Geofencing (Using the HRplus Kiosk)

Geofencing (Using the HRplus Kiosk)

Geofencing and Using the HRplus Kiosk

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device List

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Company-Device Mapping

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device-Schedule Mapping

How to Set Up A Timekeeping Device

Setting Up the Timekeeping Device

Setting up a Timekeeping Device has a few basic steps you will need to follow. Set up your physical timekeeping device and link it to the Kiosk, then map your company(ies) and schedules to the device.

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device List

The first step is to set up the physical timekeeping device that will be used to accept employee punches. This device MUST be linked to KIOSK in order to use the Geofencing option.

Consult your IT personnel to set this up!

There can only be one (1) device name that is linked to Device Type: Kiosk!

Company: Select your company.

Device Name: Select the name of the device.

Device Host: Enter the IP address of the device host.

Device Port: Enter the port number of the device.

Device Type: Select Kiosk for the device type.

Time Zone: Select the time zone were the device is located.

Active: Set to the device to active.

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Company-Device Mapping

Step 2: Map Device to Company

The user-defined physical device, that is linked to KIOSK, MUST now be mapped to the Company/ Companies that is/are using the Geofencing option.

Link as many Companies as you wish to the Device!

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device-Schedule Mapping

Step 3: Map Device to Schedule

Link as many Schedules as you wish to the Device!

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[expand a Schedule record]>>Shift Schedule Link>>[New Record]

HRplus Time>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts>>[Search for Company]

How to Set Up Shifts and Schedules

Set Up Shifts and Schedules

In order to use the Geofencing option, employees MUST be placed in Shifts and Schedules. In this second step, the setup of Shifts and Schedules is summarised.

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts

Step 1: Set up Shifts

Company: Select your company.

Shift Code/Description: Enter user-defined shifts.

Start/End Time/Shift Cut Off: Enter specified times for the shift.

Mon to Fri Only: Select 'Yes' if the shift is only from Monday to Friday, otherwise select 'No'.

Pay Holidays: Select 'Yes to pay holidays, otherwise select 'No'.

Use Lunch Punch: Select 'Yes' to use lunch punch, otherwise select 'No'.

Salaried/Non Salaried Paid Lunch: Select the method of deduction for lunch punches.

  • Deduct Lunch Based On Punches

  • Do Not Deduct Lunch

  • Deduct Standard Lunch

  • Deduct Standard Lunch with Excess

  • Deduct Excess Lunch Only

Lunch Start/End Time: Enter the lunch start and end times.

Use Lunch Range: Select 'Yes' if a range is being used for lunch, other select 'No'.

Use Lunch Range From/To: Enter the time range for lunch.

Lunch Time Duration: Enter the amount of minutes for lunch.

Maximum Punch Variance in Minutes: Enter the amount of minutes by which a punch can be varied.

Shifts can be re-used as they are created independently and then linked to Schedules!

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules

Step 2: Set up Schedules

Schedules are user-defined.

Schedule Code/Description: Enter user-defined Codes and Descriptions to identify Schedules.

Enter as many Schedules as you wish!

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[expand a Schedule

record]>>Shift Schedule Link>>[New Record]

Link shifts to schedules. Note the following:

  • A schedule consists of a set of shifts.

  • An unlimited number of shifts can be linked to a schedule.

  • The same shifts can be linked to more than one schedule.

Shifts can be re-used! Link as many shifts as you need to any Schedule/Company! Each record

should be unique.

HRplus Time>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts>>[Search for Company]

Step 4: View Shifts/Schedules by Company

You can view your shifts and schedules by company.

Note the following:

• Employees MUST be placed in Schedules BEFORE they can be added to shifts.

• Employees may be placed in a Schedule only (not shifts; see Step 1)

• Employees CANNOT be placed more than one Schedule with the same days and times.

How do I add Employees to Shifts/Schedules?

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Employee in Schedule>>Add Employee


Step 1: Place Employees in Schedules

Employees MUST be placed into a Schedule before they can be placed into Shifts within the Schedule.

However, employees may be placed into a specific schedule only (as opposed to a specific shift) to facilitate:

  • the easy management of shifts: shifts can be a one-time setup, edited, re-used and linked to schedules.

