Department Administrator Self-Service (‌What are the Summary Steps to Create a Goal?)

Department Administrator Self-Service (‌What are the Summary Steps to Create a Goal?)

What are the Summary Steps to Create a Goal?

The summary steps to create a Goal are as follows:

  1. Setup Goal Details - enter goals for employees.

  2. Setup Assignment Details - assign goals to relevant employees.

  3. Setup Target Details - set targets for employees.

  4. Setup Goal Standards - establish the criteria for rewarding points when targets are met.

  5. Adjust Goal Targets - adjust targets as necessary based on existing factors.

  6. Setup Goal Cost - enter any costs associated with the goal.

  7. Setup Tasks/Responsibilities - enter the specific tasks required to complete the goals.

  8. Setup Goal Dependencies - enter any events or factors that may hinder the completion of goals.

  9. Setup Competencies - enter competencies required to achieve the goal.

  10. Setup Goal Standards - define the criteria for rewarding points.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[New Goal]>>Goal Details

How to set up Goal Details

Goal Details

Managers can directly set goals for their employees, either during collaborative discussions that consider KPIs and other relevant factors or by proactively setting up goals in advance. These goals can then be reviewed at the start of the goal year or financial period.

Additionally, managers can use the Goal Wizards via User Self Service >> Manager >> Talent >>

Goals >> Goal Wizards to input goal details efficiently.

Set Up Goal Details

Goal Perspective: In line with the Balanced Scorecard approach, select the perspective that best fits the goal. The Goal Perspective helps categorize and differentiate goals, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives.

Level: The hierarchical organisation level will be displayed: Company, Division, Department, Section, Employee. If the goal is being set by the manager, they should select the level rank as "Employee," indicating that the goal is being assigned directly to the employee.

Job: select the job to which the goal applies. Only employees holding the selected job can be assigned this goal.

From Job Goals

  • Check this box if you wish to select goals for the selected job that were previously set up via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[expand record]>>Job Goals. These job goals will be displayed for selection via the Goal Name drop-down list. If the Job Goals box is not checked, then the Goal Name drop-down list will only display goals from the Goals module.

Goal Name: Enter a custom name for the goal, or select and modify an existing goal from the drop- down list as needed.

Goal Specification: Enter the detailed description of the goal, ensuring it follows the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for clarity and effective tracking.

Year: Select the financial year to which the goal applies. The Start and End Dates of the selected year will be displayed, and you may adjust them if needed, ensuring the dates remain within the previously defined financial year (Goal Setup >> Financial Year).

Repeatable: Check this box if you wish to duplicate the goal in the future. For example, if a goal is not completed, you can duplicate it and adjust the dates to extend its validity. Only goals marked as Repeatable will be available for duplication when selecting goals to be reused.

Goal Weight: Enter a user-defined numeric value to represent the importance of the goal to the company. If the Appraisals module is being used, this value will contribute to the employee's overall score.

The total weight within each Goal Perspective should sum to 100%. For an employee's overall goal weight across all perspectives, the total can also sum to 100%, meaning the weights from each perspective are adjusted based on their significance to the organization. This ensures the overall performance score reflects a balanced evaluation of the employee's contributions across various perspectives.

Goal Type: Select the category that best fits the goal: Company Culture, Job Responsibility, Mission, or Random Challenge.

Goal Status: Choose the appropriate status for the goal: Active, Inactive, Cancelled, Completed, or Suspended. Only Active goals can be edited.

Next, complete the Goal Assignment Details.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[New Goal]>>Assignment Details

How to set up Assignment Details

Assignment Details

This section captures information about how and to whom the goal is assigned. It includes details such as whether the goal is assigned by a manager or self-assigned and the employee or team responsible.

Assignment Type

Resource: Check this option to assign the goal to an employee.

Set Up Assignment Details

Self (Business) - Select this option to assign a high-level, stand-alone goal to an employee. This type of goal cannot be linked to any other goals, as the Linked Goals option will be disabled (Company Goals >> Goal Grid >> [expand record] >> Linked Goals).

