Health and Safety (Job Safety)

Health and Safety (Job Safety)

Job Safety

How to enter a new Job Exposure Record?

Here, you can connect the which Exposures the the employee will encountered based on the Job the employee holds. In the example below, the Craft Beer Specialist is exposed is Heat.

  • To enter a new Job Exposure, click on the New Record hyperlink.

  • Select the Company Code, Company Name, Job Code and the Job Name.

  • Select what an employee will be exposed to when acting in the job selected above.

  • Save the record and repeat to add new Job Exposure links.

    How to enter a new Job Task ?

    Before you can enter a new Job Task please ensure you have entered and flagged the Primary

    Responsibilities of a job as an HSE-related task.

    To review, please refer to the How to add a Primary Responsibility to a Job?

    Once the job(s) have the appropriate Job Tasks flagged, return the the Health and Safety Module to continue.

    In this window, will be a list of all of the jobs with tasks that are flagged as HSE related tasks. In our example, the task linked to HSE for the Craft Beer Specialist is available in this window as it was original entered in the Primary Responsibility screen in the Personnel module.

  • To have another Job Task record, click on the New Record hyperlink

  • Select the Company Code, Company Name, Job Code and Job Name

  • Only the tasks that were linked to the job selected will be listed in the Task dropdown box.

  • Select another task from the list.

  • Enter a From Date and To Date which indicates the validity of the job task record.

  • Save the record and repeat as needed.

    How to enter a new Job Equipment record?

    In this screen, you can link Jobs to specific equipment the employee will use to complete their task. For example, a 'Warehouse Attendant' may need to use a 'forklift' as the equipment required to do their job.

  • In this screen we can link the Job to the equipment an employee will commonly interact with while undertaking a specific job task.

  • To enter a new Job Equipment record, click on the New Record hyperlink

  • Select the Company Code, Company Name, Job Code & Job Name.

  • Select the Equipment Code and Equipment Description.

  • Save the record and repeat as needed.

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