Appraisals (Introduction and Key Concepts, Glossary and Module Updates)

Appraisals (Introduction and Key Concepts, Glossary and Module Updates)

Introduction & Key Concepts

Overview of the Appraisal Module

In HRplus, the performance appraisal system is competency-based and goal-oriented.

The Goals module allows you to set up goals that the organization wishes to achieve within a specified time-frame. Goals can be defined at the level of Company, Division, Department, Section, and Employee.

Alternatively if the Goals module is not being used, goals can be defined for jobs.

The Appraisals module has three (3) areas of activity:

  1. HR

  2. Manager

  3. Employee

    Employees are appraised on a combination of goals, competencies and job tasks (primary responsibilities). As such, in order to use this module the following must be defined:

    • Job Competencies – competencies required for the job.

    • Job Goals - measures and targets set for the job that can be tailored to the particular employee who holds the job.

    • Primary Responsibilities – the basic responsibilities (tasks) of the job.

      Employee Reviews can be:

    • assigned based on a repeating cycle (e.g. every month or quarter).

    • appropriately-named when creating an HR event through which the review processed can be managed.

    • set up as required (any number of reviews can be created).

    • based on any combination of job goals, competencies and primary responsibilities.

A Guide to Using the Appraisal Module

The summary steps to use the Appraisal Module are as follows:

  1. Set up Appraisal criteria (these are the items on which the employee will be appraised).

  2. Set up Performance Parameters.

  3. Set up Event Types.

  4. Set up HR Events.

  5. Conducting an Appraisal.



Step 1

Setup - Job Appraisal Criteria (these are the items on which the employee will be appraised):


Primary Responsibilities

  • Employees inherit the attributes of the job in which they are assigned and Appraisals are based on the employee’s performance in their respective jobs. As such, the profile for each job should be completed before the employee is placed into the job.

  • The Tasks (Primary Responsibilities) that are required for the job.

  • Each task includes defining a user-defined Task Code and

    Description and defining descriptions inclusive of allocating Points for the default standards of:

    1. Far Exceeds

    2. Exceeds

    3. Meets Fully

    4. Meets Minimum

    5. Unacceptable

  • Tasks may also be set up via Personnel>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Tasks.

How do I set up Primary Responsibilities /Tasks for Job? How do I link Primary Responsibilities /Tasks to a Job?

Job Competencies

  • The knowledge, skills and personal attributes the employee must possess to perform in the job.



  • Different levels of competencies will be required for different jobs. For example, Microsoft Excel may be a competency required. However, the skill level required in its use will vary between what is required of a clerk and what is required of an accountant.

    How do I set up Competencies for a Job?

  • Competencies/Competency Levels: each competency has a user-defined Code, Name and Details (description) and must be linked to a Competency Typeof either:

    1. Functional Skills

    2. Operating Skills

    3. Personal Attributes

    4. Relationship Skills

    5. Strategic Skills

  • Each competency also has six (6) default Levels (Levels 1 to 6), the descriptions of which are user-defined. This is to accommodate the varying levels of competencies that may be required for the different jobs.

    Enter the Competency Details by Level Personnel>>Organisation>>Setup>>Qualifications-Related Codes>>Competencies>>Competencies>>Levels

  • Competency Standards (for each Competency Level) – the Standard for each Competency Level must also be defined inclusive of assigning Points based on the Ratings set up via Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Ratings. The Points act as a guide to employees, enabling them to differentiate between which competencies carry more emphasis than others in getting the job done.

    Personnel>>Organisation>>Setup>>Qualifications-Related Codes>>Competencies>>Competency Standards

    Link Each Competency Level to Standards and associated Points

  • Link Competencies to Company – competencies must then be linked to the respective companies.

Personnel>>Organisation Setup>>Qualifications-Related Codes>>Link Competencies to Company

How do I link Competencies to a Job?

Job Goals

  • Goals for jobs must be defined either in the Goals (if used) module (Talent Management>>Goals>>Employee Goals) OR via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs [expand record]>>Job Goals.

  • In so doing, if an employee is promoted to a new job, the employee will inherit the goals associated with that job.



  • Goal setup include: Goal Details, Goal Targets and Goal Standards.

    Goal Details Target Details Goal Standards

  • The Goal Target is set for each individual employee. Goals are linked to organizational perspectives of Customer, Financial, Employee Growth and Development, or Internal Business Processes in keeping with the Balanced Score Card approach.

