Employee Self-Service (‌My Performance)

Employee Self-Service (‌My Performance)

My Performance

Home>>Appraisal Notification


Home>>My Profile>>Reviews>>[Appraisal Details]

Appraisals: How do I conduct a Self-Appraisal?

Conducting the Appraisal as an Employee

As an employee conducting your appraisal, you can enter your ratings and comments in the designated fields. However, you cannot modify the ratings or comments provided by your manager or HR— the system restricts your input to specific fields. Once you move to the next field, your entries are automatically saved, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.

Step 1: View Appraisal Notification

Step 2: View Employee Appraisal Event in My Reviews

Step 3: View and Complete the Appraisal Form

My Rating/Comments: Employees may rate themselves and enter Comments.

  • Comments History: Click this button to view a history of all comments among the Employee, Manager and HR.

No score is calculated based on the employee’s ratings.

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Archived Events

How does it work?

When the appraisal process is completed, the manager can update the status of the employee appraisal form to "Completed" via the respective field on the form itself.

Once all appraisals have been completed company-wide or a new appraisal period is set to begin, then either HR or the respective Manager can set the event status to "Archived", and this will update the status of all records under that event.

Appraisals: How do I view an archived or completed appraisal?

Archived Appraisals

An archived appraisal refers to a historical record of a completed performance assessment that has been stored for future reference or documentation purposes. This practice serves several key functions Reference and Analysis, Legal and Compliance, Succession Planning, Employee Development, Continuous Improvement, Accountability and Transparency. Maintaining archived appraisals play a vital role in keeping an accurate record of an employee's journey within an organization, assisting in informed decision-making, performance improvement, and long-term planning.

View Archived Appraisal Events (HR)


No changes can be made to Completed and Archived appraisals.

Home>>My Performance>>My Appraisals

View Completed Appraisal Events (Employee)

Home>>My Profile>>My Reviews>>Appraisal Details>>Print Appraisal

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Appraisals>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>Appraisal Details>>Print Appraisal

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Appraisals>>[Select Employee]>>[+]>>Appraisal Details>>Print Appraisal

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>[Select Employee]>>Appraisal Details>>Print Appraisal

Appraisals: How do I print an appraisal?

Print Appraisal

A copy of the appraisal can be printed via the Print Appraisal button for record-keeping purposes.

Print the appraisal form for your records.


Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

Goals: How can I view Goals assigned to me?

My Goals

On the employee side, the My Goals feature within the self-service portal allows employees to engage with their assigned goals. Employees can communicate directly with their manager by providing feedback, receiving coaching, and tracking progress. They can also update their goals, monitor achievements, and adjust as needed, ensuring alignment with overall performance expectations.



The employee will receive messages when a new goal is assigned and when there is any other directed communication to him/her (e.g. coaching, status updates) within the application.

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

My Goals

All goals assigned to the employee will be displayed on logon. Expand a record to view details and communicate with your manager.

All screens are the same as previously described.


Home>>My Profile>>My Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Progress Report>>[New Progress


Goals: As an employee, how do I enter a Progress Report?

Progress Report

Progress reports are submitted by the employee to whom the goal has been assigned. Upon logging into HRplus, employees receive a notification indicating their assigned goals. These updates, made by employees, directly impact the heat map, providing a visual representation of progress.

Reports should be updated according to the required frequency and accompanied by any relevant supporting documents outlined in the reporting requirements. For example, updates can be made monthly, reflecting progress as a percentage of the quarterly target, or at the end of the quarter, showing underachievement or overachievement. When employees submit progress (e.g., for Q1 but only up to February), they should calculate it as a percentage of the quarterly target. For instance, if the goal is to reconcile 10 reports in Q1 and 6 are completed by February, this would be entered as 60% progress (6/10). This helps managers easily track progress through the heat map, indicating if the employee is on course to meet the goal.

Progress is also displayed in the bar chart and progress graph, with notifications set up to keep all relevant stakeholders informed of updates.

Step 1: Navigate to the Goal

The employee can click the hyperlink in the notification.

Or navigate directly to My Goals where Employees can expand the records to view Goal Details and send Progress Reports.

