Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>[Select
Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>[Select Employee]>>Send Appraisal Form
Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>Send Appraisal Form to All Employees
In HRplus, the creation of appraisal forms is handled by HR or managers. Appraisal forms can be reviewed and customized by HR or managers before the appraisal process begins. This allows the refining of each appraisal form by adjusting competencies, goals, and responsibilities specific to the employee before sending it for their review.
This flexibility ensures that the appraisal accurately reflects the employee's specific job role and performance areas, allowing for a personalized evaluation process for each staff member. By tailoring the appraisal forms to the individual's responsibilities, managers can assess performance more effectively, making the appraisal process more relevant and targeted to each employee’s contribution and development needs.
Once the forms are generated, both the employee and their direct supervisor can access them to conduct the appraisal. Employees have the ability to agree or disagree with the appraisal feedback, fostering open communication. Managers receive feedback notifications and can complete the appraisal immediately or revisit it later for finalization. All appraisal types—Competencies, Goals, and Primary Responsibilities—are clearly displayed for evaluation, streamlining the appraisal process.
This feature allows employees to agree/disagree to appraisal feedback. Feedback notifications will also be sent to managers.
System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Employee Appraisals Confirmation Option
HOME>>My Profile>>My Reviews>>Appraisal Details
Note: If enabled, the Employee Appraisals Confirmation Option would not be accessible for
selection if any Manager Rating is zero.
Person Responsible: This is usually the employee’s direct supervisor - set up via Personnel>>Position>>Reporting Relationships>>Supervisor for an Employee. If this field is blank
then the appraisal form will only be created for the employee.
The form can be edited to add/delete Competencies, Goals and Primary Responsibilities. The manager can complete the form at this time or may close the form (x out the tab) and come back to do the review at another time: How do I conduct the Appraisal - as a Manager?
Note: The feature Employee Appraisal Confirmation Option is disabled for this demonstration.
Having previously created the Employee Appraisals event, click the Send Appraisal Form button: How do I set up the Employee Appraisal HR Event?
The system will refresh the Employee Appraisal records to display the employees who were sent their Appraisal Forms under the Normal Unarchived table. The manager can click this button to display the form and complete the appraisal.
The system will display the appraisal form in a new tab, showing the appraisal types (Competencies,
Goals, Primary Responsibilities) you selected:
Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]
Acting Appraisal
In HRplus, appraisals can be conducted for employees who have acted in a position for at least six (6) months during the current appraisal cycle. This allows for a separate appraisal to be generated for the acting period, in addition to their normal position appraisal. HR has the flexibility to initiate these appraisal events, ensuring that the employee's performance in both their acting and permanent roles is properly evaluated.
This feature enhances appraisal accuracy by considering the varied responsibilities employees undertake in acting roles, providing a more comprehensive view of their performance.
You can also view the new Appraisal Event as shown below:
From here, the Appraisal can be edited and sent to the employee. The steps are the same as in How do I create the Appraisal form?
Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events>>[Select
Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>[Select Employee]>>Appraisal Details
Add/Delete Competencies, Goals or Primary Responsibilities
When setting up the appraisal form, the Goals, Primary Responsibilities (Tasks) and Competencies that are linked to the employee’s Job, will be retrieved and displayed on the form.
The specific employee may not have worked on all the job goals or performed all the tasks or possess all the competencies. Therefore, you are allowed to add/delete competencies/goals/primary responsibilities as needed to make the appraisal form specific to the employee:
The records (Competencies, Primary Responsibilities, Goals) for selection are filtered by
Company and Job as set up via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand]>>Job Competencies/Primary Responsibilities/Job Goals.
Managers/HR can add/delete as many competencies, primary responsibilities, goals to the appraisal
form as desired.
The employee’s competencies and/or competency level (Personnel>>Employees [search for employee record]>>Toggle Additional Details) are updated once competency records are
added/edited/deleted to the appraisal form as shown below:
Home>>Appraisal Notification
Home>>My Profile>>Reviews>>[Appraisal Details]
Conducting the Appraisal as an Employee
As an employee conducting your appraisal, you can enter your ratings and comments in the designated fields. However, you cannot modify the ratings or comments provided by your manager or HR— the system restricts your input to specific fields. Once you move to the next field, your entries are automatically saved, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.
The employee can click the event name hyperlink to open the Appraisal in a new tab. Or go to My Reviews.
• My Rating/Comments: Employees may rate themselves and enter Comments.
Comments History: Click this button to view a history of all comments among the Employee, Manager and HR.
No score is calculated based on the employee’s ratings.
Home>>Appraisal Notification
User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Appraisals
Conducting the Appraisal as a Manager
Managers have the flexibility to complete an employee's appraisal either before or after the employee has submitted their self-assessment. Regardless of the order, the system retains a detailed history of all comments and ratings provided by both parties. However, it is the manager's ratings that are primarily used to calculate the final performance score, in accordance with company policy. This ensures that while employees' input is valued, the overall evaluation is guided by the manager’s assessment to maintain consistency and alignment with organizational performance standards.
The Manager can click the event name hyperlink to open the Appraisal Form in a new tab or View Employee Appraisal Event in Manager Self Service.
Expand the Appraisal event to view the Appraisal records - the manger can only view the appraisals of his/her direct reports.
Any Comments made by the employee will be displayed. The Manager may edit the form to add/delete competencies etc.
The Manager enters his/her Rating and Comments for the various Appraisal types.
The system will calculate the employee's score based on the manager's ratings.
Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Appraisals
HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events>>[Select Appraisal Event]
Conducting the Appraisal as HR
HR can also enter Comments on the employee appraisal form at any time.
HR can view the appraisals of all employees.
Once all parties have agreed on the review, it can be marked as Completed.
Appraisal scores are calculated by the system when the manager enters his/her ratings - employee scores are not considered and HR can only enter comments. The scores are displayed in real-time.
Each time a rating is entered, the system updates the calculations. The calculations are done in decimal and rounded to 2 decimal places:
Weight (of Type): this is set up via the following:
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Job Competencies
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Primary Responsibilities
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Job Goals
Talent Management>>Goals>>Goal Details
Proportional Weight (the sum of the 3 appraisal types MUST total 100): set up via:
Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Appraisal Type Weight
Overall Rating: The system will display this value based on the Final Total Score and the Rating Band set up via Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Overall Rating. This value cannot be edited by the user.
Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Appraisals>>[Select
Employee]>>[+]>>Appraisal Details
Completed or Archived
Set the Status of the appraisal to Completed OR Archived.
The system will display the current date as the date of the Status change.
Archived and/or Completed appraisals CANNOT be edited!
Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Task Board
User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Task Board
Task Board
HR and Managers have the option to view the Task/Kanban Board. The Task Board serves as a representation of appraisals and their progress towards completion. This includes appraisals that are ongoing, completed, nearing their due date and and those that may be overdue. The Task Board is divided into columns according to the colour coded legend on the Events screen.