  • Goal Standards – user-defined descriptions inclusive of allocating

    Points for the default Goal Standardsof:

    1. Far Exceeds

    2. Exceeds

    3. Meets Fully

    4. Meets Minimum

    5. Unacceptable

Points allocated to the Standards set for Primary Responsibilities, Competencies and Goals are user- defined and can be any value (0 to …..). These standards allow employees to discern exactly what is expected of them in their job functions.

Step 2

Setup - Performance Parameters:

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup


  • Define the Rating Standards and associated Points (lowest to highest)

e.g. Excellent = 100; Poor = 10

How do I set up Rating Standards?

Overall Rating

  • For each Rating Standard, enter a user-defined Rating Band to define the company’s overall rating system e.g. Excellent 81- 100; Poor 1-10.

How do I set up the Overall Rating used by my company?

Appraisal Options

  • Indicate whether Job Goals or the Goals Module or both modules are being used for a selected Company and Staff Type. The Staff Type field can be left blank.

  • Note that the above restrictions (Company and Staff Type) impact on the appraisal form as the system will filter employees based on the selection.

  • The system will retrieve the respective goals, based on your selection, onto the appraisal form.

How do I indicate which Goal Option is being used?

Appraisal Type Weight

  • Define the Weight (%) of each of the Job Appraisal criteria: Job Goals, Primary Responsibilities, Job Competencies.



  • The total percentage must equal 100.

How do I set the Weight for each Appraisal Type?

Flagged Ratings

  • Flagged ratings in an appraisal context refer to performance ratings that have been highlighted, marked, or identified for special attention due to their exceptional or concerning nature.

How do I set Flagged Ratings?

Step 3

Setup - Event Types:

System Configurations>>Event Types>>Employee Appraisals

Event Types

  • Ensure the following events are set to Show and that both HR Module and MSS Module( to ensure that managers can oversee the appraisals of their direct reports) are checked:

    • Employee Appraisals.

    • Goal Setting.

  • The Goal Setting event allows you to duplicate goals.

How do I set the Employee Appraisals event type to be visible?

Step 4

Setup - HR Events:

Talent Management>>HR Events>>HR Admins Talent Management>>HR Events>>Notifications

HR Admins

  • Define the HR employees designated as HR Administrators. These are the employees who have overall responsibility for the appraisal and goal setting events.

How do I set up HR Administrators?


  • For the Employee Appraisals event, define the timeframe for reminders for each default status (Approaching Due Date, Archived, Cancelled, Completed, Started, Not Started, Normal, Post Due Date).

  • The system will send reminders/notifications to the employee’s Inbox based on the status of the appraisal event.

    How do I set up Notifications?

  • The same applies for reminders for the Goal Setting event.

HR Admin setup Employee Appraisal

  • The Employee Appraisal event allows appraisees/appraisers to conduct appraisals.

  • HR has the responsibility of setting up the event.




As an HR Admin, How do I set up the Employee Appraisal Event?

Duplicate Goals

  • Goals are then duplicated and dates edited. For example, you may wish to bring forward unaccomplished goals from the previous year for completion in the current year. As such, the system will duplicate the goals and you can change the dates as required. The goals will then be available via the Goals module or via Job Goals.

    How do I duplicate goals to be used in the appraisal process?

  • The Appraisal can then be created and goals selected as necessary.

Step 5

Conducting an Appraisal:

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events>>[+] Home>>My Profile>>Reviews

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Performance Appraisals

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Reviews>>[double click record] Talent Management>>Manage Events>>Archived Events

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Reviews>>[Select Company]>>[+]>>[double click on Appraisal record]

Performance Review

  • The Appraisal should be completed by the following persons:

    1. Manager: User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Performance Review

    2. Employee: Home>>Intranet>>My Profile>>My Reviews

    3. HR: Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Review

  • On logon, each of the above will receive system notifications in their Inbox re the appraisal and can double-click on the event to complete the form. Alternately, they can navigate to the respective path to complete the form.

  • The appraisal form is the same for each but the fields for employee, manager and HR data entry will be displayed based on who is doing the appraisal.

Access the Appraisal form

  • For HR, filter by Company (and entity (Division, Department, Section) if required) to view the HR Events. Filter again or Search by Employee Appraisals event type to view the appraisal events. Expand a record to view the employees to be appraised. Double-click on the employee you wish to appraise.

