HRplus Time (Setup - Devices)

HRplus Time (Setup - Devices)

Setup - Devices

Navigation: HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices

How are the steps when setting up a new Time Clock Device on HRplus?


Devices are also known as Time Clocks, clock card machines or punch clocks and is a device that records when an employee clocks in and out of work. HRplus also supports a virtual clock and mobile punches.

On HRplus, time can also be recorded when an employee punches in and out for their morning break, afternoon break and lunch.

These devices work together with a Time Clock Downloader web application which polls the data/ punches from the clock at set intervals and then transfers this data into the HRplus application.

There are several steps involved in the setup of each device as outlined below:

  1. A Time Clock setup meeting is scheduled by an HRplus project manager with the client and HRplus IT personnel. During this session, the following items are covered:

    1. Clocks are checked and tested for faults before being sent to the client.

    2. The time clock web app is installed and configured where applicable. Network requirements are reviewed for the clock communication.

    3. Clients are sent user and installation manuals and are shown the operation of the device.

    4. Tests are performed to ensure that the clocks are communication with the HRplus app.

  2. Add the Device to Device List.

  3. Link the Device to your company.

  4. Map Device to Schedules.

  5. Setup Device Monitoring.


HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device Listing

Click New Record and complete the fields on the screen to enter time and attendance devices.

Step 1 - Device Setup: How do I add a new device to the device list on HRplus?


Devices are also known as Time Clocks, clock card machines or punch clocks and is a device that records when an employee clocks in and out of work. HRplus also supports a virtual clock and mobile punches.

On HRplus, time can also be recorded when an employee punches in and out for their morning break, afternoon break and lunch.

To add a new device to HRplus, follow the steps below:

Device Name: This name is user defined and can be chosen to reflect a particular location or other similar reference. Once the device has been added to the time clock downloader app., then the name is available for selection here to add the device.

Device Host: The IP address

Device Port: The port address

Device Type: Select the type of device from the available options from the available options. These are:

  • Application Virtual punch

  • Facial and Fingerprint

  • Fingerprint or Card Reader

  • Hand punch

  • Kiosk

Device Code: Enter a user-defined code for the time clock

Time Zone: Enter the Time Zone where the device is located.

Active: Flag this box to make the device Active. This should only be set ot On when all setup has been completed and it is time to poll the punches from the clock into the HRplus app.

Save your input. Repeat the process to enter additional devices. Next, link the device to your company.

Navigation: HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices >>Company-Device Mapping

Company-Device Mapping

Once you have added a Device to the Device Listing ( as in the previous article), you must then link your device to a company. Multiple devices can be linked to one company.

To do so, follow the steps below.

In the scenario where there is ONE device that has to be used by multiple companies, then that device must ONLY be linked to ONE company in this setup screen. It is not necessary to link the device to each company that uses it.

1. Expand the record and click on New Record.

  1. Select the name of the device you wish to link to your company. All information associated with the device auto populates.

  2. Save the record. Repeat the process to link other devices.

Next, link the device to a schedule.

Navigation: HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device-Schedule Mapping

Device-Schedule Mapping

Before you can link your device to your schedules, you must first have schedules entered in the application. To do so, please view the How to create a new schedule article to create your schedules before you continue.

Once the schedules have been created, if an employee linked to a particular schedule is required to punch in on a device, then that schedule must me mapped to the device.

The steps to link a schedule to a device are outlined below.

Device: Select the your device

Schedule: Select the schedule you wish to link to the device.

Save the record. Repeat the process to link additional schedules to the device.

Navigation: HRplus Time >> Setup >> Devices >> Device Monitoring

Step 4 - Device Setup: How to setup Device Monitoring?

Device Monitoring

Device Monitoring allows the system to email users when time clock devices may be malfunctioning or not communicating punches to the Attendance Logs.

The user defines the monitoring criteria - period (start/end date; start/end time), variance (in minutes). Based on this criteria, the system performs checks on the time clock and automatically sends email to the stated user when there are discrepancies.

Enter a new Device Monitoring Record

Device ID: Select the Device ID to be monitored.

Device Name: The device name will be auto-filled when the device ID is selected.

Day of Week: Select the day of the week that the device is to be monitored. If the device must be monitored every day, then a new record must be created for each day.

Start Date: Enter the date that from which the devices will start being monitored.

End Date: Enter the date to stop the monitoring of the device. This field can be left blank if the device must be continually monitored.

Start Time: Select the time that the monitoring must start. For example, if employees start punching in for work from 7:00 am (or some other time prior to the start of their shift) or if they may start punching out for work at 3:00 pm, then this should be the time entered here.

If there are no expected punches for a period in the middle of the work day e.g. between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, then this time must be excluded from the monitoring period so that no false alerts are sent to the user monitoring the device.

If required, then a separate record must be entered to monitor the clock in the afternoon period, where the start of the monitoring may be at 3:00 pm.

End Time: Select the time that monitoring must end. E.g. If no employee punches are expected after 9:00 am (and not until the afternoon at 4:00 pm), then 9:00 am should be entered here.

If required, then a separate record must be entered to monitor the clock in the afternoon period, where the end of the monitoring may be at 5:00 pm.

Apply to Public Holidays: If the device is also to be monitored on public holidays as employees also work on those days, then select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Variance in Minutes: Enter the number of minutes, after which, if there are no punches coming from the clock into the HRplus application, then the system will send an alert to the identified user.

If employee punches are expected every 30 or 60 minutes for example, then either of these options is the time which must be entered here.

Send To: Select the user ID to be notified if there are no punches coming into HRplus based on the criteria identified above. The system will send an alert to the user's inbox in HRplus.

To enable the notification for the user's external/company email inbox, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the relevant email in the user profile in the user administration screen in the security module.

  2. Go to Personnel >> HR Event Reminders >> Master Email Settings

    1. Find the task Send emails for who is responsible for task

    2. Flag task to enable.

Save the record and repeat to enter additional records.

An Example of the Notification to Check the Clock

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