Employee appraisals for the review period, are based on
Employees' performance of their tasks (primary responsibilities).
The competencies employees possess and how those competencies are used.
The goals achieved.
In the Appraisals module, the above three (3) items are referred to as Appraisal Types. Therefore, prior to using the Appraisals module and conducting appraisals, it is advised that the following appraisal types be understood and well-defined:
Primary Responsibilities (tasks) and their associated Weights, Standards and Points.
Competencies together with their varying Levels, Standards and associated Points.
Goals and their associated Weights, Standards and Points .
For Goals and Primary Responsibilities: the default Standards (varying levels of quality or attainment) are Far Exceeds, Exceeds, Meets Fully, Meets Minimum, Unacceptable. Weights as well as Points for each standard are user-defined.
For Competencies: Levels 1 through 6 are displayed for user-defined descriptions. Standards and Points may be user-defined or selected from the Ratings defined via Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Ratings.
The above three appraisal types are linked to companies and jobs. Employees are then placed in these jobs and inherit the attributes of the job.
Ensure the competencies for the employee are entered in the Personnel module.
Ensure the respective goals are assigned to employees via the Personnel or Goals module.
Jobs/employees are assigned tasks in the Personnel module.
Employees may be appraised on one or more appraisal types!
Navigation: Personnel>> Setup>>Organisation>>Jobs>>Primary Responsibilities
Job Tasks (Primary Responsibilities)
Job Tasks or Primary Responsibilities refer to the core duties and functions that an individual is expected to perform in their role or position within an organization. These tasks are essential for the successful execution of the job and contribute to the overall goals and objectives of the department or company. The specific job tasks can vary widely depending on the nature of the job and the industry. Organizations include responsibilities on job listings so they can communicate the type of skills and experience they're seeking from candidates.
The standards defined for these tasks describe, in measurable terms, the results that indicate that an employee in the position has properly performed the particular Essential Function. Job Standards tell us exactly how to tell that the essential function is done properly.
Job Tasks are a Pre-requisite setup item for the following modules:
Appraisals - The Primary Responsibility screen allows the user to enter each task an employee is responsible for and can be part of the employee's performance review. Link as many tasks to a job as required. These tasks or primary responsibilities will be retrieved from the job profile and 'pulled' into the appraisal form at the time of appraisal.
Recruitment - Once an employee has access our Employee Self Serve module, they can view and apply for company vacancies. The vacancy record will include the Primary Responsibilities.
Health & Safety Module - The primary responsibility can be flagged as a HSE-related task that can lead to a potential incident.
Steps to set up Job Tasks / Primary Responsibilities:
• A Task Template can be downloaded, filled and then imported into this screen.
Tasks which are duplicated on multiple jobs only need to be entered once as they can then be linked to relevant jobs.
Task Code: Enter a user-defined code to reference the task.
Task Description: Enter a user-defined description for the job Task or Primary Responsibility. If there are tasks that are duplicated across jobs, these tasks only have to be entered once.
Task Tags: Task tags are specific words or phrases used to categorize and organize job tasks/primary responsibilities. This helps in efficiently managing and searching for tasks that may be related to certain topics, jobs, etc. E.g. Tags such as Accounting and HR can be used to tag the tasks which apply to those job families/groups. The power search tool can then be used to search for these tag words so HR can easily see all the related tasks for further analysis.
Note that these tags are also referenced in the 360 Multi-Rater module.
Enter user-defined Standards which allow all parties - HR, Manager, and Employee to agree on the
quality of work or performance that is expected at each level.
The Points are used to define the importance of each standard and its impact on an employee's appraisal score.
Save the record and repeat to add more tasks.
Personnel>> Setup>>Organisation>>Jobs>>Primary Responsibilities
Job Tasks (Primary Responsibilities)
After the Job Tasks and associated standards have been created, these tasks must then be linked to each respective job. There are two ways to link the job responsibilities/tasks to each job.
From Date: Enter the date from which this task is relevant in your company. If the task is time specific, then enter a time period for the task.
To Date: If this task has an expiry date please enter that date here.
Weight: Assign a numerical value to define the weight of the task based on its importance among all the tasks linked that that specific job.
By incorporating weighting into the appraisal process, organizations can differentiate between critical tasks that heavily influence job performance and those that are relatively less significant. The weights reflect the relative significance of each task in contributing to the overall success and performance of the employee based on strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions in their role. It also helps align performance assessment with the strategic objectives of the organization and the specific requirements of the employee's role.
The total weight assigned to all tasks for each job should add up to 100% to maintain consistency.