  • For Managers, filter or Search by Employee Appraisals event type to view the appraisal events. Expand a record to view the employees to be appraised. Double-click on the employee you wish to appraise. Managers will only see the employees who directly report to them.



  • A direct search by employee can also be done.

  • For Employees, double-click on the Appraisal event to complete the appraisal.

Create Appraisal

  • Once the Employee Appraisals event has been set up, expand the record to access the Send Appraisal Form button.

  • Click the Send Appraisal Form button to create the appraisal form via two (2) simple steps. You will be prompted to check which Appraisal Types (Competencies, Primary Responsibilities, Goals) you wish to use and the period of the appraisal.

  • The Appraisal form will be displayed. The Competencies, Primary Responsibilities and Goals will be ‘pulled from’ the employee’s job profile. Fields for Employee Rating and Manager Rating together with Comments fields for HR, Manager and Employee will be displayed on the form.

How do I create the Appraisal form?

The Appraisal Form

  • Based on the employee’s job, the Appraisal form will display the

    Appraisal Types as so indicated. If necessary, the user can edit:

    1. Competency: the descriptions of the Competency Level and

      Competency Standard.

    2. Primary Responsibility: the Task Description.

    3. Goals: the Goal Description and Goal Standard.

  • The Weight of each type will also be displayed.

  • Click the Add More Goals, Add More Competencies, Add More Primary Responsibilities buttons to include additional appraisal types. Add/Delete More Competencies/Goals/Primary Responsibilities

  • Employee Rating/Manager Rating: the following rating scales will be displayed for selection:

    1. Competency: the Competency Standard and respective Points. If Single Competency Level is being used, then the appraisal Ratings will be displayed.

    2. Primary Responsibility: the task Standards and respective Points.

    3. Goals: the Goal Standards and respective Points.

  • Comments: fields for comments by HR, Manager and Employee.

Conduct the Appraisal

  • The manager rates the employee by selecting a Rating from the respective rating scales for each appraisal type.

  • The manager comments on the employee’s Overall Performance and includes any Developmental Issues.



  • The employee rates himself/herself by selecting a Rating from the respective rating scales for each appraisal type. This rating has no impact on the employee’s overall score – it is simply for record-keeping.

  • The employee makes his/her Comments.

  • HR includes their Comments on the employee’s performance.

  • Any party (HR, Employee, Manager) may click the Save Comments

    button to complete the appraisal at a later date.

  • The Manager or HR can indicate the Status of the appraisal. If Completed or Archived with a corresponding date, then the form cannot be altered – no changes can be made.

How do I conduct the Appraisal - as an Employee? How do I conduct the Appraisal - as a Manager?

How do I conduct the Appraisal - as HR?

Appraisal Calculations

The Appraisal calculations are system-generated and cannot be changed:

  • Employee Score = Weight * Manager Score = Employee Score (for each appraisal type record)

  • Total Score = Sum of Employee Score

  • Adjusted Score = Sum of Employee Sore * Appraisal Type Weight

    (Competencies, Goals, Primary Responsibilities)

  • Final Total Score = Sum of Adjusted Scores.

  • Overall Rating = system-generated based on the Final Total Score and ‘pulled’ from Overall Rating.

How are the Appraisal scores calculated?

Complete/ Archive Appraisals

  • If either Archived or Completed is selected, then no more changes can be made to the appraisal form.

  • Archived appraisals can be accessed via HR Events>>Manage Events>>Archived Events.

How do I complete or archive an appraisal?

How do I view an archived or completed appraisal?

Print Appraisals

  • A copy of the appraisal can be printed via the Print Appraisal button for record-keeping purposes.

How do I print an appraisal?

Glossary of Appraisal Terms

Appraisal Event: A scheduled occurrence or process during which an employee's performance and achievements are assessed and evaluated to determine their progress and contributions within a specified time period.

Appraisal Notifications: Notifications sent to employees and managers to inform them about upcoming or completed appraisal events, reminding them to engage in the appraisal process.

Appraisal Type Weight: The assigned importance or significance given to different types of appraisals within a performance evaluation process, indicating how much each type contributes to the overall assessment.

