HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Payslips
My Payslip
Employees can access all their payslips, organized by year and date, with the most recent one displayed at the top.
System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>Pay Slip Options Self Serve
Using the field, Show Pay Slips From, enable the year from which pay slips should be displayed in Employee Self Serve.
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Scheduled Work
Shift Schedule
Employees can view how they are scheduled to work, whether it is on a Holiday or a Weekend. Days where leave is taken are also highlighted.
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Current
Current/Unapproved/Archived Timesheets
Once the Time and Attendance module is active and employees have been paid, you can review your approved (paid) timesheets for the current pay cycle in the "Current" view below. If a pay cycle has been archived, it will appear under the "Archived" tab, where you can also find paid timesheets from prior cycles. Timesheets that are still awaiting approval for payment can be accessed in the "Unapproved" view.
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Archived
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Unapproved
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Early Departure
Early Departure
Early Departure records are automatically generated when the timesheets are created. Employees can view their early departure records here.
HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Timesheets>>Timesheet>>Late Coming
Late Coming
Late records are automatically generated when the timesheets are created. Employees can view their late records here.