the employee's balance is accurate.
Manually recalculate the Vacation Leave for the employee. ( Alternatively this leave type can be set to recalculate in the scheduler, but this should only be done as the LAST task during the configuration to allow ALL employee records to recalculate automatically overnight.)
View leave entitlement screen to verify that the employee's leave has been recalculated and their available balance is correct.
Option 2
If the leave reset date is based on a set date (e.g. January 1st), this set date is used as as the Opening Balance date.
For the Starting Balance, enter the number of days of brought forward Vacation leave from the previous leave year. N.B. This must NOT include leave which has not yet been earned for the current leave year.
Upload all leave taken records for the employee for the Vacation Leave Type until a chosen date. This chosen/set date must be used as the cut off date for leave taken transactions to be uploaded for ALL employees. Note that any Vacation Leave Taken after this date, must be entered directly on HRplus to maintain proper records and ensure the employee's balance is accurate.
Manually recalculate the Vacation Leave for the employee. ( Alternatively this leave type can be set to recalculate in the scheduler, but this should only be done as the LAST task during the configuration to allow ALL employee records to recalculate automatically overnight.)
View leave entitlement screen to verify that the employee's leave has been recalculated and their available balance is correct.
Option 3
A date is selected that the client will go "LIVE"with the Leave Module. This is the opening Balance date.
Opening Balances will be submitted up until that date. The formula for the amount submitted as employee starting balances is:
Leave Opening/Starting Balance = (Rolled over leave ( From leave reset date of of anniversary date OR calendar year) + Leave earned (Up until the opening balance date) ) - Leave Taken ( For the current leave year until opening balance date)
Note that if this option is used, it means that the employees will NOT see the leave which was taken before the opening balance date as this would have been included in the formula for the starting balance number. This has the potential to result in numerous queries from the employee as to how their balance was calculated, as there is less transparency.
HRplus will pro-rate the employee's leave entitlement for the rest of the leave year.
Note that any Vacation Leave Taken after this date, must be entered directly on HRplus t maintain proper records and ensure the employee's entitlement is accurate..
Manually recalculate the Vacation Leave for the employee. ( Alternatively this leave type can be set to recalculate in the scheduler, but this should only be done as the LAST task during the configuration to allow ALL employee records to recalculate automatically overnight.)
View leave entitlement screen to verify that the employee's leave has been recalculated and their available balance is correct.
Importing Opening Balances
To upload Opening Balances using an HRplus-provided Template, follow these steps:
Step 2: Complete the Leave Opening Balance Template Step 3: Import the Opening Balances
Once your template is filled out correctly, save the file as an Excel 97 – 2003 Workbook (*.xls)
Next, in the Leave Opening balances Window, click on the Import Leave Balances button to upload the file.
Here, we see the Opening Balances that were imported.
The application will notify you whether the upload has been successful or not.
Delete Opening Balances
Opening Balances can be deleted in the event of an error.
To delete specific records, simply select the desired ones and click on the Delete button.
All records that are currently visible on the screen can be deleted.
Vacation And Other Cumulative Leave Rules
When the Scheduler is performing the Manage Leave Entitlement task, it will first check for Override records in relation to any Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules set up. If Override records exist, the application will use them in calculating Leave Entitlements. If there are no Override records, then the default entitlement set in the Leave Types Rules will apply.
Click on New Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules and add the employee’s details as well as his/ her special entitlement details.
In this instance, the general rules set in the Vacation Leave Type in the Leave Setup will be
overwritten for this employee's 2023 leave entitlement.
Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules
The Scheduler, when performing the Manage Leave Entitlement task, will calculate Override records, should they exist.
Scheduler Role: The Scheduler performs calculations for managing leave entitlements.
Override Records First:
If there are override rules for individual employees, the Scheduler identifies and applies them first.
Override rules are specific rules that take precedence over default leave rules for certain employees.
Recalculating Leave Rules:
After applying the override rules, the Scheduler recalculates default leave rules for the remaining employees.
