Benefits (‌Employee Benefits Transactions)

Benefits (‌Employee Benefits Transactions)

Employee Benefits Transactions

Business Rules>>Business Rules>>Benefit Plan Types

How to add/enroll an employee in a plan?

There are two locations where employees can be enrolled in their benefit plans on HRPlus.

  1. Via Benefits Plan Types

  2. Via Coverage

N.B. Employees can be registered for any number of plans. NB however, the employee can be linked to only ONE Primary Health Plan and ONE Secondary Health plan.

Step 1: Navigate to the Benefit Plan Type screen

Fill the details as follows:

Company Code: Select the company the employee belongs to Pay Group: Select the pay group the employee belongs to First Name: Select employee's first or last name

Date Join: the date the employee joined the benefit plan (e.g. the date on the employee’s registration form)

Date Start: the effective date the employee became active on the plan.

Certificate Number: the registration number of the employee that is obtained from the insurance company.

Option: Cannot be edited but is based on the Benefit Plan Type record

Employee Contribution: the dollar value or percentage of the employee’s contribution to the plan.

Employer Contribution: the dollar value or percentage of the employer’s contribution to the plan.

Step 2: Enter the Employee Enrollment details

Date End: the date the benefit plan type will end (cease to exist). This is auto-populated by the application when the employee is separated and the benefits plan is stopped. This field can be left blank until an end date is determined.

Sum Insured: the sum insured obtained from the insurance company.

Click on the diskette to save the record and repeat to enter additional records.

When configuring the Benefits-Payroll link, if Amount in Benefit or % in Benefit is selected, when the payroll is run the entries made in the Employee/Employer Contribution will be used by the

application to determine the contributions being made by the employee and employer.

Step 3: View Enrolled Employee Details - Benefits Module View

Step 4: (Optional) View Enrolled Employee Details - Employee Profile View


How to enroll employees using Coverage screen


Coverage allows you to see the plans that the employee is covered under and also is another way in which an employee can be enrolled in a plan.

N.B. Employees can be registered for any number of plans however, the employee can be linked to only ONE Primary Health Plan and ONE Secondary Health plan.

N.B. The Benefit Plan Type MUST be linked to the Company BEFORE employees can be

successfully enrolled in the plan.

Add Plan to Employee Record


  • Search for the employee

  • Click on the plus sign to expand the record

  • Click on the New Record

  • Select the Plan ID from the drop down box. All other fields on the left hand side will be filled out when the details of the plan is selected.

Date Joined : The date the employee joined the benefit plan (e.g. the date on the employee’s registration form)

Date Started : The effective date the employee became active on the plan.

Certificate Number : The registration number of the employee that is obtained from the insurance company.

Employee Contribution : Enter the value of the employee’s contribution to the plan. This can be either cash or a percentage based on what was set up at the plan level.

Employer Contribution - Enter the value of the employer’s contribution to the plan. This can be either cash or a percentage based on what was set up at the plan level.

Date End: This field is left blank until you are aware of the date that the date the benefit plan type will end (cease to exist). Once the date is entered here, the employee will no longer be on the plan and deductions will stop generating for them in the payroll.

It should also be noted that when an employee is separated, if the flag titled Stop Benefits is set to YES, then the end date will be automatically populated with the separation date of the employee. This is another integrated feature of HRplus where data only has to be entered in one module but can be linked to connected modules.

Sum Insured – the sum insured obtained from the insurance company. Save and repeat the process to link a plan to the employee.

The 'Ex-Employees' tab shows you the same information but will only list the employees who have

been separated from the company.

View Ex Employee Plan Details


How to add a Beneficiary to an employee's plan?


A beneficiary is the person or entity that you legally designate to receive the benefits from your financial products. For life insurance coverage, that is the death benefit your policy will pay if you die. For retirement or investment accounts, that is the balance of your assets in those accounts.

Although the Benefits module is embedded in the POWERpay module, there are additional screens that distinguishes the difference between the two modules. One such function is the ability to record beneficiaries to a plan.

Enter Beneficiary for Employee

• First we enter the details of the Beneficiary. Here we enter the: Click on New Record

Ben Id - a user defined code used to identify the beneficiary. Each beneficiary must have their own ID. The application will indicate the last ID used in this screen.

Beneficiary - enter the beneficiary's full name

Enter the Address details in the Ben Address Line 1, Ben Address Line 2 and Ben Address Line 2 fields

Relationship - enter the relationship this beneficiary to the employee (Son, Spouse, Daughter, etc Save the record and repeat the process to add as many beneficiaries as required.

Please note this is for record keeping purposes ONLY!

Enter Registered Beneficiary for Employee

Next we link the beneficiary to the plan in the Registered Beneficiaries tab. Here you:

Click on a New Record

Beneficiary ID: The employee's beneficiary must be listed in the Beneficiary tab in order to be available for selection as a Registered Beneficiary

Plan ID - Select the name of the plan the beneficiary will be linked to

Plan Type Code (this is be based on the Plan ID selected above)

Health Plan - will be flagged NO if the plan selected above is Not a health plan

Effective Date - the date from which this beneficiary has been registered with the insurance provider as a beneficiary

Percentage % - The percentage of the policy payout (in the event of death) that the beneficiary is entitled to from the total value of the plan. For example if this is the sole beneficiary then they will receive 100% of the value of the plan.

Note that an employee may have multiple registered beneficiaries for a plan.

Save the record and repeat the process to add additional beneficiaries to the plan if required.

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