Assigned To/By: Choose the respective employee who is either assigning or receiving the goal. The Division, Department, and Section drop-downs will be filtered according to the selected Company and Job.

Employee Status: This is display-only, showing only Active employees for selection.

Note: A goal can only be assigned to one employee at a time. The assigned employee will be notified through Home >> Intranet >> Company Notifications or Home >> Intranet >> My Message Inbox and can view the goal details or send progress reports via Home >> My Profile >> My Goals.

Next, set up Target Details.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[New Goal]>>Target Details


How to set up Target Details

Target Details

Define the specific measurable outcomes (Key Performance Indicators) that will track progress toward achieving the goal. These targets provide clear benchmarks for performance and ensure the goal is aligned with the overall objectives. KPIs should be quantifiable and time-bound to accurately assess goal achievement.

Targets can only be entered for new goals. When creating a new goal, ensure that the Goal Details, Assignment Details, and Target Details are fully completed before saving. Once the record is saved, target information cannot be modified. If changes are needed, you must delete the existing goal and create a new one. The quarterly targets can be adjusted using the adjusted target feature.

Set Up Target Details

Update Type: Select either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to specify how frequently progress reports must be submitted for the goal. This ensures regular tracking of goal progress based on the selected update frequency.

Result Calculation: Choose either Sum or Average to determine how the goal target is calculated.

  • Sum Example: If Quarter 1 to 4 values are 10, 15, 20, and 25, the system will add them (10 + 15 + 20 + 25 = 70) and display 70 in the Target (in Units) field.

  • Average Example: If Quarter 1 to 4 values are 10, 15, 20, and 25, the system will calculate the average ((10 + 15 + 20 + 25) ÷ 4 = 17.5) and display 17.5 in the Target (in Units) field.

Quarter 1 to 4: Enter the value of the Goal target by quarter.

Results 1 to 4: These fields are automatically populated when employees submit progress reports via Home >> My Profile >> My Goals. They cannot be manually edited.

Points 1 to 4: These fields are populated when Reward Points are assigned to employees (Goals >> Company Goals >> Goal Grid >> [expand Goal record] >> Rewards). Points are linked to the Appraisals module and will appear on the employee’s appraisal form if applicable.

Target (in Units): This is an auto-calculated field based on the sum or average of the values entered in the Quarter 1 to 4 fields.

Measure: Enter the user-defined KPI (Key Performance Indicator), such as a 20% increase in sales revenue, production of 500 additional units, or gaining 10 new customers per month. This defines the specific metric for tracking goal achievement.

Goal Plan: This section outlines the strategic approach for achieving the goal. It includes the steps, resources, timelines, and milestones required to meet the target. The Goal Plan serves as a road map for both employees and managers to ensure alignment and track progress throughout the goal's life cycle.

Reporting Requirements: Specify the frequency and format for progress updates related to the goal. This includes details such as whether reports are submitted daily, weekly, or monthly, and any specific information or metrics that should be included in each report. Clear reporting requirements help ensure consistent tracking and timely feedback on goal progress.

Inverse: Inverse: Check this box for goals where lower values indicate better performance (e.g., attendance and punctuality). For instance, an employee with fewer days late or absent will score better. Other examples include reducing error rates, minimizing customer complaints, or decreasing production downtime. In such cases, the bar chart will display green for employees with lower

scores. The colors and corresponding percentages will visually indicate performance levels based on the goal target.

Once Goal Details, Assignment Details and Target Details have been saved, the goal will be

displayed on the list.

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goal]>>Target Details>>Goal


How to set up Goal Standards

Goal Standards

Goal Standards define the criteria for rewarding points, aligning with targets achieved by each quarter. For example, if a quarterly target is met, a predetermined number of points is awarded, ensuring clarity and alignment with performance objectives. These points will appear in the Targets screen and contribute to the employee's overall goals.

Weights, standards, and points are user-defined and should adhere to the company’s goal-processing procedures. The maximum points awarded are determined by settings configured in Talent Management

>> Goals >> Goal Setup >> Goal Points.