HSE Related: Select ‘yes’ if this task is to be linked to the Health & Safety Module. If not, select ‘No’.
NB: Only tasks that are HSE related will be available in the Health & Safety Module.
Save the record and repeat to add more tasks / primary responsibilities as the job requires.
N.B. These tasks or primary responsibilities will be retrieved from the job profile and 'pulled' into the appraisal form at the time of appraisal.
Multiple Jobs and their associated tasks can be imported via one job template import. The records
will be imported and visible on the respective job to which they apply.
How does it work?
Competency basic data must first be set up before linking them to jobs:
Employee competencies are the skills, knowledge, and attributes that contribute to effective job performance and organizational success. Key competencies include Functional Skills like communication and problem-solving; Operational Skills, which are job-specific technical abilities; Personal Attributes such as adaptability and leadership; Relationship Skills that focus on teamwork and collaboration; and Strategic Skills for long-term decision-making and planning. These competencies are essential for hiring, performance evaluation, and employee development.
Competency Types/Description: Enter a user defined type and description.
Competency Name: Enter the user-defined name and code for a competency.
Competency Type: There are five default types available for selection and these cannot be changed by the user. Select the Core Competency Type that best summarizes the capabilities defined in the competency description. The default types are:
Functional Skills
Operating Skills
Personal Attributes
Relationship Skills
Strategic Skills
Details: Enter the description of your competency which would apply across a range of jobs in your organization. Alternatively, if the competency is specific to one job, then provide the definition relative to that specific role.
Use in 360 Review: Allows competencies to be used in 360 Reviews. This only works if competencies are linked to the company.
Default Link to Jobs: Allows competencies to be linked to all Jobs by default. This only works if competencies are linked to the company.
Levels 1 through 6: Enter the description of your competency and the behaviors expected at
different levels which reflect the variance in complexity, scope and responsibility across jobs.
N.B. Different levels of competencies will be required for different jobs. For example, Microsoft Excel may be a competency required. However, the skill level required in its use may be Level 2 for
a Clerk and a Level 5 for an Accountant.
Standards are set so that the expectations of what is required are known to all. Each Competency must be linked to each standard defined on the rating scale. When filling the performance appraisal form, the manager can then select the appropriate standard that the employee is performing at for
that competency.
Competency Level Standards and Points: For each competency Level (1 to 6), select a Standard/ Rating Level Description and associated Points (any numerical value) as defined in the Appraisal Rating. The Points indicate the importance of each standard.
N/B. Each Competency must be linked to ALL standards on the rating scale as shown in the example below. This can be done via an import. The Competency Standard Description can be edited as well to add more details which will clarify to the managers when rating the employee on their appraisal, the specific behavior that denotes the standard attained.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure >> Jobs >> Expand Record >> Job
How does it work?
After the Competencies, Levels and associated points have been created, they must then be linked to each job to which they apply. There are two ways in which the competencies can be linked to a job.
Link Jobs to required Competency by Level
In HRplus, Linking Jobs to Required Competency Levels ensures that each job is aligned with the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviors for successful performance. After creating competencies, levels, and assigning points, these competencies must be linked to the relevant jobs.
You can either add each competency individually or import a Job Competency Template. This setup allows you to define competency levels, assign weights to each competency based on importance to the role, and align these with the organization's strategic goals. By doing so, you ensure that employee evaluations reflect the specific requirements of their role, with the total competency weight for each job adding up to 100%.
This integration in HRplus helps streamline job performance assessments and supports employee development tailored to job-specific competencies.
Company Code and Name: This will be auto-filled based on the Company selected in the preliminary search.
Job Code and Name: This will be auto-filled based on the Company selected in the preliminary search.
Competency Code and Name: Select the Competency at the appropriate level that is required for that specific job.
Level and Level Description: This will be auto-filled based on the Competency Level selected above.
Date From: Enter the date from which this competency is relevant to the job within your company. If the competency is time specific, then enter a period.
To Date: If this competency has an expiry date please enter that date here.
Weight: Assign a numerical value to define the weight of the competency based on its importance
among all the competencies linked that that specific job.
By incorporating weighting into the appraisal process, organizations can differentiate between critical competencies that heavily influence job performance and those that are relatively less significant. The weights reflect the relative significance of each competency in contributing to the overall success and performance of the employee based on strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions in their role. It also helps align performance assessment with the strategic objectives of the organization and the specific requirements of the employee's role.
The total weight assigned to all competencies for each job should add up to 100% to maintain consistency.
Save the record and repeat it to link more competencies to the job.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[+]>>Job Goals
How does it work?
