Appraisals (Setup - HR Events)

Appraisals (Setup - HR Events)

Setup - HR Events

Talent Management>>HR Events>>HR Admins

How do I set up HR Administrators?

HR Admins

HR Admins are the designated persons who are responsible for setting up the Employee Appraisal event. Prior to setting up the event, identify the Employee(s) who will assume overall responsibility for it. Each event can be managed by more than one employee.

Step 1: Create New HR Admin Record

Event Type: Select the Event Type for which the HR Admin will be responsible.

Company Code and Name: Select the Company that the HR Admin. belongs to.

Last name / First Name: Select the last name or the first name of the assigned HR Admin.

Save the record and enter additional names as required for either the same or additional event types.

Enter HR Admin Details


Talent Management>>HR Events>>Notification

How do I set up Notifications?

Appraisal Notifications

These are notifications sent to employees and managers to inform them about upcoming or completed appraisal events, reminding them to engage in the appraisal process.

Setup a Notification for the Appraisal Event

Enter the Event Notification Details

Event Type: Select the event type for which you are setting up a notification.

Event Status: Select the Event Status for which the reminder is being sent. Reminders must be set for the following status:

  • Approaching Due Date: The event is nearing its deadline.

  • Archived: The event has been completed and stored for historical reference.

  • Cancelled: The event has been terminated before completion.

  • Completed: The event has been fully carried out and finished.

  • Normal: The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled.

  • Not Started: The event has not yet begun.

  • Post Due Date: The event has passed its deadline without completion.

  • Started: The event has been initiated and is in progress.

Remind On: Enter and select the respective values for the reminder. e.g. 2 Days.

Event Message: The system will send reminders based on the values entered in the "Remind on"field. Alternatively, you may enter a user defined event message.

The following is an example of a system-generated reminder message:

Talent Management>>Manage Events>>Events

As an HR Admin, How do I set up the Employee Appraisal Event?


The HR Appraisal Event provides a structured process for conducting employee appraisals, enabling both appraisees and appraisers to assess performance, skills, and competencies. Typically, HR is responsible for setting up and managing the event, ensuring that all relevant participants can engage in the appraisal process. However, in some organizations, managers may also have the authority to create and manage appraisal events, depending on company policies.

Step 1: HR Creates the Event Name

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Restrict Event Naming

Step 1.1: Enable Restrict Event Naming

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events Name

Step 1.2: Create the Event Name

Step 2: Manager Creates a New Event for the Employee Appraisals

Step 3: Enter the Event Details.

The Manager of the Chaguanas department can select the Event Name to create the HR Event.

Company: Select the company where the employees will be appraised.

Event Type: Select the event type for which you are setting up the event.

Event Status: Select the Event Status for which the event is being created. Events can be set for the following status:

  • Approaching Due Date: The event is nearing its deadline.

  • Archived: The event has been completed and stored for historical reference.

  • Cancelled: The event has been terminated before completion.

  • Completed: The event has been fully carried out and finished.

  • Normal: The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled.

  • Not Started: The event has not yet begun.

  • Post Due Date: The event has passed its deadline without completion.

  • Started: The event has been initiated and is in progress.

Event Name: Enter a user-defined name for the event.

Start Date: Enter the start date for conducting the appraisals.

End Date: Enter the end date for conducting appraisals.

Employee Eligibility: Indicate the eligibility criteria set out by the employer to perform appraisals.

  • Probationary Appraisal.

  • Bi-Annual Appraisal.

  • Annual Appraisal.

    Initiated By: Select who is responsible for initiating the appraisal process.

    Responsible: Select who is responsible for completing the appraisal.

    Generate Appraisal Automatically: Select to automatically generate the appraisal. The following can also be generated on the appraisal if selected:

  • Use Goals.

  • Use Competencies.

  • Use Primary Responsibilities.

Apply To: Select who this event applies to. Selecting Department, Section or Employee will provide further options for the specific areas.

Save the record.

When the event is created, the system does the following:

1. Creates the Employee Appraisal event, colour-coding and displaying the records based on their status (Started, Not Started, Completed, Approaching Due Date etc.)

2. Lists all employees to be appraised and the person responsible for the appraisal under the Employee Appraisal event (expand the record).

3. Displays a Create Appraisal button next to each employee record. HR must click this button to

create the actual appraisal form for the respective employee.

Person Responsible: this is the employee’s direct supervisor set up via Personnel>>Position>>Reporting Relationships>>Supervisor for an Employee. If the reporting

relationship was not defined for the position, the appraisal form will not be linked to a manager.

Step 4: View the Event

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events

How to Reuse and Duplicate Existing Goals in the Appraisal Process

Duplicated Goals

In HRplus, Duplicated Organizational Goals refer to goals carried over or replicated from a previous period, typically for reasons like unfinished business, long-term projects, or evolving strategies. This feature allows HR to duplicate and update goals from a prior year to align with the current appraisal cycle. When duplicating, goals and targets can be modified to reflect current priorities while maintaining continuity for ongoing initiatives.

During the goal setting event, the system will search for goals within the specified timeframe, color-code them based on status (Started, Not Started, Completed), and list all employees with the person responsible for their appraisal. HR and managers can then create the appraisal forms by selecting the appropriate employees and adjusting goals as necessary, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives. Make sure to flag the goal as Repeatable when creating it for future use.

Talent Management>>Goals>>Employee Goals>>Goal Grid>>New Employee Goal

Step 1: Flag the Goal as Repeatable

When creating the Goal ensure that Repeatable is flagged.

Step 2: Manage Goal Setting Events


Start Date/End Date: The period during which the goals were created - the system searches for and

displays all goals, both Archived and Unarchived, that fall within these dates.

The setup is the same for both the Goal Setting and Employee Appraisals events.

When the event is created, the system does the following:

1. Searches for and displays all goals within the specified timeframe and criteria.

2. Creates the Goal Setting event, colour-coding and displaying the records based on their status (Started, Not Started, Completed, Approaching Due Date etc.)

3. Lists all employees to be appraised and the person responsible for the appraisal under the Employee Appraisal event (expand the record).

4. Displays a Create Appraisal button next to each employee record. HR must click this button to

create the actual appraisal form for the respective employee.

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