Step 1: Select the Goal

Step 2: Set the Goal Standards

Default Standards and Points: Enter the standard description and corresponding points for the five

(5) default standards:

The employee achieved less than 60% of the goal. Significant improvement is needed as the goal was largely unmet, and performance fell far below the required standard.

Step 3: View the Goal Standards

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select

Goal]>>[+]>>Competencies>>[New Competency]

How to set Competencies required to achieve a Goal


Competencies required to achieve the goal are entered here. These competencies are set up in Personnel

>> Setup >> Organisation Setup >> Qualifications-Related Codes >> Competencies and can be linked to the specific goal. Competency Levels must be specified to indicate the level of expertise required to successfully complete the goal.

Set Up Competencies to Achieve Goals

Competency Code: Select the competency.

Competency Level: Select the desired competency level the employee must have.

View the Competencies required to Achieve the Goal

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Adjustable


You are not allowed to delete Targets!

As a manager, how do I Adjust a Goal Target?

Adjustable Targets

This feature enables you to modify existing targets when needed. The system automatically recalculates and adjusts the targets based on the values you enter, with the original targets being replaced as they evolve. These adjustments allow for flexibility in goal management, ensuring targets can be updated to reflect changing priorities or circumstances.

For instance, if you need to decrease a target from 2,500 to 500, you would input a value of -2,000 in the appropriate quarter. This ensures that performance tracking remains aligned with realistic and current expectations.

Step 1: Select a Goal

Step 2: Enter Adjustable Targets

The system will also update the Total Target of the goal to always reflect the most current targets.

Upload File: Click to upload a supporting document.

The calculations for the targets above are as follows:

Step 3: View Updated Adjusted Targets

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4








(Original Target) not shown













Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Adjusted Targets displayed on top row of grid






User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Costs

How to set up Goal Costs?

Goal Costs

Use this option to enter any costs associated with the goal. When tasks are assigned to the goal, you can input the budgeted and actual costs, if applicable. These values will automatically update on this screen as the tasks are entered and tracked.

Step 1. Enter the Cost Description

Step 3. View the Updated Costs

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goals]>>[+]>>Tasks>>[New


How to set up Tasks and linked costs to achieve a Goal


Use this option to enter the specific tasks required to complete the goals here. Tasks are time-bound and linked to associated costs. You can also input the budgeted and actual costs for each task, ensuring accurate tracking of both time and expenses related to goal completion.

How does it work?

Budgeted and Actual Costs: These costs are entered by the manager after discussions with the employee regarding what is needed to achieve the goal. HR can also enter these costs based on company policy.

Once entered, the costs automatically update in User Self Service >> Manager >> Talent >> Goals >> [Select Goal] >> [+] >> Costs for tracking and review.

Enter Task Details and Linked Goal Costs

Task Name/Description: Enter user-defined tasks and associated costs.

Start/End Date: Enter the task start and end dates.

Linked Goal Cost: Select the task to link the goal cost to.

Budgeted Cost for Task: Enter the budgeted expenditure to cover the cost of this task.

Actual Cost for Task: Enter the actual expenditure incurred to perform this task.

Percentage of Budget Used: The percentage of the Budgeted Cost used i.e.

Actual Cost/Budgeted Cost * 100

$7,500/$8,000 * 100 = 93.75%

View the Total Costs against the Goal

View all Costs associated with Goal Tasks

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select

Goal]>>[+]>>Dependencies>>[New Dependency]

How to set Goal Dependencies


This section allows you to enter any events or factors that may hinder the completion of goals. You can link the goal to the specific dependency and assign responsibility for resolving it. Managing dependencies ensures potential obstacles are addressed to keep progress on track.

Dependency Type/Description: Select the dependency type and enter the description.

Person Responsible for Resolving: Select the person who would resolve the dependency.

Set Up Goal Dependencies

Issue Start/Resolved Date: Enter the start and end dates.

Resolved By: Select the person who resolved the dependency.

Reward Description: Enter a user-defined description if any rewards are given.

View and Address all Goal Dependencies

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