These are the standard rules that apply when no override exists.
Final Application:
Override rules are prioritized to ensure specific cases are addressed before applying general rules.
The recalculated entitlements are then finalized for each employee based on the rules that apply.
Using the Leave Overrides for shift workers involves the following steps:
Ensure that the employee has indeed been flagged as a shift worker. Navigate to the Employee Profile View to do so: Personnel>> Personnel>> Employees OR POWERpay>> Employees>> Employees
Within the Leave module, enter the employee’s ON and OFF Days. Days are to be entered individually using the blank field and calendar provided. Use the diskette icon to the left of the field to save.
Ensure that your Return Date Parameters are setup correctly (either the Default used for the Leave Type or the specific Parameters that may have been set by Pay Group and/or Job)
Enter the Leave Taken record.
Post the Leave Taken once the employee returns from Leave
Leave Overrides for Employees On and Off days
ON and OFF Days generally apply to shift workers but you can use the function to track the ON and OFF days of all employees. i.e. both shift and non-shift workers.
For Shift workers, the application will consider their ON and OFF days when entering a Leave Taken transaction and will calculate the correct Return Date.
For Non-Shift workers, however, the application will NOT consider the ON and OFF days. In such cases, you may have to manually edit the employee’s Return Date. (The set-up for this is illustrated in the Return Date Parameters section How To Set Up Return Date Parameters ).
In the following example, we will look at a shift worker who takes 5 Vacation Days starting January 2nd with 2 OFF Days of January 7th and 8th. We will notice that the application correctly calculates the employee’s Return Date as January 9th.
Ensure that the employee has indeed been flagged as a shift worker.
Enter the employee’s ON Days.
Ensure that your Return Date Parameters are setup correctly (either the Default used for the Leave Type or the specific Parameters that may have been set by Pay Group and/or Job)
Post the transaction once the employee returns to work (if you do not have the automatic posting function setup).
If the employee, however, is a Non-Shift worker, simply navigate System Codes, under ‘L’ double click on the LV_RETDATE record. Change the Value from 0 to 1 and click on the diskette icon to save.
This will allow you to edit the Return Date of any employee without affecting the number of Days
Taken i.e. the date will no longer be ‘greyed-out’ in the Leave Taken screen.
In the following image, we illustrate where an employee has taken 4 Vacation days starting on December 30th yet we are able to change the Return date to January 8th. You can then verify the days the employee is supposed to be ON by clicking in the Employee On Days hyperlink.
Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance
The feature Expiration of Leave Rollover balance, resets the Leave Opening Balance after a specified period in days or on a designated date.
The Expired Amount is displayed in the Opening Balances and can be added back to the Start Balance
if needed.
Leave Type Code: Auto-generated based on the Leave Type selected.
Leave Expiration Method: Select the expiration method to be used as follows:
Use Expiration Period: Select to use an amount of days during which the leave type would be valid. Note this is the default selection.
Expiration Period: Enter the amount of days.
Use Expiration Date: Select to enter the exact date the leave will expire on.
Expiration Month: Enter the leave expiration month.
Expiration Day: Enter the leave expiration day.
Expired leave amounts are calculated and displayed, for leave types with set leave expiration methods based on opening balances and expiry dates/periods. Leave types with expiry dates/periods allow companies to identify and set up leave types and balances that become invalid after a set time. The value in the Expired Amount field is the number of days that employees will lose at expiration in this “use it or lose it” leave scenario.
The system will calculate and display the expired amount and (new) starting balance:
Expired Amount = Start Balance Leave Taken + Leave Booked
6 = 10 - (2 + 2)
Start Balance (new) = Start Balance (old) Expired Amount
4 = 10 - 6
Restore Expired: Click this button to restore the Expired Amount i.e. 6 in the example above. The new value in the Start Balance field will then be 10 (Expired Amount + Start Balance (old)) (6+4 = 10).
Update Balance: Click this button to use the current record values as the starting balance.