HRplus Time (Time and Attendance Updates: What's New?)

HRplus Time (Time and Attendance Updates: What's New?)

Time and Attendance Updates: What's New?

This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus Time and Attendance modules, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features, fixes and improvements designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of the module.

November 1st - December 2nd, 2024

  1. Shifts: Employee Id/Badge No was added to Employee Name.

  2. Current: Additional validation was implemented.

  3. Allowances: Considerations for linking Allowances to Pay Groups. Read more here.

September 13th - November 1st, 2024

  1. Timesheets: Duplicate timesheets can be edited.

  2. Cost: Enhanced calculation for employee daily rate.

  3. Shift Time Parameters: New import and validation functionality.

  4. Shifts: Employee Id/Badge No was added to Employee Name. Read more here.

August 16th – September 13th, 2024

  1. Schedule Individual Employees: Added functionality for scheduling individual employees in the HRplus Time module.

Read more here.

July 12th – August 16th, 2024

  1. Payment Rules: Enhanced rules for employee payments and attendance logs import using Integra 32.

  2. Timesheets: Improvements in timesheet processing and approval workflows. Read more here.

June 26th – July 12th, 2024

  1. Late Records – Detailed/Summary: Added reports for late attendance, and tools to schedule individual employees.

  2. Employee On Days: Improved tracking of employee attendance on scheduled days. Read more here.

June 17th – June 26th, 2024

  1. Attendance Logs Import: Enhanced support for Integra 32 attendance logs import.

  2. Who Is In: Updates to the "Who is In" tracking feature for real-time employee attendance.

Read more here.

May 4th – June 17th, 2024

  1. Payment Rules: New shift payment rules for handling different work schedules. Read more here.

April 8th – May 4th, 2024

  1. Timesheets and Attendance Logs: Updates to the approval of hours, along with enhanced attendance log imports.

Read more here.

March 1st – April 8th, 2024

  1. Timesheets and Leave Tracking: Improved scheduling for individual employees and current timesheets showing leave taken.

Read more here.

February 6th – March 1st, 2024

January 3rd – February 6th, 2024

  1. Timesheet Reports: Added support for employee mapping, attendance logs, and the submission of punches in timesheets.

Read more here.

December 20th, 2023 – January 3rd, 2024

  1. Auto Post Attendance Logs: Improved automation for posting attendance logs and configuring data exports.

Read more here.

December 12th – December 20th, 2023

  1. Timesheets: General updates to timesheet functionalities and employee attendance management. Read more here.

November 4th – December 12th, 2023

  1. Timesheets and Shift Setup Wizard: Enhanced support for posting timesheets to cycle changes and auditing unapproved timesheets.

  2. Payment Rules: Introduced new rules for posting timesheets and handling payment for shifts. Read more here.

October 8th – November 4th, 2023

  1. Post Timesheets: Improvements in separating timesheet entries for different shifts and attendance tracking. Read more here.

September 1st – October 8th, 2023

  1. Attendance Logs by Schedule Group: Enhanced tools for posting attendance logs by schedule group, with improved reporting on hours worked.

Read more here.

August 15th – September 1st, 2023

  1. Attendance Logs Import (Integra 32): Improved imports of attendance logs and workflow scheduling for shifts.

Read more here.

July 3rd – July 27th, 2023

  1. Timesheet Processing: Updates for timesheet imports and processing, including Kronos Option

Read more here.

June 2nd – July 3rd, 2023

  1. Auto Import Attendance Logs: Added functionality for automatically importing attendance logs and generating cycle payment reports.

Read more here. 

May 18th – June 2nd, 2023

  1. Employee Schedule Import: New tools for importing and managing employee schedules. Read more here.

April 17th – May 5th, 2023

  1. Floating Employees: New lists of floating employees and timesheet tools for tracking early/late entries. Read more here.

April 2nd – April 17th, 2023

  1. Schedule Selected Employees: Enhanced scheduling tools for selected employees. Read more here.

January 9th – February 28th, 2023

  1. Approved Hours and Attendance Logs: Added support for tracking approved hours, attendance logs, and timesheet notifications.

