Goals (‌Closing a Goal)

Goals (‌Closing a Goal)

Closing a Goal

Talent Management>>Goals>>Goal Setup>>Financial Year

How to Close or Archive a Goal

Goal Closure and Archiving Process

Once goals have been completed, they can be closed off and archived. However, before archiving, the next financial year must be created to ensure continuity. It's important to note that goals are not closed individually but are archived by financial year.

This process should also include conducting a final performance review, documenting outcomes, reflecting on lessons learned, and preparing for the next goal cycle by aligning with new organizational objectives. Clear communication and recognition of achievements further ensure a smooth transition to the next performance period.

Step 1. Create a New Financial Year

HR creates a new financial year for the Company before archiving/closing the financial year. Set this new goal year to the Planning stage.

Status: Goals are set up by financial year. Therefore to close/archive goals, simply close the financial year in which the goals were pursued. Select Closed to close/archive the year and all its


Step 2. Close the Current Financial year

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Search Archived]

Step 3. View Archived Goals

Talent Management>>Goals>>Goal Setup>>Financial Year

How to Duplicate a Goal

To streamline the process and minimize data entry, the system allows for the duplication of goals, particularly for those that were not accomplished in the previous financial year. These duplicated goals can be rolled over and edited for the current period.

There are two ways to duplicate goals:

  • Define goals as Repeatable

  • Use the Goal Setting event (via Talent Management >> HR Events)

When goals are duplicated, all attributes of the original goal are retained, except for the following,

which must be newly added for the current period:

  • Progress Reports

  • Feedback and Coaching

  • Rewards

You can then edit the goal as needed to align with the new period’s requirements.

Option 1. Set Repeatable Goals

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[New Goal]

Step 1.1: Define the Goal as Repeatable

Talent Management>>Goals>>Goal Setup>>Financial Year

Step 1.2: Create the Next Financial Year

Step 1.3: Close the Previous Financial Year


User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals

Step 1.4: View Duplicated Goal

The system will duplicate the goals from the previous year and display them in the new year. The previous year’s goals will be displayed with the new dates.

Option 2. Goal Setting


Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events

Step 2.1: Create New Event

Goals can also be duplicated via the HR Events module.

Step 2.2: Create Employee Goals

Talent Management>>Goals>>Employee Goals>>Goal Grid

Step 2.3: View Employee Goals

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