User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timesheets>>Timesheet>> Current
Level 1 - Workflow Progress and Actions
Once the workflow is set up and enabled, the Timekeeper at Level 1, upon logon, can view the timesheets for approval. Timekeepers MUST have access to the Company, Department and Schedule and can only view the workflow at each of their designated Levels.
Workflow Actions
For each individual timesheet, you may select the specific Workflow Actions of:
Move Forward - Timekeepers at Level 1 can ONLY move timesheets forward.
Move Backward - Timekeepers at Level 1 CANNOT move timesheets backward as there are no previous approval levels to which the timesheets can be sent.
Post Record: Timekeepers at Level 1 CANNOT post and approve timesheets this MUST be done by the Timekeeper who is at the final Approval Level.
At Approval Level 1, only this default step will be displayed.
Move Forward: To move forward a timesheet means to approve and send it to the next approval
level. Select Move Forward from the drop-down, enter a Comment and click Submit Comment.
Click Submit when data entry is complete. The grid will be refreshed or click the Refresh button - the timesheets that have been sent forward will no longer be displayed at this Level.
For each Timesheet, repeat the process to move it forward.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timesheets>>Timesheet>> Current
Level 2 and Above - Workflow Progress and Actions
Once the workflow is set up and enabled, the Timekeeper at Level 2, on logon, will view the timesheets sent from Level 1 that require approval. Timekeepers MUST have access to the Company and Schedule and can only view the workflow at each of their designated Levels.
For each individual timesheet, you may select any of the specific Workflow Actions below:
Move Forward: Timekeepers at Level 2 can move timesheets forward.
Move Backward: Timekeepers at Level 2 can move the timesheets backward to the previous approval levels if there is a discrepancy found.
Post Record: Timekeepers at Level 2 or Higher can post and approve timesheets ONLY if this is the Timekeeper who is at the final Approval Level.
Timesheets that have been sent backward/forward to previous/next levels MUST undergo ALL the timesheet approval steps until final approval. As such, timesheets may be back and forth until all
queries are satisfied. All Comments at each Approval Level are tracked and maintained.
Batch Actions: This is used to edit multiple timesheets at the same time.
The Workflow Progress will display previous and current workflow Steps and Comments.
Move Forward: To move forward a timesheet means to approve and send it to the next approval level. Select Move Forward from the drop-down, enter a Comment and click Submit Comment.
Click Submit when data entry is complete.
The grid will be refreshed or click the Refresh button - the timesheets that have been sent forward will no longer be displayed at this Level.
For each Timesheet, repeat the process to move it forward or use the Batch Workflow Actions to edit more than one timesheet.
Move Backward: To move a timesheet backward means to send it back to the previous approval level. This may be in situations where there may be queries to the timesheet/s. Select Move Backward from the drop-down, enter a Comment and click Submit Comment. Click Submit when
data entry is complete.
The grid will be refreshed or click the Refresh button - the timesheets that have been sent backward
will no longer be displayed at this Level.
For each Timesheet, repeat the process to move it backward or use the Batch Workflow Actions to edit more than one timesheet.
Only Timekeepers at the final Approval Level can post records.
Click Submit when data entry is complete.
Click Submit when data entry is complete. The grid will be refreshed or click the Refresh button -
the Approved box will be checked for the Timesheets that have been posted/approved.
For each Timesheet, repeat the process to post/approve it or use the Batch Workflow Actions to edit
more than one timesheet.
User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timesheets>>Timesheet>> Current
Batch Workflow Actions
Timesheets can be processed individually or in batch via the Batch Workflow Actions button. For each individual timesheet, you may select the specific Workflow Actions of:
Move Forward
Move Backward
Post Record
OR you may wish to minimize data entry by selecting a specific Workflow Action for a batch of Timesheets. These actions above can also be performed in Batch – enabling the approval and/or posting of a batch of timesheets (by Company, Schedule, Shift etc.) by clicking the Batch Workflow Actions button.
Batch Operations are performed on Timesheets that are currently displayed on the grid. Select the
number of timesheets you wish to display from the drop-down list shown above.
Review the Timesheets for the Batch Action. If there are any timesheets to be omitted from the batch
option you are about to select, then check the box on the respective timesheets as shown above.
Action: Select one action from the drop-down list to move the Timesheets in the workflow process
either Forward, Backward or Posted/Approved.
Exclude Selected: check YES and the box/es next to the record/s that you wish to omit from the Batch operation.
Click Submit Batch Operation.
Note: Only the record that was selected to be excluded from the batch posting is still visible on the