Goals may be set up via:
Job Goals in the Personnel module - link the goal directly to the job by expanding a job
and entering its goal details. The employee(s) who are placed in the job will inherit all attributes of the job including its goals.
The Goals module (if being used) - entering goals and assigning them directly to an employee.
Job Goals include the setting up of Goal Details, Target Details and Goal Standards. It is advised that Goals be understood and documented prior to data entry.
Job Goals
Job Goals aligns with an employee's specific job role, responsibilities, and performance expectations.
The completion of goals is one of three measures (Primary Responsibilities, Competencies, Goals) used to evaluate employees.
In keeping with the Balanced Scorecard approach:
Goal Perspectives: Select the option that best describes the type of goal. The default options are:
Internal Business Process, and
Learning & Innovation.
Goal Name: Enter a unique identifier to the goal.
Goal Specification: Enter a clear and detailed description of a goal, outlining its purpose, scope, and expected outcomes.
Start/End Date: Enter the designated start and end dates for initiating and completing a goal.
Weight: Enter a numerical value (0 to 100) to define the importance of the goal.
Update Type: Select either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to specify how frequently progress reports must be submitted for the goal. This ensures regular tracking of goal progress based on the selected
update frequency.
Result Calculation: Enter either one (1) for Sum or zero (0) for Average to determine how the goal target is calculated.
Sum Example: If Quarter 1 to 4 values are 10, 15, 20, and 25, the system will add them (10 + 15 + 20 + 25 = 70) and display 70 in the Target (in Units) field.
Average Example: If Quarter 1 to 4 values are 10, 15, 20, and 25, the system will calculate the average ((10 + 15 + 20 + 25) ÷ 4 = 17.5) and display 17.5 in the Target (in Units) field.
Quarter 1 to 4: Enter the value of the Goal target by quarter.
Target (in Units): This is an auto-calculated field based on the sum or average of the values entered in the Quarter 1 to 4 fields.
Measure: Enter the user-defined KPI (Key Performance Indicator), such as a 20% increase in sales revenue, production of 500 additional units, or gaining 10 new customers per month. This defines the specific metric for tracking goal achievement.
Goal Plan: This section outlines the strategic approach for achieving the goal. It includes the steps, resources, timelines, and milestones required to meet the target. The Goal Plan serves as a road map for both employees and managers to ensure alignment and track progress throughout the goal's life cycle.
Dependencies: Relationships between tasks, goals, or activities that determine their sequence or influence each other's outcomes.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs [+]>>Job Goals>>[+]>>Goal Standards
Goal Standards: Enter descriptions for the five (5) default goal standards and their associated
points, which are tied to the percentage of goal completion.
Points: Assign points based on a 1-5 rating scale (for example), ensuring consistency with the ratings used in the appraisal module. When awarding points to an employee, the manager uses the points to reflect the employee's level of achievement for each quarter, aligning with the progress made toward the goal. This process ensures that performance evaluations are consistent and
accurately reflect the employee's progress.
Standards (varying levels of quality or attainment) for each goal need to be set up. These standards are used as a measure when appraising employees on the achievement of their goals.
Repeat the process to enter additional goals for jobs. When employees are placed in jobs, they will
inherit all attributes of the job including the Goals.
Entering goals in the Goals module is the same except that more details are captured with respect to
the goals.
Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Options
Appraisal Options
When setting up appraisal forms, it's important to note that criteria can vary by staff type or job group. For instance, managerial staff may use the Goals Module in their appraisals, while other employees might not. These distinctions affect the appraisal form's layout, resulting in variances depending on the staff type or job group selected. If no specific type is chosen, the settings will apply to all employees in the company, offering flexibility for tailored evaluations.
This approach ensures the appraisal process aligns with the specific needs of each job group or staff type, enhancing the relevance of evaluations.
Any restrictions applied here determine which goals are displayed on the Appraisal form.
Appraisal Job Group Option, once enabled, replaces Staff Type with Job Group. In this example the feature is disabled.
Company: Select the company for which the module used is being defined.
Staff Type: Use the Staff Type field to specify criteria for different groups of employees (e.g., managerial or non-managerial). If left blank, the selected options will apply to all employees within the company. This flexibility allows for tailored appraisals that align with the needs of specific staff types or job groups.
Which Module:
Goals Module: This option uses the employee goals that cascade from company goals and set up via Talent Management>>Goals>>Employee Goals. Only select this option if the Goals module is being used.
Job Goals: This option uses the goals that comprise the job profile and set up via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand]>>Job Goals.
Goals Module and Job Goals: This option mean that the system will retrieve goals set up from both the Job Goals and the Goal module.
Save the record and repeat to define the options for different staff types or job groups.