Appraisal/Goal Options: The various categories, criteria, or objectives against which an employee's performance is measured during an appraisal process. These options help define the scope of assessment.

Competency: A specific skill, knowledge, ability, or behavior that an individual should possess to perform their job effectively and contribute to the success of their organization.

Competency Level: A scale that defines the proficiency or mastery of a particular competency, often ranging from basic to advanced levels, to determine an employee's skill level.

Competency Standard: A set of clear and specific guidelines or criteria that describe what is expected in terms of performance for a particular competency within an organization.

Competency Weight: The degree of importance assigned to a competency, among other competencies linked to a specific job, when calculating an employee's overall performance score. Some competencies may carry more weight than others, reflecting their significance in the role.

Employee Appraisal: An assessment of an employee's job performance, accomplishments, strengths, and areas for improvement, usually conducted by their manager or supervisor.

Flagged Ratings: Ratings that have been marked or identified for special attention due to their exceptional or concerning nature during the appraisal process.

HR Admins: Human Resources Administrators, individuals responsible for managing and overseeing various HR processes, including employee appraisals, within an organization.

Job Goals: Specific objectives, targets, or tasks that an employee is expected to achieve as part of their role, often set collaboratively between the employee and their manager.

Overall Rating: A consolidated score or assessment given to an employee after considering various performance factors and criteria, providing a comprehensive view of their job performance.

Primary Responsibilities: The core duties and tasks that constitute the primary focus of an employee's role within the organization.

Rating Band: A range of scores or values that correspond to different performance levels, often used to categorize an employee's performance outcome (e.g., excellent, satisfactory, needs improvement).

Rating Standard: Clear guidelines or descriptions that define each performance level within a rating scale, helping ensure consistency in evaluating employees. This is used to define the Competency Standards.

Responsibility(Task) Standards: Defined criteria that outline the expected behaviors, actions, and outcomes associated with specific responsibilities within an employee's role.

Responsibility Weight: The significance attributed to different responsibilities, among the responsibilities linked to a specific job, when assessing an employee's overall performance, indicating their relative importance.

Restrict Ratings: A feature which can be enabled/disabled to control whether ratings can be user defined or must be selected from a pre-defined drop down list during the appraisal process to ensure accuracy.

Self-Appraisal: A component of the appraisal process where employees assess and reflect upon their own performance, accomplishments, and areas for development before meeting with their manager for the official appraisal discussion.

Appraisals Module Updates: What's New?

This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus Appraisals module, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features for performance tracking, event management, and flexibility in appraisal configurations, designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of appraisals.

September 13th - November 1st, 2024

  1. Appraisal Score Options: New screen added.

  2. Appraisal Details: Final scores cannot be updated after appraisal is set as Archived, Completed or Cancelled. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

August 16th – September 13th, 2024

  1. Completion Percentage Tracking: Enhanced tracking of completion percentages for both employees and managers during performance appraisals. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  2. Acting Positions Appraisal Forms: Introduced appraisal forms specific to employees temporarily holding acting positions. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

May 4th – June 17th, 2024

  1. Cancelled Events: New feature allowing administrators to cancel appraisal events, improving event management. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  2. Employee Confirmation: Added an option for employees to confirm receipt and understanding of their appraisal results. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  3. Rating System Update: Adjustments to the rating system for better accuracy and clarity in performance evaluations. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

March 1st – April 8th, 2024

  1. Appraisal Completion Status: Display of completion percentages for both employees and managers to track progress in real-time. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  2. Improvements for Acting Positions: New functionality to manage appraisals of employees in temporary acting roles. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

November 4th – December 12th, 2023

  1. Appraisal Options and Ratings: New configuration for appraisal type weighting to improve flexibility in scoring. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  2. Flagged Ratings: Introduction of flagged ratings to highlight critical assessments. Read more here:

    HRplus Learn.

  3. Job Group Option: Enhancement of the appraisal job group option, improving the handling of appraisals based on specific job groups. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

September 1st – October 8th, 2023

  1. Job Group and Family Options: Added an option to associate appraisals with specific job families and groups for better organization and management. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

  2. General Improvements: Various performance enhancements aimed at improving the overall user experience. Read more here: HRplus Learn.

December 20th, 2023 – January 3rd, 2024

  1. Event Management: Enhanced features for managing appraisal events, including better handling of appraisal timelines and status. Read more here: HRplus Learn.