Release Number: 2020.01.01 (Year.Quarter.Month)
Development Periods: 6th to 25th January 2020
Release Closed: 25th January 2020
NOTE: The numeric ID that is used to identify each item is of no significance to the client and is for the use of HRplus Software personnel only.
HR431 Job Responsibilities
New templates, with the ability to import, were created for Job Responsibilities and Job Competencies.
HR164 Barbados Insurable Earnings
A new Barbados Insurable Earnings (Fortnightly Cycles) report was created for fortnightly pay groups. The report was also adjusted to handle fortnightly pay cycles that overlap pay years. Also, the incorrect figures, that were being displayed for the cycles of the first month ever run for a fortnightly pay group, was fixed.
HR663 Employer’s Annual Return (SO2)
The report was modified so that (1) the error, “Error executing Ajax callback function" that occurred when no pay group was selected and when the Download in PDF or Download in Excel buttons were clicked, is no longer being displayed; and (2) multiple pay groups can be selected.
HR681 PAYE Monthly Upload Form
The report was modified as follows:
HR767 Pay Cycles
Permissions were added to allow users to view data on the drop-down list. Previously, no data was being displayed.
HR107 Event Reminders
The issue where Reminders would appear after the event has passed was resolved. Event Reminders are correctly displayed before the event.
HR453 Change Password
The issue, where users were seeing the message “Successfully changed Password” but the new password was not saved, was resolved. Note that the old password must match that of the currently logged-in user in order for the password to be changed.
HR565 Separations by Department
The report was modified so that Separation Types are now accurately displayed.
HR775 TD5 Consolidated by Company
The following reports are now being printed successfully and are no longer blank:
HR785 Out of Cycle Pay Register
The issue, where the Pay Year drop-down was missing the current year, that prevented users from generating the report for out of cycles run in the current year, was fixed. Reports for out of cycle payrolls run in the current year, can now be successfully generated.