HOME>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Entitlements
Leave Entitlements
Employees can easily check their available leave balance via the Employee Self-Service (ESS) module without needing to contact HR.
Under the 'Entitlement' Tab, you may view all Cumulative Leave (Leave that rolls over) and Non-
Cumulative Leave (leave that resets annually).
Next you can apply for leave or request leave Leave: How do I apply for Leave?.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave
Request Leave
An employee should review their available leave balances and submit the appropriate requests when necessary.
For this example the employee is requesting eight (8) days Vacation Leave.
Leave Type: Select the applicable leave type that is being requested.
Start Date/Time off: Specify the date you intend to begin your leave and confirm whether it is a request for Time-off.
Amount Requested: Enter the amount of days.
Comments: Enter user comments.
Send Now: Check if you want to send the request now for approval by default this field is checked.
To access your submitted leave request, you can find it under the Pending Requests tab.
Navigation: HOME>>My Benefits>>My Leave>> Rejected or Voided Leave
Rejected or Voided Requests
To view all leave requests that have been rejected or voided, use the navigation above. Click on the 'View Details' button for more information.
In the example below, the employee requested one day of sick leave. Since the supervisor did not respond within the designated timeframe, the request was automatically voided according to the Leave Workflow settings.
To learn how to setup a Workflow, see 'How To Set Up Workflow Definitions ' for more details.
HOME>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Leave Taken
My Leave History
An employee can view the history of all their leave taken during their employment in the organization.
Simply select the year to view the types of leave taken in that period. You filter to see a specific
leave type by clicking on the name.
In the sample below, we can view the Sick Leave records in year 2024.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Benefits
My Benefits
Employees can access detailed information about all benefit plans in which they are enrolled, including specific coverage details and other relevant plan information.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Benefits>>Beneficiaries>>New Beneficiary
Add Beneficiaries to a Benefits Plan
Employees have the option to add additional beneficiaries to their benefits plans as needed.
The new beneficiary can be found under the Unapproved Beneficiaries tab until the record is
approved by HR personnel.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Health Plans>>Unapproved Claim>>New Claim
Health Plan Claims
To enter a new claim, enter the:
Claimant Details
Claim Details
Refund Details (once the claim has been processed and refunded)
After you have entered Claimant Details and saved the record, the screen will be refreshed to show the next screen for data entry: Claim Details; and so on.
Claim Date: Enter the date that the claim was submitted by the employee.
Dependant: If the claim is for the employee's dependant, select the dependant from the list of the employee's registered dependants. All other dependant details (Date of birth, age, relationship and any medical condition ) will be auto-filled from the dependant's record that is linked to the employee's profile.
Claim Code: Once the employee is selected, the health plan options available for selection are shown based on where the person is enrolled. The Single YTD and Dependant YTD will be auto- filled based on the claim type selected.
Doctor/Institution: Select the provider name from the list of available options.
$ Claimed: Enter the full amount being claimed as entered on the claim form submitted by the employee.
Status: The status of the claim will default to NOT SETTLED.
Credit Payment: Select if the refund will be credited to the employee.
YTD Refund: The year-to-date refund amount for the respective claim type and employee will be calculated and displayed. This amount represents the total amount refunded to date for the respective employee and claim type e.g. the total refund for all ‘Medical’ claim types for the employee. You are not allowed to edit this amount.
When the Claim is approved but not yet settled it can be viewed as shown below.
All settled claims can be viewed via the tab Claim History tab.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Pension Statements
Pension Statement
Employees can easily print or download their pension statements as needed for their records.
Plan Year: Select the plan year.
Company: Select the company if it is a multi-company organisation.
Pension Status: Select the pension status.
Pension Type Plan: Select the pension type plan.
Limit Amount: Enter the limit amount.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Company Assets
Request an Asset
An employee is able to verify the availability and quantity of assets in stock before submitting requests. Once the asset is identified and the required quantity is in stock, the employee may proceed with the request.
Asset Item Code/Description: Select the asset being requested.
Amount: Enter the quantity of the asset being requested.
Date/Time: Enter the date and time the asset is being requested for.
Comments: Enter user comments.
The request can be viewed in the Pending Requests tab.
Home>>My Benefits>>My Company Assets>>Pending Requests
View the Status of My Request
Employees can view the status of their asset requests, including the approved amount, for real-time tracking and transparency.
Home>>My Benefit>>Company Asset
Company Assets
An employee needing to request and Asset can do so via their employee Self Service Screen.
Once the asset an employee is requesting is link to their jobs How to set up Job Asset Links or it is flagged that an employee can request in the Asset Items How to set up an Asset Item
To request an Asset via the Employee Self-Serve, select the Request Asset Tab and another screen will open and you select the Asset Item Code you wish to request and how much Assets you are requesting. You can also place any comments relevant to the asset request. The comments field is optional.
Once the Company Asset Folder opens the first tab you will see is Available Pool Assets. This will be all the Assets Items that was flagged in the Asset Items folder How to set up an Asset Item that employees can request.
Under the Company Asset Folder in the Self-Serve the second tab you will see is Available Job Asset Items. This will be all the Assets Items that was flagged to particular jobs in the Job Asset Items folder
The third tab in the Employee Self-Serve screen would be Pending Request. In this tab you will see all your pending request as well as delete any request that you no longer need.
The Fourth tab you would come across is the Rejected/Voided Request. In this tab you will see all your request that was rejected.
The Employee will also receive a notification in the HR Plus application that their request was
The Fifth screen that can be found in the Employee Self-Serve is the Collected Asset Items. Here the employee would be able to view a list of Asset Items that was collected
The Employee will also get a notification in the HR Application
The sixth tab that the employee will see is the Returned Asset Item screen. Here the employee will see a list of all the Assets they have returned.
The Employee would also receive a notification in the HR Plus application.
The last tab that the employee will see in the Employee Self-Serve screen under Company Asset is Lost Asset Items. If the employee has lost any Asset Items it will show up on this screen.
The Employee would also receive a notification in the HR Plus application.