  • floating employees: employees who do not belong to any particular shift. Each floating employee will fall into a shift in his/her schedule based on his/her punches as illustrated in the following example:

    Schedule A (consists of):

    Shift A1 6:00 am 2:00 pm

    Shift A2 2:00 pm 6:00 pm

    Shift A3 6:00 pm 6:00 am

  • Employee N is placed in Schedule A.

  • Employee N punches in at 10:00am and punches out at 2:00pm.

  • The system places Employee N into Shift A1.

Employee N will be paid according to the rules set up for Shift A1.

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Shifts>>General Shifts Setup>>Schedules Selected


Step 2: Place Employees in Shifts

Having placed employees into Schedules, they can now be added to specific Shifts within the Schedule.

An employee can be added to more than one shifts with different times.

Ctrl-Shift to select more than one employee!

HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Shifts>>General Shifts Setup>>Schedule Individual

Employees>>[Search for Company/Schedule/Shift]

Step 3: View Employees in Shifts/Schedules by Company

You can view the employees in Shifts/Schedules/Company via this option.


HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Fence Setup

How to Set Up a Geofence

A Geofence:

  • is a virtual fence around a physical geographic area.

  • enables employees to punch in and out within/near the geofence, during the dates/times of their schedule/shifts.

  • allows employees to use their mobile devices in/near to the geofence, to register their punches.

  • eliminates the need for employees to punch in via a physical timeclock.

HRplus Time captures the timesheet data, including the employee’s photo, and processes it as if the employee had punched in via a physical timeclock.


How does it work?

Step 1: Create Geofences: -

  1. Step 1.1: Default Map Location.

  2. Step 1.2: Establish the Geofence.

  3. Step 1.3: Draw the Geofence.

  4. Step 1.4: Save the Geofence.

  1. Step 2: Mapping Geofences to Another Company.

  2. Step 3: Enabling/Disabling/Deleting Geofences.

Step 1: Create Geofences

Step 1.1: Default Map Location

The map will default to your current location. Use the 'hand' icon to locate the area you wish to geofence:

Step 1.2: Establish the Geofence

Geofences may be reused and mapped to more than one company! Each mapping MUST be unique.

Step 1.3: Draw the Geofence

Step 1.4: Save the Geofence

Geofence Name: Enter a user-defined name for the geofence.

Company: Select the company for the geofence.

Step 2: Mapping Geofences to Another Company

You can create as many geofences as you wish and map them to one or more companies. Assign a user- defined UNIQUE name to each mapping.

You can reuse Geofences by mapping them to more than one companies.

Step 3: Enabling/Disabling/Deleting Geofences

By default, geofences are enabled (active) when created. Rather than permanently delete a geofence, in case it is to be used again, you may choose to temporarily disable it (make inactive).

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Employee Fences>>Add Employee Geofence

How to Add Employees to Geofences

Add Employees to Geofences

Scheduled Employees MUST be added to a Geofence in order to use their mobile devices to punch in/out

inside or nearby the Geofence area. Employees may be placed in:

  • a single Geofence

  • multiple Geofences

You can add, transfer or import employees to geofences.

  1. Add Employees to Geofences

    Find the Geofence and Schedule. Use the arrow keys to move Employees into the selected Geofence:

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Employee Fences>>Transfer Employees Between Geofences

  1. Transfer Employees between Geofences

    You can move employees from one geofence to another.

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Employee Fences>>Transfer Employees Between Fences

  1. Import Employees between Geofences

Employees can also be imported to a geofence. Importing employees means that they will be duplicated

in the geofence to which they are imported.

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Employee Pin Mapping

How to Assign Geofence PINs to Employees

Assign PINs to Employees

Each employee in a Geofence MUST have a unique user-defined alphanumeric PIN assigned to him/ her.

The employee will use this PIN to punch in/out using his/her mobile device.

Employee Pin Mapping

Apple App Store


Google Play store

How to Download the HRplus Mobile Kiosk on My Mobile Phone

Download the HRplus Mobile Kiosk

The Self-Serve Mobile app is available to all employees on both iOS and Android devices through the HRplus Launch app, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

HRplus Apps when installed, present a list of apps available to you. This means one app to access them all.

Step 1: Install the "HRplus Launch app

Android and iOS users can locate HRplus Apps in their respective app stores by typing it in the search bar. Simply tap Install and wait for the app to download and install on your device.