Step 2: Enter a Progress Report

Sent From/To: This section identifies the employees involved. Assigned By refers to the manager or individual assigning the goal, and Assigned To refers to the employee responsible for achieving the goal.

Date: Enter the date that corresponds with the specific quarter for which the results are being reported. The system uses this date to assign the results to the appropriate quarter, so ensure it aligns with the correct reporting period.

Comments: Add any relevant notes or observations regarding the goal's progress, challenges faced, or additional context that may be useful for tracking and evaluation.

Results: Enter the actual performance value achieved against the target, reflecting the employee's progress toward meeting the goal.

Upload File: Attach any supporting documents, such as reports, charts, or evidence of work completed, to provide additional context or proof of performance in the progress report.

Note: The employee should be granted Company Access to view Goals assigned.

Step 3: View all Progress Reports

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Progress


Goals: How does the Progress Report update the Goal Target?

Progress Reports

HR and/or the person who assigned the goal – usually the employee’s manager - will receive these Progress Reports.

Progress reports, submitted by employees, update the system on their performance against set targets. These updates affect the heat map and bar chart, and directly influence the progress graph. For standard goals, the system calculates the percentage of the target achieved and displays this visually in the chart. For inverse targets (e.g., lower values are better, such as attendance or errors), progress is reflected as a higher achievement when the reported result is lower.

As employees submit progress, the system updates the target completion rate accordingly, displaying the percentage achieved in real time. For inverse goals, lower results will indicate better progress, and the progress graph adjusts to reflect this performance, offering a clear, visual summary of goal attainment over time. Managers and HR are notified of these updates, ensuring they can monitor and adjust as needed.

As Progress Reports are received, the system calculates and updates the following:

Target: This is the original target, expressed in units such as money, production items (e.g., bottles, cans, computers), and remains unchanged throughout the reporting period.

Weight: The weight assigned to the goal, indicating its importance relative to other goals, is displayed.

Results: The total results are calculated and displayed based on the progress reports (550+1850+1600+10 = 4010).

% Used: The percentage of the Budgeted Cost used based on the Actual Cost i.e.

Total Cost/Budgeted Cost * 100

$7,500/$8,000 * 100 = 93.75%

Bar Chart: The system assigns results to the appropriate quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) based on the dates from the progress reports. For example, a report dated 15/05/24 will be assigned to Q2, and a report from 26/09/24 will be assigned to Q3. The percentages are calculated as:

Progress Report

Results for Quarter/Target for Quarter x 100

Percentages are rounded to two decimal points and displayed in the bar chart to track progress over time.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Double click Goal]>>Target Details

Target Details (Inverse Option)


The inverse setting allows for goals where lower values indicate better performance (e.g., Attendance, Waiting Times, Punctuality, Errors). By checking the Inverse box, you enable low targets, meaning the lower the achieved value, the better the performance outcome.

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

The following table shows the percentages and colours displayed on the Bar Chart based on whether or not the Inverse button was checked.

Targets/Results/ Percentage



Inverse (unchecked)

Inverse (unchecked)

Target Q1


Targets/Results/ Percentage



Inverse (unchecked)

Inverse (unchecked)

Results Q1


Percentage (2/3*100)


>50 and <80



Target Q2


Results Q2


Percentage (3/3*100)





Target Q3


Results Q3


Percentage (2.5/3*100)


>80 and <100



Target Q4


Results Q4


Percentage (1/3*100)





The legend used showing the colours and percentages are as follows:

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Progress Reports>>Progress Graph

Progress Graph


Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

Goals: How can I view Goals assigned to me?

My Goals

On the employee side, the My Goals feature within the self-service portal allows employees to engage with their assigned goals. Employees can communicate directly with their manager by providing feedback, receiving coaching, and tracking progress. They can also update their goals, monitor achievements, and adjust as needed, ensuring alignment with overall performance expectations.



The employee will receive messages when a new goal is assigned and when there is any other directed communication to him/her (e.g. coaching, status updates) within the application.

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

My Goals

All goals assigned to the employee will be displayed on logon. Expand a record to view details and communicate with your manager.

All screens are the same as previously described.


