The workflow in HRplus Time refers to the approval of Timesheets and allows you to:
set up a maximum of ten (10) sequential approval stages (Levels 1 to 10) and a minimum of two (2) (Levels 1 to 2).
link EACH of these ten (10) individual stages to ONE employee ONLY. Each employee must be a designated Timekeeper.
Perform the following actions:
These actions can also be performed in Batch – enabling the approval and/or posting of a batch of timesheets (by Company, Schedule, Shift etc.).
Before using this module, please ensure that:
For each Schedule, employees (timekeepers) to whom timesheets should be routed are identified.
Timekeepers are categorized into the various workflow stages of Level 1, Level 2 etc.
Timekeepers have the necessary permissions (Schedules, Company Access, etc).
The steps to use the Time and Attendance Workflow are as follows:
For the selected Schedule, enable the Workflow – by default, the workflow is disabled. Enable/ Disable Workflow.
Set up Approval Levels/Timekeepers.
Set up Approval Levels to a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 2.
Assign each Approval Level to a single Timekeeper. The Timekeeper must have the required permissions for the Schedule, Company etc. Step 1: Set up Approval Levels/Timekeepers
On logon, Timekeepers are able to view the Timesheets for their approval.
Timekeepers at Level 1, can move forward timesheet records.
Timekeepers at Level 2 and up, can move forward/backward timesheet records.
Timekeepers at the final approval Level, can move forward/backward/post timesheet records.
Timesheets, once moved forward/backward, will only be displayed to the Timekeeper who has to perform the next approval action.
All Timekeepers can view the workflow history of a timesheet by clicking the Progress button.
Timesheets can be processed individually or in batch via the Batch Workflow Actions button.
HRplus Time >> Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[expand
record]>>Schedule Workflow
Enable/Disable a Workflow
When a Schedule record is expanded, the Schedule Workflow grid is displayed in red by default. This means that the workflow is disabled (not active) or not set up.
To set up the workflow, you MUST first click the Enable Workflow button to enable or activate the workflow – the grid will automatically change to green.
To disable or deactivate the workflow, click the Disable Workflow button.
You may disable workflows that are already in use – the timesheets, already processed by the workflow, will remain in their current state.
Click the Enable Workflow button. The colour of the grid will change from red to green.
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[ expand record]>>Schedule
The second step is to set up the various Timesheet approval levels. You are allowed to set up a maximum of ten (10) Levels (1 to 10) or a minimum of two (2) (Levels 1 to 2). At each Level, select the Timekeeper who has the responsibility to approve the timesheets.
Normally, the Level one (1) or Primary Timekeeper is responsible for the daily timekeeping tasks including but not limited to:
Clearing unprocessed punches
Daily posting of the Attendance logs to Timesheets
Review, editing and approval of timesheet hours
The Level two (2) ( and higher) or Secondary Timekeeper normally reviews the timesheets as a batch or summary, paying attention to any comments and instances of overtime approved for payment.
A Timekeeper can only be selected at ONE level – timekeepers CANNOT be responsible for approving timesheets at MORE THAN ONE level.
N.B. If a timekeeper is on leave and cannot perform their timekeeping tasks, then the Core HRplus Time user must select the name of the Timekeeper who will be acting and performing these timekeeping tasks within the appropriate stage on the workflow. Once the original Timekeeper returns from leave then their name must be re-selected in the workflow.
Schedules/Shifts/Employees in Schedules/Shifts MUST already be set up.
Timekeepers must be setup and have the relevant access to the schedules.
The admin user MUST have the required permissions to set up the workflow.
When the record is saved, an additional row is generated to add more Timekeeper Levels. Select the appropriate level and user code to setup the different stages of the workflow until all the stages have
been configured.