Release Notes
Release Number: 2018.1.03.01
Development Period: 4th to 15th March 2018
Release Closed: 15th March 2018
The HRplus Everywhere Version 5.0 application is updated at intervals by (1) HRplus Software LLC. or (2) the Client. For both options, please ensure that:
Ø Users are logged out of the HRplus Everywhere Version 5.0 application and payrolls are in an archived state as the update process requires database shutdown and restart of the Alpha® application server.
(1) HRplus Software LLC.
Updates to the database and interface are applied, via remote access, once access is given by the client to their server. The process is as follows:
1. Clients are notified, via email, about updates that are ready to be applied and are requested to download the relevant update files from the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. Instructions to do so are included in the email.
2. The updates are applied, at a mutually scheduled time, by HRplus Software personnel.
(2) Client
For clients whose IT Department can manage the update, HRplus Software will send the files to the relevant client personnel with instructions to apply the updates.
NOTE: The numeric ID that is used to identify each item is of no significance to the client and is for the use of HRplus Software personnel only.
TP10266 GL Download
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>General Ledger Interfacing>>GL Download – Daler Rowney PT Data S
The above download was added the data is being populated and report generated/downloaded successfully without any errors.
TP11122 Flat Register Pivot
Ø POWERpay>>Maintenance>>Download/Upload>>Flat Register
The above pivot was updated to include the employees’ National ID and BIR No.
TP11178 Payroll Pivots
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Pivots
The Pivots were fixed so that when cloning pivots from other users, the filters and reports for both the user who is cloning the pivots as well as the user who generated the pivots, will be displayed.
TP11203 Current Pay Cycle
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Current Pay Cycle
The following fields: (1) Payee, (2) Employee Account Number, and (3) Head Office of Payee were added to the above pivot Query so that a report can be generated for Deloitte Cayman Internal Payroll Implementation.
TP11219 Cycle Pay Register
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Cycle Pay Register
A new multi-currency pay register was created and added to the menu. The report is running accurately and successfully without any errors.
TP9076 Pay Cycles Offset
Ø POWERpay>>Pay Cycles>>Pay Cycles>>Pay Cycles Offset
The above screen including all fields and headings was successfully converted to Spanish.
TP11240 Flag Holiday
Ø POWERpay>>Pay Cycles>>Pay Cycles>>Calendar Setup>>Flag Holiday
The above screen was modified so that country, company and global holidays can be flagged without any errors being displayed.
TP11260 Employee Information
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pivots>>Employee Information
A new pivot, Employee Information, was created and added to the above menu. The pivot shows salary and separation data as well as all employee data related to their general data.
TP10266 Feature Management
Ø System Configurations>>System Configurations>>Feature Management
The following modifications were done:
1. The Feature Management facility that allows clients to disable certain screens and features was implemented.
2. The hre_security module was republished so that the error message "Error executing AfterUpdateRecords event handler.....Property not found" is no longer being displayed.
TP10648 Leave Taken
Ø Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken
Ø User Self Service>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave
A new field, Balance YTD, whose value is calculated by Entitlement + Leave Earned YTD – Leave Taken YTD was added to the above screens.
TP11087 Edit User Groups
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (drill down)>>Edit User Groups
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (drill down)>>Pay Group Access
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (drill down)>>Change User Password
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (drill down)>>Edit User DB Permissions
The above screens were republished so that the "Property Not Found" error message is no longer being displayed
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (drill down)>>Edit User Groups
Ø Security>>Security>>New User
The above screens were modified to hide user groups so that clients cannot grant access to modules that are not in their version (Starter, Professional or Enterprise) of HRplus.
TP1202 Leave Transactions
Ø System Configurations>>System Configurations>>Company Import>>Leave Transactions
The following modifications were done to the Leave Entries Import: (1) when posting an uploaded records for an employee, if the Leave Code and Date Taken fields match that of an unposted record at Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken, then the Return Date and Days Taken fields of the Leave Taken record are updated, (2) when an uploaded record is posted to Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken, the Posted field on the Leave Taken screen no longer displays Yes and, (3) the grid allows the upload, if the Days_Takeb field in the template is renamed to Days_Taken.
TP11139 Language Directory
Ø System Configurations>>System Configurations>>Language Directory
The above screen was modified so that characters such as >, >=, < can successfully be entered and saved.
TP11305 Valid Organisation Hierarchies
Ø Personnel>>Setup>>Organization>>Structure>>Valid Organization Hierarchies
The above screen was modified so that records can be successfully entered and saved without any errors being displayed.
TP11071 Client Reports
Ø End User Reporting>>End User Reporting>>Client Reports
The "could not get count of records in query" error was fixed by adding database memberships for users with only access to the Client Company and End User Reports user groups.
Ø End User Reporting>>End User Reporting>>Web Reports Setup
"Owner" was added to the Report Name dropdown when setting up a Client Company Report
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration
The screen was modified so that the "Column Email not found" is no longer being displayed.
Ø Security>>Security>>User Administration (expand row)>>Edit User DB Permissions
The screen was modified so that the issue where permissions do not show up for users on IIS is no longer occurring.
TP11167 Submit Punch
Ø HRplus Main>>Homepage
The Submit Punch button was fixed to indicate status of users' punches.
TP11087 Deductions by Type
Ø POWERpay>>Deductions>>Deduction by Type – Include Employer List
The report was modified and is generating successfully and accurately in either .TXT, .XLS, .PDF.
TP10912 Employee Payroll History
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Employee Payroll History
The Year to Date and YTD Units that are generated when Yes is selected for Show Totals For All Pay Groups was removed from the summary totals. The issue where the Amount figure was showing in the Units column for some earnings was also fixed. The report is printing accurately and successfully.
TP11211 N.I. 187 Report
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Tax/N.I.S./H.S. Data/N.I. 187 Report
The above report was modified so that the No. of Employees Being Paid For field value is more than zero.
TP11211 Adjustment Transaction
Ø POWERpay>>Year End Close>>Payroll Adjustments>>Adjustment Transaction
The above screen was modified so that an employee record is retrieved successfully based on Pay Group. This modification ensures that employees who are not in the selected pay group cannot be selected.
TP11307 Employee Information
Ø POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Pivots>>Payroll General>>Employee Information
The employee information pivot has been modified to include all employee information and not just a subset. The pivot is working accurately.