Step 2: Open HRPlus Launch app and scan your Organisation's QR Code

When opening HRPlus Launch for the first time, users will be prompted to grant permissions. The initial request is for access to Photos, followed by a request for Camera access. Granting camera access enables QR code scanning and camera functionality within the app. After selecting Allow, an alert will notify users that the camera is about to activate. When prompted, simply scan the QR code provided by HRplus to connect the mobile app to your company’s data.

Step 3: Install "Self Serve Mobile" on the "HRPlus Launch" App

After connecting with the QR code scanner, tap the Manage/Add button to go to the Apps to Install screen. From the list, select HRplus Time-Kiosk and wait for it to install. Once complete, you can now access the HRplus Time-Kiosk app.

HRplus Time-Kiosk

How do I punch in/out on my mobile phone?

Punching In/Out of HRplus Time Kiosk

Scheduled employees, via their mobile phones, can log on to the HRplus Time Mobile Kiosk

application and punch in/out to register their in/out times. Employees MUST be:

  1. Inside the designated geofence for the punch to be VALID.

  2. Nearby the designated geofence for the punch to be INVALID. Invalid punches are also captured and displayed via Geofence Logs How do I view Employee Punches?. It is solely up to the Timekeeper's discretion to post these punches as Valid.

Step 1: Log on to HRplus Mobile Kiosk

Employees MUST be in their designated Shift/Schedule/Geofence!

Step 2: Take Photo and Register Punch

Step 3: System Verifies Punch

Step 4: System Posts Punch

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Geofence Logs

Step 5: Your T&A Administrator can View the Punches in Geofence Logs

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Geofence Logs

How to Manage and Review Geofence Punches

When managing geofence punches in HRplus, all punches submitted by employees are initially flagged as either valid or invalid. The timekeeper holds the authority to finalize the validity of each punch. Once reviewed, the punches must be checked in the attendance logs and then integrated into the standard timekeeping process. This involves posting them to the timesheets for further examination before approval for payroll processing.

Employee punches can be viewed via:

  1. Geofence Logs - all online, valid/invalid punches.

  2. Offline Punches - all offline punches. In the event that Internet access/data is down or unavailable, employees can still submit their punches.

  3. Attendance Logs - only Valid punches.

  1. Review Geofence Logs

    A Post as Valid button will be displayed next to Invalid Punches (punches that were made

    OUTSIDE the geofence AND/OR were not scheduled).

    It is solely up to the Timekeeper's discretion to post these punches as valid! The Timekeeper may view the Latitude/Longtitude to determine the employee's location at the time of the punch and/or

    check the employee's schedule before validating the punch.

    HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Geofence Logs>>Offline Punches

  2. Review Offline Punches

    In the event that Internet access/data is down or unavailable, employees can still submit their punches.

Process Punches: click this button to perform checks on all offline punches - ensuring that

employee PINS/Schedules/Geofence are correct.

The system will post these offline punches to Geofence Logs and deem them to be either:

  • ONLINE VALID (inside geofence)

  • ONLINE INVALID (outside geofence and/or off schedule)

The Timekeeper can then validate INVALID punches by clicking the POST AS VALID button. 1.

Geofence Logs

You are NOT allowed to select individual records - clicking the Process Punches button will

perform checks on ALL existing offline punches!

HRplus Time>>Timesheets>>Attendance Logs>>Current

HRplus Time>>Timesheets>>Attendance Logs>>Unprocessed Punches

  1. Review Attendance Logs

    All punches made via the Geofencing option will be simultaneously displayed via:

    1. Attendance Logs>>Current: valid punches.

    2. Attendance Logs>>Unprocessed Punches: punches that are still to be validated.

  1. Post Attendance Logs to Timesheets and Process for Payroll

The final step is to post employee punches made via the Geofencing option to Timesheets and process punches as you normally would. The steps are summarised below:

  1. View ‘raw’ punches via Attendance Logs or Unprocessed Punches. Perform edits if required. 3.

    Attendance Logs

  2. Fix Attendance Logs: this procedure applies all changes made in (1) above to Attendance Logs.

    HRplus Time>>Attendance Logs>>Fix Attendance Logs.

  3. Post to Timesheets: post the records (all valid) to Timesheets. HRplus Time>>Attendance Logs>>Post to Timesheets.

  4. Post Timesheets to Cycle Changes: select the cycles to which the records should be applied and post.

  5. Process Payroll as you normally would.

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