    Read more here.

    HRplus Time and Timekeeper Timeline

    HRplus Time Core Timeline

    This timeline outlines the setup and daily usage of the HRplus Time Core module, focusing on employee scheduling, time tracking, and payroll integration.

    Setup Phase:

    • Calendar Setup:Create the calendar for the current year and potentially future years.

    • Flag holidays: Global, Country-Specific, Company-Specific.

    • Pay Group Setup:Define pay groups based on pay frequency (e.g., Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Weekly).

    • Set cutoff dates for payroll changes.

    • Generate Pay Cycles:Generate pay cycles for each pay group within the defined pay year.

    • This establishes the specific pay dates for each cycle.

    • Shift Setup:Create individual shifts with specific start and end times.

    • Configure shift parameters: workdays, holiday pay eligibility, lunch settings, etc.

    • Define shift rounding rules: how employee punch times are adjusted for payment (e.g., rounding up, down, grace periods).

    • Establish shift payment rules: Regular hours, overtime thresholds, and corresponding overtime rates.

    • Schedule Setup:Create schedules by grouping shifts into recurring patterns.

    • Examples: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Night Shift Rotation, Weekend Team.

    • Employee Scheduling:Assign employees to schedules based on their roles and work patterns.

    • Options: Schedule by Pattern (for predictable schedules), Schedule Individual Employees (for dynamic schedules), Schedule Selected Employees (for group scheduling).

    • Manage split shifts or second shifts for employees working multiple shifts within a day.

    • Allowance Setup:Create various allowance types (e.g., Call-Out, On-Call, Shift Premiums, Meal, Travel).

    • Define parameters for each allowance, including eligibility criteria and calculation methods.

    • Link allowances to specific shifts, so they are automatically applied based on employee schedules and timesheets.

    • Timekeeper Setup:Create Timekeeper user roles with appropriate permissions to access and manage time and attendance data.

    • Grant Timekeepers access to specific companies, departments, and schedules they are responsible for.

    • Workflow Setup (Timesheet Approvals):Configure the timesheet approval workflow by defining up to ten sequential approval levels.

    • Link each approval level to a designated Timekeeper responsible for reviewing and approving timesheets at that stage.

      Daily/Regular Operations:

    • Timekeeper Daily Tasks:Review and clear unprocessed punches (clock-in/out data).

    • Review current attendance logs and make edits if necessary.

    • Post attendance logs from the previous day to employee timesheets.

    • Timesheet Management:Review and edit timesheets: Adjust time, handle absences, manage leave balances, address missing punches, verify total hours.

    • Allowance Management:Generate allowances based on defined rules and employee timesheets.

    • Manually enter allowances for specific situations not covered by automatic rules.

    • Review and process allowances for each pay cycle.

    • Timesheet Approval Process:Timekeepers at each designated level review and approve timesheets according to the configured workflow.

    • Timesheets can be moved forward to the next approval level or backward to a previous level for corrections or adjustments.

    • Payroll Integration:Once timesheets are approved, they are posted to payroll cycle changes for processing.

    • This integration ensures accurate payment for regular hours, overtime, and allowances based on employee time records.

      HRplus Time Core Cast of Characters Roles:

    • System Administrator: Responsible for initial system setup, user management, and overall system maintenance.

    • HRplus Time Core User: Manages company-wide settings within the HRplus Time Core module, including defining pay groups, setting up shifts, and establishing rounding rules.

    • Timekeeper: Directly responsible for managing employee time and attendance records. This includes scheduling employees, reviewing and editing timesheets, and handling allowances. Timekeepers may have different levels of access and approval authority based on the configured workflow.

    • Employee: Clocks in and out for work, has their time tracked, and receives payment based on processed timesheets. Employees can be assigned to specific schedules and shifts.

      Other Key Terms:

    • Device Monitoring: Enables monitoring of time clocks connected to the HRplus system. The system can send automatic notifications to designated users if there are discrepancies or potential issues with the clocks.

This detailed breakdown provides a clearer understanding of how the HRplus Time and Attenance and Timekeeper Modules are structured, implemented, and used on a day-to-day basis.

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