Benefits (FAQs)

Benefits (FAQs)

Benefits FAQs

What are the key functionalities of the HRplus Benefits Module?

The Benefits Module offers several key functionalities:

  • Benefits Enrollment: Employees can easily view, compare, and enroll in different benefit plans offered by the organization.

  • Benefits Administration: The module automates administrative tasks such as eligibility tracking, enrollment status updates, and benefits plan documentation.

  • Benefit Plan Configuration: HR administrators can configure and customize benefit plans within the application according to the organization's offerings.

  • Employee Self-Service: Employees can access their benefits information, review plan details, view coverage summaries, and access relevant documents online.

How do I set up a new benefit type in HRplus?

To set up a new benefit type:

  1. Navigate to Benefits>>Benefit Setup>>Benefit Types.

  2. Enter a unique Benefit Type Code and a clear Benefit Type Description (e.g., "Dental").

  3. Save the record and repeat the process for additional benefit types.

What are Benefit Enrollment Rules and how do I set them up?

Benefit Enrollment Rules define the eligibility criteria and process for employees to join specific benefit plan types.

To set up these rules:

  1. Go to Benefits >> Benefits Plan Types >> Expand the desired Benefit Plan Type Record >> Benefit Enrollment Rules.

  2. Click "New Record" and define the rule criteria, including:

    • Company Code

    • Job Code

    • Length of Service Required

    • Period (Days, Months, Years)

    • Full Time & Part Time applicability

    • Employee Status

    • Rule Compulsion (Compulsory or Optional)

    • Rule Status (Active or Inactive)

  1. Save the record.

How do I enroll an employee in a benefit plan?

You can enroll employees in two ways:

Method 1: Via Benefits Plan Types

  1. Go to Benefits >> Benefits Setup >> Benefit Plan Types.

  2. Expand the desired benefit plan record.

  3. Click "New Record" under "Enrolled Employees."

  4. Enter the employee details, including Date Join, Date Start, Certificate Number, and contributions.

  5. Save the record.

Method 2: Via Coverage

  1. Navigate to Benefits>>Coverage.

  2. Search for the employee and expand their record.

  3. Click "New Record."

  4. Select the Plan ID. The remaining details will auto-populate.

  5. Fill in the employee's Date Joined, Date Started, Certificate Number, and contributions.

  6. Save the record.

The Benefits-Payroll Link connects benefit deductions and contributions with the HRplus payroll module. It automates the deduction process for employees enrolled in benefit plans.

To set it up:

  1. Go to Benefits>>Benefit Setup>>Benefits-Payroll Link.

  2. Select the Pay Group, Benefit Plan, and Benefit Type.

  3. Choose the Deduction Code and Employer Override Code.

  4. Define Employee and Employer contribution settings.

  5. Configure the calculation basis for contributions (e.g., Basic + Straight, Total Gross).

  6. Set the rounding rules for contributions.

  7. Define the cycle for running the deductions (e.g., Normal, Out of Cycle).

How do I add a beneficiary to an employee's benefit plan?

To add a beneficiary:

  1. Go to Benefits>>Beneficiaries.

  2. Enter the beneficiary's details, including their relationship to the employee.

  3. Go to the "Registered Beneficiaries" tab.

  4. Link the beneficiary to the relevant plan by selecting the Plan ID and Plan Type Code.

  5. Specify the Effective Date and the percentage of the benefit payout they are entitled to.

  6. Save the record.

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