Home>>My Performance>>My 360 Reviews

360 Feedback: How to conduct a 360 Self review?

360 Self Review

On log-on, ALL participating employees will be able to access the employee records that they have to review via the Employee Self Service. Employees can do both self-reviews as well as the reviews of others (Project Team, Peers, Manager Rating of Direct reports, etc.).

  1. Employee Self-Review - (Home (ESS) >>My Performance>>My 360 Review).

  2. Employee Review of others - (Home (ESS) >>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews).

Step 1: Receive Email Notification

Employees will receive an email notification advising that the 360 Appraisal Form is available.

Step 2: Navigate to My 360 Reviews

Log into the HRplus application. Navigate to HOME>>My Performance>>My 360 Reviews:

Completing the 360 Review Form

Step 3. Conduct the 360 Self-Review

Important Dates:

Appraisal Start and End Dates: The period during which the appraisal process is conducted, including the completion and submission of review forms.

Performance Start and End Dates: The timeframe being evaluated in the appraisal, representing the period for which the employee's performance is assessed.

Types of Questions

Rating Questions: Select the description that best represents your assessment. The rating points are visible only if enabled; otherwise, only the description is needed.

Open-Ended Questions: Provide detailed answers in the free text fields.

Steps to Complete the Form

Answer Rating Questions: Choose the appropriate description based on your assessment of the employee.

Answer Open-Ended Questions: Fill out any free text answers thoroughly.

Save Progress: Click "Save" to record your answers and return later if needed.

Submit 360 Report: After answering all questions, click "Submit 360 Report" to finalize your responses.

Note that no edits are allowed after final submission.

Home>>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews

360 Feedback: How to conduct a 360 Review of another employee?

360 Self Review

On log-on, ALL participating employees will be able to access the employee records that they have to review via the Employee Self Service. Employees can do both self-reviews as well as the reviews of others (Project Team, Peers, Manager Rating of Direct reports, etc.).

  1. Employee Self-Review - (Home (ESS) >>My Performance>>My 360 Review).

  2. Employee Review of others - (Home (ESS) >>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews).

How does it work?

There are several steps to conduct a 360 Review of another employee as outlined below.

  1. Step 1: Receive Email Notification.

  2. Step 2: Navigate to My 360 Reviews.

  3. Step 3. Conduct the 360 Review for Employee.

  4. Step 4: Complete 360 Review for all employees.

Step 1: Receive Email Notification

Employees will receive an email notification advising that the 360 Appraisal Form is available.

Log into the HRplus application. Navigate to HOME>>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews:

Step 2: Navigate to My 360 Reviews

Step 3: Conduct the 360 Review for Employee

Completing the 360 Review Form

Important Dates:

Appraisal Start and End Dates: The period during which the appraisal process is conducted, including the completion and submission of review forms.

Performance Start and End Dates: The timeframe being evaluated in the appraisal, representing the period for which the employee's performance is assessed.

Types of Questions

Rating Questions: Select the description that best represents your assessment. The rating points are visible only if enabled; otherwise, only the description is needed.

Open-Ended Questions: Provide detailed answers in the free text fields.

Steps to Complete the Form

Answer Rating Questions: Choose the appropriate description based on your assessment of the employee.

Answer Open-Ended Questions: Fill out any free text answers thoroughly.

Save Progress: Click "Save" to record your answers and return later if needed.

Submit 360 Report: After answering all questions, click "Submit 360 Report" to finalize your responses.

Note that no edits are allowed after final submission.

Repeat Steps 1 to 3 to complete 360 reviews for all employees.

Step 4: Complete 360 Review for all employees

HOME>>My Performance>>My Training>>Training Calendar

Training: How can I view my Training Schedule?

My Training Schedule

An employee can view their Training Calendar for all upcoming training.

View My Training Calendar

In the example below this employee has been schedule for a Leadership Skills course from June 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023.

The Course Name and training Start/End times are available.

HOME>>My Performance>>My Training>>Training History

Training: How can I view my Training History?

Training History

An employee can view their Training History of all courses taken during their tenure.

View My Training History

HOME>>My Performance>>My Training>>Training Requests

Training: How can I view the status of my Training Requests?

Training Requests

Employees can view training requests and details related to training courses they are enrolled in.

View the Status of Training Requests

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