How can I attach employee HR documents to their profile on HRplus?

How can I attach employee HR documents to their profile on HRplus?

How can I attach employee HR documents to their profile on HRplus?

1. Navigate to Personnel >> Search Employees, search for the employee record and click the '+' button to expand the record.


2. You will see a lot of other tabs appear, go to the one labelled 'Documents' and create a new record entering the date and document type. Click the disk icon to save the record.


3. The button to upload the document will only be accessible after you have saved the record that you have just created. Once this is done you can upload the document and save again.


N.B. If you wish to set up a new document type you can do so via Personnel > Setup > Organization Setup > General Codes > Document Types as seen in the screenshot below.


Click the 'New Record' link and enter the relevant information as seen below. The access level options are HR (only user with HR access can access this document type) or HR and Payroll (both HR and Payroll users can access this document type).


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