Who should setup and initiate the 360 Appraisal?
Navigation: Manager Self Service>>Talent>>360
Team Creation and 360 Appraisal Initiation Process
The setup tasks for creating teams, linking member groups, selecting questions for the 360 form, and assigning employees to each group must be completed by the department manager via the Manager Self Serve module. Once the manager completes these tasks, HR will have visibility of all created teams.
By default, managers have access to these features, as configured in the system settings. If managers are not permitted to create teams, member groups, and setup tasks, the configuration should be flagged to hide the feature. When hidden, managers will not see the "Multi-Rater Teams" tab. This can be adjusted in System Configuration under Feature Management with the option "Hide Teams from Manager Self-Service."
Next, HR or each Manager has the responsibility for initiating the 360-appraisal event, depending on company policy.
How does it work?
Step 1 - HR sets up the 360 Parameters and ALL Questions.
Step 2 - Managers setup teams, member groups, 360 forms and links employees to member groups.
Step 3- HR creates the Event Name (optional)
Step 4 - HR Initiates the 360 Multi-Rater Event for Teams OR Each Manager Initiates the event for their Team(s).
Step 5 - 360 forms for the respective Team can be reviewed by either Managers or HR for completeness. The forms are then sent to employees to start the Review Process.
Step 6 - Employees conduct the 360 Multi-Rater Review.
Step 7 - Employees complete the Multi-Rater Review.
Step 8 - The Summary Report becomes available for viewing.
Step 9 - The 360 Review Period is closed.
What are Teams in the context of a 360 Multi-Rater review?
In a 360 multi-rater review, teams refer to groups of employees who are organized to provide and receive feedback within the review process. These teams can be structured in various ways to ensure comprehensive and balanced evaluations. The main types of teams include:
1. Departmental Teams (Non-Cross-Functional): Comprised of members from the same department, focusing on specific departmental objectives and feedback.
2. Cross-Functional Teams: Include members from different departments, providing a broader perspective and more diverse feedback on performance.
Teams are linked to one or more member groups, which define the specific responsibilities of each team member in the review process. For example:
• Peer Group: Members rate each other.
• Direct Report Group: Employees rate their manager.
• Manager Group: Managers rate their direct reports.
The structure and composition of these teams ensure that feedback is gathered from various perspectives, promoting a well-rounded assessment of an employee's performance.
How does it work?
1. Teams and their associated member groups are created by Managers from the Manager Self Service module. By Default, these teams are then visible to HR personnel via the 360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Setup>>Teams.
2. Teams can be duplicated so that they can be linked to multiple events.
How to Create a Team?
What are Member Groups?
Navigation: Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Setup>>Teams>>[New Member Group]
Member Groups
Member Groups specify the responsibilities that employees have in the 360-review process. 360 questions, when created, must be linked to one or more member groups to ensure the relevant questions are available when creating the 360-review form.
All teams must be associated with one or more member groups, and all employees participating in the 360-review process must be assigned to one or more member groups within their respective team. This ensures clear roles and responsibilities in the review process.
The member groups differ for teams that are cross-functional or non-cross-functional and this is outlined in the tables below.
Linking Member Groups
Table showing Non-Cross-Functional Member Groups
Non-Cross-Functional Member Group
Employees rate their own performance
Peers Rate Each Other
Members rate each other on various performance areas
Manager Rates Direct Reports
Managers rate their direct reports on overall performance
and goal achievement – retrieved from Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Reporting
Project Team Rate Each Other
Members of a project team, including Team Leader, rate
themselves as well as each other
Direct Reports Rate Manager
Employees rate their manager on leadership and management
skills – retrieved from
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>Reporting Relationships
Customers Rate Employee
Not currently available. Instead, HR rates
employees which MUST be visible to both employees and employees’ manager.
Table showing Cross-Functional Member Groups
Cross-Functional Member Group
Employees rate their own performance
Peers Rate Each Other
Members rate each other on various performance areas
Project Team Rate Each Other
Members of a project team, including Team Leader, rate
themselves as well as each other
Team Leader’s Manager Rates Team Leader
Team leader’s manager rate team leader (with option to
add/delete a manager) – retrieved from
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Reporting Relationships
Team Leader’s Direct
Reports Rate Team Leader
leader’s direct reports rate team leader on leadership and management skills
(with option to add/delete direct reports) – retrieved from
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Reporting Relationships
Customers Rate
Cross-Functional Team
Not currently available. Instead, HR rates team members
which MUST be visible to ALL members of the team, including team leader.
What are the steps to set up a 360 Review Form for Cross Functional and Non-Cross Functional Teams?
Creating the 360 Form
There are four essential steps for the Manager when creating a 360 form:
1. Create Teams: Non-Cross-Functional or Cross-Functional Team.
2.Create Member Groups
3.Select Questions
4. Add Employees to the Member Groups
•Non-Cross-Functional Teams: Managers can only select employees from within their department.
•Cross-Functional Teams: HR or managers can add employees from any department within the company.
All steps must be repeated to create forms for Each Member group within a Team.
Step 1: Create a Non-Cross-Functional or Cross-Functional Team.
Navigation: User Self-Service>>Manager>>Talent>>360 Multi Rater>>Multi-Rater Teams
How do I setup a Non-Cross Functional Team?
Step 2: Create a Member Group
Navigation: User Self-Service>>Manager>>Talent>>360 Multi Rater>>Multi-Rater Teams>>[New Member Group]
Step 3: Select Questions to Create the Form
How to select questions for the 360 Review form?
Step 4: Add Employees to the Member Group
Add employees from the team who are in this member group. This can be repeated for different Member Groups under this team.
How can I add more questions to the 360 Review form?
Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Setup>>Teams>>[Select Record +]>>[Select Member Group]
User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>360 Multi-Rater>>Multi-Rater Teams>>[Select Team]>>[Select Member Group]
Selecting 360 Questions
Select the questions on which the team members will be rated. On initial setup of multi-rater teams, you will be prompted to select the questions and employees which you can do at that time. However, you can also choose to set up all your teams prior to selecting the questions and employees. Selecting questions is the same for both cross-functional and non cross-functional teams. Questions for selection are retrieved from the Questions set up via Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Setup>>360 Questions.
Once the 360 Event has been created and the 360 Appraisal/Review forms have been sent to employees, no further edits can be made to the questions for any member groups within the team.
Step 1. Setup your Member Group 360 Questions for Each Member Group
Step 2. Click to Add More 360 Review Questions
Step 3. Search and Select Questions to Add to Form
Please be reminded that Questions are filtered by keywords and only those questions with the required Keywords will be displayed. In the example above, only those questions with the keyword Self will be displayed.
Step 4. View the 360 Review Form with Completed Questions
How can I edit the employees in a Member Group?
Navigation: Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Setup>>Teams>>[Select Record +]>>[Select Member Group]
Select Employees
Insert/edit/delete/view employees who are members of the selected team.
For non-cross-functional teams, the employee list that managers can select from is filtered based on the manager's department.
For cross-functional teams, the employee list displays employees from all departments within the company for the manager to select. If a manager is creating a cross-functional team, they can include employees from other departments in the member groups to provide a more comprehensive review.
Changes to Employees in Member Groups can only be made BEFORE the team is linked to an event!
Selecting Employees for Member Groups
•Select the Company to view its Departments.
•Select a Department to view its employees.
•Select an Employee. Repeat to enter additional records.
•The Team Leader is highlighted for a Cross-Functional Team.
N.B. Employees can be deleted as required.