Talent Management>>Appraisals >>Appraisal Setup>>Ratings
How does it work?
User-defined rating standards and corresponding points must be set up here to define Competency Level Standards (Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Organisation Setup>>Qualification-Related Codes>>Competencies>>Competency Standards) as the Points are selected from this screen.
A maximum of 5 rating descriptions and points can be set up for each company.
Rating Scale
A rating scale in appraisals is a tool used to evaluate an employee's performance, skills, or competencies against predefined standards. It provides a structured and consistent way for managers to assess performance objectively, with descriptors outlining different levels of achievement. To ensure a well- rounded evaluation, rating scales should be combined with methods like narrative comments, self- assessments, and peer feedback. Regular training for evaluators can help maintain fairness and consistency.
The rating scale is also referenced in the following article: How do I Link the rating Scale to a Competency.
Improvement Needed
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Save the record.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Overall Rating
The Overall Rating Bands, as set up in the Appraisals, from which the qualitative final rating (Unacceptable, Needs Improvement etc.) is automatically selected is shown below again for ease of understanding:
Rating bands in performance appraisals are predetermined ranges or categories used to evaluate and assess an employee's performance. They provide a framework for assigning a performance rating based on specific criteria and performance indicators. The number and labels of rating bands can vary depending on the organization's performance management system.
It's important to note that specific rating bands and their labels can vary among organizations, where the most commonly used is a five point rating scale. Some organizations may use different scales, such as a three-point scale or a more nuanced ten-point scale. The purpose of rating bands is to provide a clear and consistent framework for evaluating and communicating performance levels to employees.
How does it work?
When the employee's proportional/adjusted score is calculated against each appraisal criteria ( Competencies, Primary Responsibilities, Job Goals ), these are summed to give a final total score. Based on this final total score, the employee's final qualitative rating (Unacceptable, Needs
Improvement etc.) is then automatically assigned from the Overall Rating Band.
N.B. The Rating Scale should be Consistent with the other rating scales defined throughout the application.
Company: Select the company that the rating bands are being defined for.
Start by selecting the lowest rating standard, E.g. Unsatisfactory. When selected, the lower rating band number will be auto-populated as 0. Next enter the upper limit for that rating band, e.g. 1.99.
Note that you must enter this number to two (2) decimal places.
Save the record. (See the example in the screen shot above).
Select the next rating standard, e.g. Improvement Needed. When selected, the lower rating band number will be auto-populated as the next number in sequence AFTER the highest band width that has already been defined. E.g. Improvement Needed - Lower band number appears as 2. Next enter the upper limit for that rating band, e.g. 2.99.
Save the record. (See the example in the screen shot above).
Step 3:
Repeat step 2 and continue to define the numerical rating bands from lowest to highest (e.g. 1-10) until completed.
N.B. A company can have an unlimited number of rating bands but the MAXIMUM band must end in 100.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Options
Appraisal Options
When setting up appraisal forms, it's important to note that criteria can vary by staff type or job group. For instance, managerial staff may use the Goals Module in their appraisals, while other employees might not. These distinctions affect the appraisal form's layout, resulting in variances depending on the staff type or job group selected. If no specific type is chosen, the settings will apply to all employees in the company, offering flexibility for tailored evaluations.
This approach ensures the appraisal process aligns with the specific needs of each job group or staff type, enhancing the relevance of evaluations.
Any restrictions applied here determine which goals are displayed on the Appraisal form.
Appraisal Job Group Option, once enabled, replaces Staff Type with Job Group. In this example the feature is disabled.
Goals Module: This option uses the employee goals that cascade from company goals and set up via Talent Management>>Goals>>Employee Goals. Only select this option if the Goals module is being used.
Job Goals: This option uses the goals that comprise the job profile and set up via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand]>>Job Goals.
Goals Module and Job Goals: This option mean that the system will retrieve goals set up from both the Job Goals and the Goal module.
Save the record and repeat to define the options for different staff types or job groups.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Score Options
Appraisal Score Options
When setting up appraisal forms you can indicate whether or not to show the Employee Self Rating Total Score.
The employee and manager can view the consolidated self-assessment score, presenting a clear and quantifiable measure of the employee's self evaluation.
If it is a multi-company setup, continue until all your companies have been added.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Type Weight
Appraisal Type Weight
In HRplus, the Appraisal Type Weight reflects the proportional importance assigned to different appraisal categories, such as Goals, Competencies, and Primary Responsibilities.
Employee performance is assessed against these criteria, and the appraiser evaluates proficiency in relation to each assigned area.
Adjusted Scores are calculated by multiplying the total score for each criteria by its assigned weight.
The sum of all Adjusted Scores gives the Final Total Score and Overall Rating for the appraisal.
This weighting system ensures that appraisals are more comprehensive and tailored to focus on the areas most critical to the employee’s role, helping guide decisions on feedback, promotions, and development.
Appraisal Job Group Option, once enabled, replaces Staff Type with Job Group. In this example the feature is disabled.
the tasks linked that that specific job.
The Weight assigned to each type should be in keeping with your company's overall appraisal
The total weight assigned to all tasks for each job should add up to 100% to maintain consistency.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Flagged Ratings
Flagged ratings in an appraisal context refer to performance ratings that have been highlighted, marked, or identified for special attention due to their exceptional or concerning nature. When conducting performance appraisals, managers or evaluators often use a rating scale to assess employees' performance against specific criteria. Sometimes, certain ratings stand out because they are significantly above or below the average or expected performance level. These ratings might indicate exceptional achievements or areas that need improvement that deserve additional consideration.
Flagged ratings can serve several purposes:
It's important to note that the use of flagged ratings should be well-defined and transparent within the organization's performance appraisal process. Proper guidelines and criteria should be established to ensure that flagged ratings are applied fairly and consistently, avoiding biases or misunderstandings.
This can be used to identify high/low scores.
N.B. The Highlighted record can be viewed when a Training Request is made against the
Competency Attribute.